Maverick89: Uplay has a level system where you gain xp by getting achievements, Galaxy could make something like that,gaining xp by buying games, ahcievements, playtime. It's not some major feature but it would be nice.
Yeshu: So you want pointless social media features in Galaxy that are there only to make people with no lives feel better about themselves (e-pen1s power!).
I don't use Galaxy, so I'm not particularly enthusiastic about the OP's suggestion, especially since there is way too much more urgent stuff that needs fixing here, but why are so many people against the idea itself (I'm quoting Yeshu, but this is directed to all others with similar responses)?
Lots of good old games were about getting points and just seeing a number on the screen. So why is, say, Wolfenstein's 3D
You got N bonus points for collecting all treasure on level an acceptable game feature, but OP's
You got 50 XP for achievement Finish Level Using Only Mellee Weapons in Game X a "pointless social media feature", "e-penis power" and "Who's the smart boy? You are! Yes you are!"?
Granted some games have silly achievements like "open the options menu", but these are really a minority. Most of them do actually require you to put in some effort, so you really have to try hard to "kill 10 enemies using environmental damage on level 8" just as you had to try hard to beat level 4 of Duke Nukem 3D below Par Time.
I remember as kids we used to try to get out initials in the high score table of those arcade games (I never managed it...). The video games e-penis length bragging is as old as video games themselves, and not something that started with Steam and uplay.