Unmechanical Extended DLC I'm torn on this one. On the one hand it's pretty awesome that the developers added a short bonus story DLC for free (~ 30 min gamelength if you don't get stuck too long) and it was nice to have an excuse to revisit this game that I completed some years ago and liked very much at the time. On the other hand, the few puzzles in it were either no challenge at all or much too obscure for me. Part of the problem with the latter was that the solution for them was only to be found by backtracking into another room when I thought it was all about the room I was currently in, and then some things happened off-screen so that I didn't get a good overview. Or they relied on me understanding what a thing was, what it was for and how it worked just by looking at it instead of seeing it in action and grasping the whole picture, and that didn't work out for me. Well, there's always the possibility that I'm just a little dense or too impatient for these kind of puzzles right now.
But what's worse is that I couldn't get one of the two endings due to a bug that prevented what should have happened from happening, in my version, on my PC. I watched a Let's Play video of the ending instead, in which the player did exactyl what I did without running into the bug (but they seemed to be playing a console version, so no guarantees for the GOG one).
EDIT: Apparantly it was a
known issue (spoilers!) in December and somehow I missed the update that's supposed to fix it. Oh well ... So if you're planning on giving it a try, make sure you've downloaded the most recent version first!
EDIT2: I can confirm now that the patch fixed the issue!