Posted February 08, 2016

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland

Major Blockhead
Registered: Apr 2010
From Germany
Posted February 08, 2016
Sounds quite reasonable. I guess I'm unreasonably stubborn at times, to the extent that I'd rather not play the game anymore than give up on a puzzle and skip it, which is extremely stupid, of course, especially considering that I'm not very competitve or ambitious in general. ;)

Per aspera ad astra
Registered: Jun 2014
From Greece
Posted February 08, 2016
I consider Dishonored as one of the perfect videogames. I really enjoyed my time with it, so much that when i finished it, i played it all over again. After the 2nd playthrough i haven't got enough of it so i played it a 3rd time. By the end of the 3rd time, i thought about quitting so i could play something else for a change but NOOO, i played it again but this time i selected specific levels - it wasn't a start-to-finish playthrough.
The first mission can be completed very quickly, even when you play for the first time, but it took me over 4-5 hours to finish; over the course of these hours i tried almost all the combinations of the weapons and powers i had and generally messing with the gameplay, killing enemies with every different way, jumping around the entire level etc.
I haven't had so much fun playing a FPS since Half-Life 2. :)
The first mission can be completed very quickly, even when you play for the first time, but it took me over 4-5 hours to finish; over the course of these hours i tried almost all the combinations of the weapons and powers i had and generally messing with the gameplay, killing enemies with every different way, jumping around the entire level etc.
I haven't had so much fun playing a FPS since Half-Life 2. :)

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted February 08, 2016

The first mission can be completed very quickly, even when you play for the first time, but it took me over 4-5 hours to finish; over the course of these hours i tried almost all the combinations of the weapons and powers i had and generally messing with the gameplay, killing enemies with every different way, jumping around the entire level etc.
I haven't had so much fun playing a FPS since Half-Life 2. :)

sushi eater
Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan
Posted February 08, 2016
Finished Wolfenstein: The New Order a couple of minutes ago.
I must confess, I wasn't expecting to like this game so much. But, blatant scenaristic incoherencies and plotholes apart, I found it to be an absolutely brilliant game!
Visually it's stunning. Beautiful evironments, detailed enemies, etc. Okay, there are still here and there some poorly designed textures, but you don't pay attention to it, because you are shoulders deep into the story and the action.
Good variety of weapons, if not very very original, they are well designed and almost all useful (all, if you decide to vary your play style).
Epic, absolutely epic moments in a badass way. Which is precisely what you expect from Wolfenstein, right? Well, Wolfenstein delivers! I won't say much not to spoil the pleasure of discovering things, but for example the level on the Gibraltar bridge is masterly done.
And, more than what I would have expected in an FPS, likable and hatable characters. It make me actually care about the personality of the hero, which is a thing I usually don't care about in FPSes. Well done! Of course, as I said, there are incoherencies, but after all, you're on a mission to save the world so obviously some plot twists and things-you-survive-you-shouldn't-have survived are almost a mandatory thing, right?
The story is good too, situated in a world were the nazis won the war and dominate the world and the Moon. It's always nice to see a "what if" story, especially when it's well handled like this one!
Special mention to the replayability, since you can unlock things picking up parts of secret codes in the levels and there are lots of hidden collectables to be found. I finished the game and even if I tried to carefully look everywhere, I only managed to finish 54% of it.
Cherry on top, there's somewhere in a certain level where you can actually play the original Wolfenstein levels!
So, yes, a very nice surprise since I didn't expect that game to be so good. I guess I'll have to consider playing Wolfenstein Old Blood one of these days, if it's more of the same!
So far in 2016:
I must confess, I wasn't expecting to like this game so much. But, blatant scenaristic incoherencies and plotholes apart, I found it to be an absolutely brilliant game!
Visually it's stunning. Beautiful evironments, detailed enemies, etc. Okay, there are still here and there some poorly designed textures, but you don't pay attention to it, because you are shoulders deep into the story and the action.
Good variety of weapons, if not very very original, they are well designed and almost all useful (all, if you decide to vary your play style).
Epic, absolutely epic moments in a badass way. Which is precisely what you expect from Wolfenstein, right? Well, Wolfenstein delivers! I won't say much not to spoil the pleasure of discovering things, but for example the level on the Gibraltar bridge is masterly done.
And, more than what I would have expected in an FPS, likable and hatable characters. It make me actually care about the personality of the hero, which is a thing I usually don't care about in FPSes. Well done! Of course, as I said, there are incoherencies, but after all, you're on a mission to save the world so obviously some plot twists and things-you-survive-you-shouldn't-have survived are almost a mandatory thing, right?
The story is good too, situated in a world were the nazis won the war and dominate the world and the Moon. It's always nice to see a "what if" story, especially when it's well handled like this one!
Special mention to the replayability, since you can unlock things picking up parts of secret codes in the levels and there are lots of hidden collectables to be found. I finished the game and even if I tried to carefully look everywhere, I only managed to finish 54% of it.
Cherry on top, there's somewhere in a certain level where you can actually play the original Wolfenstein levels!
So, yes, a very nice surprise since I didn't expect that game to be so good. I guess I'll have to consider playing Wolfenstein Old Blood one of these days, if it's more of the same!
So far in 2016:

Not Deus Ex
Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted February 08, 2016
Note: May contain minor spoilers, but nothing too drastic.
In terms of game mechanics, they managed to improve XCOM: Enemy Unknown in most fronts. For example, little things like knowing whether a soldier will have sight on an enemy once they move. Weapon researching was pretty interesting too, you never really knew what you would get when you assign a project on the Proving Ground. And I really liked the enemy types too, although the ADVENT Trooper selection was maybe a little bit over-saturated: you got your regular troopers, you got your officers, shieldbearers, MECs, Lancers, and whatnot. So technically, since they fixed the issues Enemy Unknown had, it's a superior game.
But truthfully, I'm not sure whether I would personally consider this a better game than Enemy Unknown, especially when it's boosted with Enemy Within. I really liked this game, but a couple of things bothered me. First of all, the optimization is really badly done. I got huge FPS drops constantly, especially when there's a lot of debris flying (and trust me, Team America: World Police has NOTHING on XCOM). There's all sorts of glitches, like the screen going dark red briefly whenever a soldier gets mind controlled. And secondly, and some might disagree, the game might be a little bit too hard on occasion. I know, I know, "It's XCOM, it's supposed to be hard!" But the thing is, the difficulty doesn't curve progressively, but instead you get these huge spikes every now and then, and then it's smooth sailing again. For example: in one mission where I'm supposed to rescue civilians, I got dropped right next to some mutons and a berserker, which I had never encountered before. Usually these missions start with the troops being concealed, but not here! Then near the end, I had to go on a mission with just three guys, because of reasons. Naturally they took some hits since the enemies are pretty tough at that point, but luckily they could be deployed on the next mission as well - albeit with some of their HP already depleted.
If I were to even consider making another run but this time with Ironman on, they would at least release a performance patch first. Even then, I'm not sure, since I know of the huge difficulty spikes. I've finished Enemy Within multiple times and never had any problems, but with this it somehow doesn't seem like something I would do. I might come back to it a year later, but for now, I'm finished with the game.
TL;DR: In theory it's an all improved sequel, but in practice it suffers from terrible performance issues, bugs, and sudden, unexpected difficulty spikes. As far as XCOM goes - while this was a good game too, I think I still slightly prefer Enemy Within.
Note: May contain minor spoilers, but nothing too drastic.
In terms of game mechanics, they managed to improve XCOM: Enemy Unknown in most fronts. For example, little things like knowing whether a soldier will have sight on an enemy once they move. Weapon researching was pretty interesting too, you never really knew what you would get when you assign a project on the Proving Ground. And I really liked the enemy types too, although the ADVENT Trooper selection was maybe a little bit over-saturated: you got your regular troopers, you got your officers, shieldbearers, MECs, Lancers, and whatnot. So technically, since they fixed the issues Enemy Unknown had, it's a superior game.
But truthfully, I'm not sure whether I would personally consider this a better game than Enemy Unknown, especially when it's boosted with Enemy Within. I really liked this game, but a couple of things bothered me. First of all, the optimization is really badly done. I got huge FPS drops constantly, especially when there's a lot of debris flying (and trust me, Team America: World Police has NOTHING on XCOM). There's all sorts of glitches, like the screen going dark red briefly whenever a soldier gets mind controlled. And secondly, and some might disagree, the game might be a little bit too hard on occasion. I know, I know, "It's XCOM, it's supposed to be hard!" But the thing is, the difficulty doesn't curve progressively, but instead you get these huge spikes every now and then, and then it's smooth sailing again. For example: in one mission where I'm supposed to rescue civilians, I got dropped right next to some mutons and a berserker, which I had never encountered before. Usually these missions start with the troops being concealed, but not here! Then near the end, I had to go on a mission with just three guys, because of reasons. Naturally they took some hits since the enemies are pretty tough at that point, but luckily they could be deployed on the next mission as well - albeit with some of their HP already depleted.
If I were to even consider making another run but this time with Ironman on, they would at least release a performance patch first. Even then, I'm not sure, since I know of the huge difficulty spikes. I've finished Enemy Within multiple times and never had any problems, but with this it somehow doesn't seem like something I would do. I might come back to it a year later, but for now, I'm finished with the game.
TL;DR: In theory it's an all improved sequel, but in practice it suffers from terrible performance issues, bugs, and sudden, unexpected difficulty spikes. As far as XCOM goes - while this was a good game too, I think I still slightly prefer Enemy Within.

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted February 08, 2016

I must confess, I wasn't expecting to like this game so much. But, blatant scenaristic incoherencies and plotholes apart, I found it to be an absolutely brilliant game!
Visually it's stunning. Beautiful evironments, detailed enemies, etc. Okay, there are still here and there some poorly designed textures, but you don't pay attention to it, because you are shoulders deep into the story and the action.
Good variety of weapons, if not very very original, they are well designed and almost all useful (all, if you decide to vary your play style).
Epic, absolutely epic moments in a badass way. Which is precisely what you expect from Wolfenstein, right? Well, Wolfenstein delivers! I won't say much not to spoil the pleasure of discovering things, but for example the level on the Gibraltar bridge is masterly done.
And, more than what I would have expected in an FPS, likable and hatable characters. It make me actually care about the personality of the hero, which is a thing I usually don't care about in FPSes. Well done! Of course, as I said, there are incoherencies, but after all, you're on a mission to save the world so obviously some plot twists and things-you-survive-you-shouldn't-have survived are almost a mandatory thing, right?
The story is good too, situated in a world were the nazis won the war and dominate the world and the Moon. It's always nice to see a "what if" story, especially when it's well handled like this one!
Special mention to the replayability, since you can unlock things picking up parts of secret codes in the levels and there are lots of hidden collectables to be found. I finished the game and even if I tried to carefully look everywhere, I only managed to finish 54% of it.
Cherry on top, there's somewhere in a certain level where you can actually play the original Wolfenstein levels!
So, yes, a very nice surprise since I didn't expect that game to be so good. I guess I'll have to consider playing Wolfenstein Old Blood one of these days, if it's more of the same!
So far in 2016:

Am F C G
Registered: Dec 2009
From Mexico
Posted February 08, 2016
Brutal Legend
Shadowrun returns
Both fun and both quite short, but I nowadays I prefer something short and sweet to a 30+ hour epic.
Shadowrun returns
Both fun and both quite short, but I nowadays I prefer something short and sweet to a 30+ hour epic.

sushi eater
Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan
Posted February 08, 2016
Sakura Spirit
Not a game, just a story with one (ONE !) choice towards the end. Would have been interesting with more choices (and there would be lots of moments in that game to offer the player to make choices) and animations, but no. It's just rather bland as it is.
So far in 2016:
Not a game, just a story with one (ONE !) choice towards the end. Would have been interesting with more choices (and there would be lots of moments in that game to offer the player to make choices) and animations, but no. It's just rather bland as it is.
So far in 2016:

RIP Roy 01/07/2023
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016
Violent Storm is a Konami arcade game from the 90s. It's a beat-em-up but it takes after the Capcom Final Fight style rather than Konami's own TMNT-like brawlers. Standard storyline - a gang of psychos have kidnapped your girl and you, one of three heroes, have to slowly advance across the city destroying the gang members until you get her back.
Contrary to what some puritanical critics might think, these games have always had a certain degree of parody or at least comedic exaggeration to them and this game is only different in that it goes as far with that parodic element as it can without turning into a complete farce like Ninja Baseball Bat Man. I found it hilarious. The music sounds like a Saturday morning cartoon theme, the villains are so grotesque it's impossible to take them seriously (the guy who kidnaps the heroine looks and sounds like the Green Goblin on heavy drugs), and the writing and voice acting are as over the top as everything else.
It controls okay, although I struggled a bit with pulling off the special moves. It looks pretty good. Not as lush as Capcom's games but Konami's games had a nice look to them, too. I wouldn't say it's a game to put on anyone's bucket list, but if you run into it it's worth checking out.
Contrary to what some puritanical critics might think, these games have always had a certain degree of parody or at least comedic exaggeration to them and this game is only different in that it goes as far with that parodic element as it can without turning into a complete farce like Ninja Baseball Bat Man. I found it hilarious. The music sounds like a Saturday morning cartoon theme, the villains are so grotesque it's impossible to take them seriously (the guy who kidnaps the heroine looks and sounds like the Green Goblin on heavy drugs), and the writing and voice acting are as over the top as everything else.
It controls okay, although I struggled a bit with pulling off the special moves. It looks pretty good. Not as lush as Capcom's games but Konami's games had a nice look to them, too. I wouldn't say it's a game to put on anyone's bucket list, but if you run into it it's worth checking out.

Per aspera ad astra
Registered: Jun 2014
From Greece
Posted February 08, 2016
Well you're right, I shouldn't have adressed Dishonored as a FPS since much of the gameplay relies on stealth. You can definitely play it swords & guns blazing but doing so, will lead to losing much of the fun.
As a final note, I would like to draw your attention to this little mod:
I had already tried it by following a mixed approach but I haven't finished an ultra difficulty ghost run yet.
As a final note, I would like to draw your attention to this little mod:
I had already tried it by following a mixed approach but I haven't finished an ultra difficulty ghost run yet.

Registered: Sep 2013
From Belize
Posted February 08, 2016
Game of Thrones: A Telltale Game Series
It was very... Game of Thronesy.
As for the QTE based adventure-light, I didn't mind it at all. If I want gameplay, it's not like I'm lacking for games. While I played this (off and on for maybe a month, month-and-a-half) I also played strategies, FPSes, sims, platformers, and yes, point and clicks. I was even playing an RPG in December when I first picked this up.
The art was nice, the sets nice, the voice acting good. The story was well done. If you like the Game of Thrones setting and have more than Telltale games in your collection, I think it's recommendable.
I bought GoT on GOG in May, 2015.
It was very... Game of Thronesy.
As for the QTE based adventure-light, I didn't mind it at all. If I want gameplay, it's not like I'm lacking for games. While I played this (off and on for maybe a month, month-and-a-half) I also played strategies, FPSes, sims, platformers, and yes, point and clicks. I was even playing an RPG in December when I first picked this up.
The art was nice, the sets nice, the voice acting good. The story was well done. If you like the Game of Thrones setting and have more than Telltale games in your collection, I think it's recommendable.
I bought GoT on GOG in May, 2015.
Post edited February 08, 2016 by budejovice

Future HFIL King
Registered: Apr 2009
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016

But with puzzles that doesn't hold for some reason, probably because it would mean I'd never beat almost any puzzle or adventure game...

Not Deus Ex
Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted February 08, 2016
80 Days
Managed to travel around the World in just 68 days! And with only £70 to spare... Around the time I was crossing the Atlantic Ocean from the shores of Brazil to Freetown, Sierra Leone, I was kinda worried I wouldn't make it because it didn't seem plausible to make the rest of the journey in just 20 days or so, especially since my money was so spent. I sold all my crap in Freetown and took my first loan, thus gained enough money to go the rest of the way. The trip from Morocco to Lisbon was luckily very fast and inexpensive, so I had just enough money to fly from Lisbon to London. Hurray!
I think the game was pretty interesting; sure the gameplay is quite minimalistic and the game is essentially a visual novel, but I think it did a pretty good job creating the atmosphere in all parts of world. I could easily picture myself in each location. The technological babble about steam engines and whatnot could have been toned down, but otherwise it was pretty engaging. And like I said, during the last month it got really intense because days and especially coin were running short. If you don't mind a game that mostly consists of reading, by all means buy it! There are many ways and routes to complete the trip; I've provided below the route I took. (If you're wandering why I took such a detour in Indonesia... I was trying to get from Singapore to Batavia but for some reason which I'm not sure of, I suddenly found myself en route to Manila instead and only then could I get to where I was originally heading to.)
So essentially: England-France-Germany-Czech Republic-Ukraine-Turkey-Iran-Afghanistan-India-Singapore-Philippines-Indonesia-Australia-New Zealand-Peru-Brazil-Sierra Leone-Morocco-Portugal-England. I'm sure there are better / faster routes out there, but hey, it's all about exploring and adventuring :)
Managed to travel around the World in just 68 days! And with only £70 to spare... Around the time I was crossing the Atlantic Ocean from the shores of Brazil to Freetown, Sierra Leone, I was kinda worried I wouldn't make it because it didn't seem plausible to make the rest of the journey in just 20 days or so, especially since my money was so spent. I sold all my crap in Freetown and took my first loan, thus gained enough money to go the rest of the way. The trip from Morocco to Lisbon was luckily very fast and inexpensive, so I had just enough money to fly from Lisbon to London. Hurray!
I think the game was pretty interesting; sure the gameplay is quite minimalistic and the game is essentially a visual novel, but I think it did a pretty good job creating the atmosphere in all parts of world. I could easily picture myself in each location. The technological babble about steam engines and whatnot could have been toned down, but otherwise it was pretty engaging. And like I said, during the last month it got really intense because days and especially coin were running short. If you don't mind a game that mostly consists of reading, by all means buy it! There are many ways and routes to complete the trip; I've provided below the route I took. (If you're wandering why I took such a detour in Indonesia... I was trying to get from Singapore to Batavia but for some reason which I'm not sure of, I suddenly found myself en route to Manila instead and only then could I get to where I was originally heading to.)
So essentially: England-France-Germany-Czech Republic-Ukraine-Turkey-Iran-Afghanistan-India-Singapore-Philippines-Indonesia-Australia-New Zealand-Peru-Brazil-Sierra Leone-Morocco-Portugal-England. I'm sure there are better / faster routes out there, but hey, it's all about exploring and adventuring :)

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted February 09, 2016
Assassins Creed Rogue:
It's fine, considering I hated the first game due to being bored out of my mind. It's fine.
Pretty relaxing to play while listening to music or podcasts.
Assassins Creed Chine:
Imagine Mark of the Ninja but awful unresponsive at times and just a boring slog.
It's fine, considering I hated the first game due to being bored out of my mind. It's fine.
Pretty relaxing to play while listening to music or podcasts.
Assassins Creed Chine:
Imagine Mark of the Ninja but awful unresponsive at times and just a boring slog.
Post edited February 09, 2016 by omega64