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high rated
Please add your votes to our <span class="bold">dedicated wishlist page</span> (if you haven't aready :) . Thanks!
Post edited February 23, 2012 by Destro
In reference to my username, how about the pc version of Wipeout XL/2097? I'd love a version that ran at proper speed on a Vista machine!
Post edited September 10, 2008 by feisar
Baldur's Gate Series, Little Big Adventure Series, Terminal Velocity, Duke Nukem 3D, Rise of the Triad and Good Old Games. :)
Master of Magic
Populous: The Beginning
Red Storm Rising
Jane´s Fighters Anthology, Steel Panthers(I, II) and UGH! :-P
Lands of Lore series
Bioforce <3
The Longest Journey
The Broken Sword games
All the old Lucasarts adventures
The Tie Fighter/X wing games
Lemmings is CLASSIC! I want that one too! Well, that and Kickle Cubicle!
FurrBear: Just a few I'd love to see...
Lemmings (and the sequels)
The Lost Vikings (and the sequel, Norse by NorseWest)
ARCHON - The Light and The Dark
It's a pity that the very best 2D version of Worms (The Director's Cut) was only ever released for the Amiga. Gotta love the Sheep Strike... ["Death by mutton from the skies!"]
TETRIS!!! YAY!!! (I like the original and all modifications! Bring em on!)
ForensicGunk: Police Quest series
(pretty much all the Quest games, really)
Planescape Torment
Wing Commander I-IV
System Shock I and II
TIE Fighter
Ultima Underworld
X:Com series
Tetris (the original)
Simcity 2000
Frontier: Elite II
Populous II
Syndicate Wars
Dark Forces
Jedi Knight
Duke Nukem 3D
Age of Empires
Throwing my two cents in the pile for:
-Alpha Centauri
-One Must Fall 2097
Heres what I want to see
Earthworm Jim (the 2D ones)
Baldur's Gate
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (think thats the right one)
Any 90's Lucasarts games
Thief series
Hope they come around soon, and thanks for being such a cool site!
Edit: Blade Runner, good call eswat.
Post edited September 10, 2008 by BloodyTears
Icewind Dale
Planescape: Torment
Thief 1 & 2
Blade Runner
I'm sure they've mentioned it but...
all the Black Isle RPGs.
Make a deal with atari or whatever, just get the Dd/planescape/Icewind Dale ones here plz :D
Would love to See FF7 and 8 Mods ftw not geting hopes up though dought Square would bothers
Blade Runner was an excellent game
The Star Trek games that interplay made (i think)
Academy and klingon Academy
the tie fighter and X wing games ^^
wing commander
warhammer 40k Final liberation always loved that
and to rap it up mechwarrior/commander and G-Police
i would say X-com but steam just let them rip
Games I'd like to see:
Azraels Tear - GREAT adventure that not enough people played
Warhammer - Shdow of the horned rat
Warhammer Dark Omen
Has anyone mentioned "Frontier: Elite 2" yet?
I think it's maybe abandonware by now, but damn I'd pay to have it run properly on Vista / XP.