Many times.
Games I own physically and on GOG:
Unreal Tournament GOTY
Unreal Tournament 2004
Inherit the Earth
Jade Empire
Quake 2
Metal Gear Solid 2
Games I've bought on multiple platforms:
Ghostbusters the Video Game: 360, Epic Store, Switch
Bayonetta: 360, Wii U, Switch
Bayonetta 2: Wii U, Switch
Chrono Trigger: SNES, DS
Dust An Elysian Tail: 360, GOG (16 times if you're counting my giveaways), Switch
Undertale: Humble Store, GOG, Switch
Spec Ops: The Line: 360, GOG
New Super Lucky's Tale: Switch, GOG
Beyond Good & Evil: GameCube, GOG, 360
Axelay: SNES, Wii VC
Star Fox 64: Original on N64, Wii VC, Remake on 3DS
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Original on N64, GameCube, Wii VC, Remake on 3DS
King of Fighters XIII: 360, GOG
Batman: Arkham Asylum (both original and GOTY versions): 360, GOG
Batman: Arkham City (both original and GOTY versions): 360, GOG
Deus Ex Human Revolution: Wii U, GOG
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: 360, GOG
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2: Wii, 360, GOG
Rogue Trooper: Original on Wii, GOG, Remaster on GOG
Okami: Wii, Switch
Ori and the Blind Forest: GOG, Switch
Dead Space: 360, GOG
Alan Wake: 360, GOG
Transformers: War for Cybertron: 360, Retail PC
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing: 360, Retail PC
Legend of Kay: Wii U, GOG
Darksiders: Original and Remaster on GOG
Dartksiders 2: Original on Wii U and GOG, Remaster on GOG
Sonic Adventure: GameCube, 360
Sonic Adventure 2: GameCube, 360
Post edited January 17, 2022 by ReynardFox