juanlunaco: Thank you! :)
Any good series that I'm missing and I should start with? I'm seeing a lot of "Ultima" games, also Dragon Age and Wizardry but I'm not sure which one is worth as a first buy.
Do the Wizardry games actually have noteworthy stories? I always pegged them as pretty heavy (turn-based) hack and slash games, in which you spend the great majority of the time in combat ... (Haven't played them myself.)
Ultima VII is supposed to be great from a story-telling perspective, but the Ultima games are pretty old school, and not that easy to get into from today's perspective, IMO (I don't think the first games in the series have that much to offer in terms of good stories though).
Dragon Age would be a good choice, if you like the average fantasy story. The plot is not really all that special, but the story-telling is nice and there are some interesting characters in it (also a few different short stories as introduction depending on what class or race you choose; I created a character for each one and played through all of those beginnings before I decided which character to keep in order to continue the main story afterwards).
Anyway, since it hasn't been recommended yet, take a look at
Night in the Woods. The gameplay is similar to Oxenfree but it's longer and personally I liked the story better (even though Oxenfree was interesting as well). It's like a cute graphic novel with serious themes (growing up, coping with loss and insecurity etc.).
And seeing as you're interested in Edith Finch, have you played:
Firewatch and
Or, if you're into sci-fi/horror, you could check out
Stasis and
SOMA (I haven't completed them, so I can't judge their stories, but they seem to be story-heavy games.)
(EDIT: Had to insert line breaks for the links because the forum is broken, sorry!)