Posted August 31, 2016

<span class="bold">The Beginner's Guide</span>
With a backlog count way closer to 4 figures than 2, I still cannot help getting any new Humble Indie Bundle thrown at my face. And so I bought the recent HIB 17, even though I was only really interested in Nuclear Throne and The Beginner's Guide. Two weeks later I'm still learning the ropes of the former, but at least I've completed the latter. :)
As most of you will probably know (even if you haven't played it) this is One Of Those Games, were any attempt at reviewing it would inevitably result in too many spoilers. So suffice to say that it's a narrative-heavy, short-ish, interactive experience. It starts on a light tone and for a while it can certainly pass for an actual beginner's guide for game developing, but soon enough it starts drifting into... something else. Which, come to think of it, it's kind of something to be expected, isn't it? I mean, this is from the guy who created The Stanley Parable!
I've got not doubts that the usual crowd will accuse it of being a 'walking simulator' but, even though you'll spend most of the playing time pressing the [W] button, you can also flip switches and interact with the environment! Well, sometimes at least.
Visually, it's nothing out of the ordinary as it uses the aging Source engine, but it more than makes up for that in the audio department: the music is sublime, and the narration (arguably, the single most important aspect of this game) is also stellar. By the way, the narrator is voiced by Davey Wreden (the game's creator) himself, but am I the only one who didn't know it and thought for a good while that the voice actor was instead Wil Wheaton? Nobody? OK, I'll see myself to the otolaryngologist then... :P
My list of finished games in 2016