It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

A small rename so that the "GOG 2nd class helper" browser extension works: "Men of War" should be "Men of War™" with that ™ on top.

Patrxgt: Soldiers: Heroes of World War II got an update on Steam that modernized the game with more modern APIs, proper 4K support and achievements. Best Way employee said that they plan to port it to GOG build, but it will take them a lot of time since game's multiplayer structure is now based on Steamworks networking.

Here are some links about that:
The game's on the list also for missing French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Any news to that?
Post edited 4 days ago by ERBlank
Divinity: Dragon Commander, Divinity: Original Sin, Divinity Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate 3
Reason: No TURN relay functionality in Larian NatPunch, meaning CGNAT/Dual Stack Lite players cannot host without tunneling solutions such as Hamachi, while the Steam versions of these games use Steam Datagram Relay to build tunnels between Steam players.
Post edited 4 days ago by Ettanin
Ettanin: Divinity: Dragon Commander, Divinity: Original Sin, Divinity Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate 3
Reason: No TURN relay functionality in Larian NatPunch, meaning CGNAT/Dual Stack Lite players cannot host without tunneling solutions such as Hamachi, while the Steam versions of these games use Steam Datagram Relay to build tunnels between Steam players.
Forgive me since I'm not very technical on that matter (and I did not play BG3 on GOG), but from what I found it appears to be more of an issue between Galaxy and Steam than between the different versions of the game themselves. Which is certainly of importance but I'm not sure if it perfectly fits the matter of this thread. Have you tried contacting Larian about the issue?
Ettanin: Divinity: Dragon Commander, Divinity: Original Sin, Divinity Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate 3
Reason: No TURN relay functionality in Larian NatPunch, meaning CGNAT/Dual Stack Lite players cannot host without tunneling solutions such as Hamachi, while the Steam versions of these games use Steam Datagram Relay to build tunnels between Steam players.
ERBlank: Forgive me since I'm not very technical on that matter (and I did not play BG3 on GOG), but from what I found it appears to be more of an issue between Galaxy and Steam than between the different versions of the game themselves. Which is certainly of importance but I'm not sure if it perfectly fits the matter of this thread. Have you tried contacting Larian about the issue?
Search for the frequent NatPunch error 66 issues. They happen because direct connectivity is impossible because Larian doesn't offer a workaround for non-Steam users.

CGNAT/Dual Stack Lite connections cannot accept incoming IPv4 connections directly, which is a requirement for peer-to-peer games to work. As said above, not an issue for Steam users, but a big issue for everyone else.

Therefore i believe that function parity between GOG and Steam version is not given and therefore these games should be added to the list.
Post edited 4 days ago by Ettanin
Are you sure about direct connection ?

I'm completed Original Sin with my friend on GOG version both.
Also completed Original Sin 2 with GOG version on my side & steam version on my friend side.

I was a host - my friend joined via direct ip connetion without any problems.
Edward_Carnby: Are you sure about direct connection ?

I'm completed Original Sin with my friend on GOG version both.
Also completed Original Sin 2 with GOG version on my side & steam version on my friend side.

I was a host - my friend joined via direct ip connetion without any problems.
yes i am certain and can even prove it using my own connections (i got two 5G data SIMs that i can intentionally configure to be behind CGNAT by using the default APNs)

If one of the players (either the host or all clients) has a dedicated IPv4 address, no issues will occur. If none has, natpunch 66. Direct connection by IP instead of server word will of course fail if host is behind CGNAT.

Larian NatPunch can perform STUN and connection reversal (if host is behind CGNAT but client isn't) but it does not relay between players like SDR does.
Post edited 4 days ago by Ettanin
My point wasn't about contradicting the existence of such an issue. But from what I'm understanding this issue stems from the different features of Galaxy vs Steam rather than a different treatment of the games themselves. Something that developers may not have the possibility to solve at all. Have you tried reaching out for them?

Succubus received all DLCs that are present on Steam.Two issues remain however:

1 There's still no "Ultimate Edition" discount bundle on GOG, meaning that DLCs must be bought individually at full price.

2 Hungarian doesn't appear as an available language on the GOG store page of the base game, yet it does appear in the store pages of DLCs. Considering how strange that sounds and that, according to GOGdb, the game was last updated after the final update on Steam, I'm inclined to believe this must be an oversight from GOG and Hungarian is actually there. Would be useful to have a confirmation.
ERBlank: My point wasn't about contradicting the existence of such an issue. But from what I'm understanding this issue stems from the different features of Galaxy vs Steam rather than a different treatment of the games themselves. Something that developers may not have the possibility to solve at all. Have you tried reaching out for them?
Steam and GOG connectivity is given if one side (either the Steam player or the GOG player) has a dedicated IPv4 address. But only then. Try getting a dedicated IPv4 address with most ISPs.
And again, it's not just Steam to GOG, it also applies to GOG to GOG. GOG Galaxy doesn't have relays, either.

It's a two-class issue here. Larian could easily solve this issue by implementing and maintaining TURN relays in their NatPunch solution, but they don't. Instead they shove the responsibility of connectivity to the players (buy on Steam or use third-party tools).
Post edited 4 days ago by Ettanin
Ganni1987: I could forgive the lack of maps, but the other changes would be nice.
MarkoH01: I told him the same. My exact words were:

"This might have been the main focus but according to your changenotes there's more."

Then I posted the rest of the changelog. He did not reply anymore after this, so I can't say if he's planning to update these or not.
This is a very good example why I don't like steam workshop in its current form. Because of that usage of its content gog wont get that updade because the devs won't just rework the patch only for the balance changes - it is all or nothing. This is really what bothers me about steam. I always hear how it is monopoly and stuff but no one really bothers them for the right things in my eyes - like the workshop for example. Or even the steam deck.
MarkoH01: I told him the same. My exact words were:

"This might have been the main focus but according to your changenotes there's more."

Then I posted the rest of the changelog. He did not reply anymore after this, so I can't say if he's planning to update these or not.
Hirako__: This is a very good example why I don't like steam workshop in its current form. Because of that usage of its content gog wont get that updade because the devs won't just rework the patch only for the balance changes - it is all or nothing. This is really what bothers me about steam. I always hear how it is monopoly and stuff but no one really bothers them for the right things in my eyes - like the workshop for example. Or even the steam deck.
I mean, those two are closely connected?
Like neither the second-class treatment in large portion of the titles mentioned in the thread, nor the shape of the workshop as is, steam would have been comfortable with pulling, if they weren't sure in their status quo of monopoly. If they weren't sure they can because both players and developers/publishers go to steam first and foremost. So publishers don't care about side platforms, because most of their playerbase is on steam. Most of their customers is on steam. Thus most of their money is on steam. So why care about some steam integration that will screw up things for second-rate side platforms?
Post edited 4 days ago by Andrzejef
Succubus "Red Godess" DLC is available here since quite some time. The entry should be deleted.
JUSTICE SUCKS: Tactical Vacuum Action
Lots of archievements on Switch, Xbox, PS4/5 and Steam - none on GOG. The game tells you what you've archieved, but there's no reaction on GOG-side. Just search for the game on Exophase which has a look for archievements over all the platforms - the game isn't listed as a GOG-game because of the situation.
Post edited 3 days ago by yannif
MarkoH01: Succubus "Red Godess" DLC is available here since quite some time. The entry should be deleted.
Indeed. I just made a post about this. The only remaining issue is the fact that DLCs must be bought individually at full price and there's no bundle discount like on Steam. Then there's also the fact that the store page of the base game doesn't list Hungarian as available language, yet it appears on the store pages of DLCs, but I'm inclined to believe this must be an oversight from GOG. I'm currently waiting confirmation from a guy who owns the GOG version of Succubus.
MarkoH01: Succubus "Red Godess" DLC is available here since quite some time. The entry should be deleted.
ERBlank: Indeed. I just made a post about this. The only remaining issue is the fact that DLCs must be bought individually at full price and there's no bundle discount like on Steam. Then there's also the fact that the store page of the base game doesn't list Hungarian as available language, yet it appears on the store pages of DLCs, but I'm inclined to believe this must be an oversight from GOG. I'm currently waiting confirmation from a guy who owns the GOG version of Succubus.
Yes, I read your post - did not notice that you also mentioned the fact that the Red Godess DLC is here already.
I do own the GOG version so I can test it for you.
ERBlank: Indeed. I just made a post about this. The only remaining issue is the fact that DLCs must be bought individually at full price and there's no bundle discount like on Steam. Then there's also the fact that the store page of the base game doesn't list Hungarian as available language, yet it appears on the store pages of DLCs, but I'm inclined to believe this must be an oversight from GOG. I'm currently waiting confirmation from a guy who owns the GOG version of Succubus.
MarkoH01: Yes, I read your post - did not notice that you also mentioned the fact that the Red Godess DLC is here already.
I do own the GOG version so I can test it for you.
Perfect, thanks a lot! You should test the base game from the offline installer with no DLCs at all.

yannif: JUSTICE SUCKS: Tactical Vacuum Action
Lots of archievements on Switch, Xbox, PS4/5 and Steam - none on GOG. The game tells you what you've archieved, but there's no reaction on GOG-side. Just search for the game on Exophase which has a look for archievements over all the platforms - the game isn't listed as a GOG-game because of the situation.
There's a separate thread for games that have issues with achievements alone. Keep in mind that GOG Galaxy, and in particular its achievement system, are much more recent than all the other systems you mentioned, so there are still thousands of video games that haven't been connected to GOG achievements. It's different from other issues that are reported here, like missing updates or goodies, because these have nothing to do with how different GOG is built from Steam.
Post edited 3 days ago by ERBlank