Posted August 16, 2018
juanlunaco: ... I don't mind about the genre or the release year, I just want to check some recommendations :)
I'm sure that some (if not all) of the games I'm going to recommend were already mentioned but I will do it anyway :) The Wolf Among Us - practically interactive movie with some quick time events.
Blackwell - even though I don't like adventure games, I like this series.
Shadowrun Returns and Shadowrun: Dragonfall - I like the first one more. I think that the "Returns" has good and compact story (at least till we find the killer, after that it turns into weird s-f horror), but I higly recommend both.
Witcher 2 - good and not too long story.
Hard West - Mix of turn-based strategy and text adventure. The game is divided into few separate stories, but be warned, they are quite depressing.
And of course Planescape: Torment - great story, great characters. A must-read...yyy I mean play.