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high rated
Please add your votes to our <span class="bold">dedicated wishlist page</span> (if you haven't aready :) . Thanks!
Post edited February 23, 2012 by Destro
I see that people are talking about the Crusader Series. That is a big Yes for me, great games that wont run in Windows.
Noctropolis is a big Yes! Another Great Game.
I'd love to see some more votes for Syndicate.
sphinxfire: I see that people are talking about the Crusader Series. That is a big Yes for me, great games that wont run in Windows.
Noctropolis is a big Yes! Another Great Game.

I was speaking with Jason Ely (lead programmer on Crusader) about porting the games to Windows. He was going to send me the only known prototype of the next Crusader game that was going to be released (No Survivors/No Mercy), which included a multiplayer component. He would convert it to Windows usage, along with No Remorse/No Regret. I haven't heard anything back on the status, but it's likely he hasn't worked on it, since he moved to Prague since then.
That said, I hope they get on GOG!
(I can provide the soundtrack, icons, high quality wallpapers, design documents, everything.)
How about, The Space Bar It is kind of weird, but cool anyway the companies responsible for the game are defunct.
I would also like some classic adventure games.
- The Dig
- The Monkey Island Series
- Dark Seed
- Kings Quest
Also, System Shock 2, Thief II, and Deus Ex.
I would love Deus Ex.
system Shock 2 would be simply amazing. Same thing with Wing Commander's series (espicially III, IV). Dang I love those games. Too bad they can't run properly on today's computer.
GABRIEL KNIGHT 3 - Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
I'd buy in a heartbeat :)
Probably have been mentioned:
Crusader No Regret
Crusader No Remorse
Dungeon Keeper
Dungeon Keeper 2
Tribes 2
Jedi Knight Outcast
Jedi Knight Jedi Academy
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Syndicate Wars
Another World
Baldurs Gate
Baldurs Gate 2
Of course the DOS games would need some kind of emulation...
Probably that games were mentioned already, but what I really want to have on my pc, is Warhammer: Dark Omen, maybe the greatest strategy of its kind, and sadly almost not working on modern pcs at all. And another one cult game that would be really great to see here is Grim Fandango.
And maybe its not old game, but it would be great to see Vampyre Story on this site, i think it would really fit gog catalogue well.
Post edited November 23, 2008 by vamp1r0
omg the number of games GOG needs to get lol I don't think there is a single game left that's not already on the wishlist.
Destro: Please add your votes to our <span class="bold">dedicated wishlist page</span> (if you haven't aready :) . Thanks!

The Homeworld games. Sorry, I posted this as a separate topic.
Destro: Please add your votes to our <span class="bold">dedicated wishlist page</span> (if you haven't aready :) . Thanks!

Whoa, haven't been here for some time and I get >81 pages. I don't have patience to read all of them, so I write if someone talk about this topic.
Topic: I think the Wish List needs a cleanup. I mean, there some titles that shouldn't be there, like console-only games or games that are already on GOG (like Fallout). So, I think it'll be good to close Wish List for some time, remove "bad" entries and post list of them with reason of removal.
Hmm I came here hoping to find Planescape Torment so that would be number 1 on my list. Others would include:
Both Syndicate games (ideally as a bundle)
Both Crusader games
Bioforge (Any game that contains the line "Return the fork or I shall command it to destroy you" shortly before you beat a guy up with his own severed arm has got to be a hit!)
Warhammer 40000 Chaos Gate
Caesar & Cohort 2 (I think that was the combo made to work together, always wanted to try that, strategic & city building in one game, battles in the other)
Settlers series
Stuff I already own but would re-purchase for vista compatibility:
Grim Fandango
Discworld Noir
Powermonger / Populous
TIE Fighter (Preferrably with added magic multiplayer that never existed anywhere but my dreams)
another one for Planescape:Torment
and Grim Fandago would be nice
Ok, some true classics I really miss here:
- Thief 1&2
- Serious sam (first & second encounter)
- Outlaws
- Battlezone 1&2
- Grim fandango & the monkey Island games
- The Myst games
Fantastic site btw