Tutorial hint boxes that constantly pop up, pause the gameplay, or take control away from the player. They are annoying, and a cheap way to teach the player how to play your game. Don't do this. Teach the player about your game through the gameplay. Give the player a hint and let them figure things out themselves.
Cutscenes you can't skip, which can be especially annoying when a game doesn't have good checkpoint placement. It gets very annoying very fast.
Quicktime events. They're lazy as hell.
Unbalanced difficulty levels or lazy difficulty balancing. I'll use FEAR 2 as an example here. Easy is laughable, but normal is also way too easy. Goons drop quickly and I almost never get a scratch on me. So, after beating it on Normal I went ahead and beat it on Hard, only to be greeted with getting killed in one to two hits constantly. The difficulty spike between normal and hard is so out of whack it's frustrating. Compare that with FEAR's extreme difficulty, which I completed and had a very great time with. Everything in the first game feels better balanced overall.
Lots of FPS are guilty of lazy difficulty balancing where they just make the enemies hit sponges on the harder difficulties and call it a day. Some games are also just unbalanced messes overall. I hurt a lot of people's feelings when I bring up that the original Shadow Warrior is a laughable mess. Hitscan enemies with no delay before they start firing at you, that drain your health extremely quickly, and have no fire frames for when they shoot a missile or grenade at you making it impossible to read their attacks as it just shoots out of their chest? Rise of the Triad pulled that same shit.
Yet, every other enemy type is a giant pushover, your weapons are OP, especially the grenade launcher, your items are near useless save for the invincibility and medkit, and the bosses are complete pushovers and in true Build engine fashion extremely exploitable. I didn't fire a single bullet at the final boss and I took him down in less then 5 minutes. When the game's most deadly enemy is the lowly goon that's garbage.
On the other side of the spectrum you have a game like Quake 2 which is laughably easy (and dull). All the enemies have your typical pain chance frames where their attack or walk gets cancelled and they flinch, but they also have frames of them falling on their ass if you hurt them enough... I went through that whole game on Hard, not falling below 50 health due to the OP power shield that always works as long as you have Cell ammo, and just running into their faces with the SSG. The first shot knocks them on their ass, the next gibs them. They can't even attack me. Similarly in DOOM 3 the spawns are so predictable and the enemies walk so slowly that all you have to do is run up to any imp and shoot it in the face with your shotgun. It's too busy roaring at you to attack and one shot puts it down.
That's probably my #1 complaint, and that's usually just down to not planning things out well or including things to the sake of inclusion.
Post edited October 14, 2016 by CARRiON.FLOWERS