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Vainamoinen: You're seeing Pussy Riot protesters being thrown out of the Cologne cathedral.
"Three people dressed as Pussy Riot -- one woman and two men -- staged a protest in support of the jailed Russian punk band during a service at Germany's Cologne Cathedral."
It was not Pussy Riot, but Femen. I don't differentiate in types of crap though.

No wonder even Germans didn't knew it happen, thanks to biased and censored german mass media.

Vainamoinen: There was violence involved from the police and the catholic priests (!), no doubt; but none of the protesters were hurt;
"At the time of the protest, however, one worshipper was less than impressed and slapped Witt after she had be pulled down from the altar by cathedral staff." (link below). Also this. Here they drag her using purple ray hoverdiscs, clearly.

Vainamoinen: and certainly none of them was put into 8 months of pre-trial confinement before being put on a propaganda trial that ended with putting them into labor camps for what they've done.
Topless Femen activist goes on trial in Cologne

Vainamoinen: not a single one of them was arrested;
Achievement unlocked! But police did write down their whole info.

Vainamoinen: German people love Pussy Riot,
"Ich hab zwar mit der katholischen Kirche nichts am Hut, wer aber eine Kirche entweiht und damit alle Christen angreift gehört in den Knast.

Gegen diese dekadenten Punker und andere linke Zecken muss mal hart durchgegriffen werden." () Amazing thread btw. Also the [url=]reaction of this woman, which then immediately instructed to act politically correct.

Vainamoinen: and they even have the respect of the church.
Ich lach mich kaputt.

Vainamoinen: The girls were nominated for the coveted Martin Luther Award in 2012 ... but, of course, they failed to award it to them, which would have been a clearer statement from German church authorities.
Of course, of course. Its all magic and fees. How dare I see a political agenda? No, so, totally clear.

Vainamoinen: They will close this thread eventually.
On behalf of Erdogan or Putin, I assure you.
We should make a list with Pros and Cons for Erdogan and for Putin, respectively, and then let them battle against each other for the title "Greatest Leader only second to the Really Great Leader".
low rated
Trilarion: We should make a list with Pros and Cons for Erdogan and for Putin, respectively, and then let them battle against each other for the title "Greatest Leader only second to the Really Great Leader".
Who's the RGL? TinyE?
low rated
Trilarion: We should make a list with Pros and Cons for Erdogan and for Putin, respectively, and then let them battle against each other for the title "Greatest Leader only second to the Really Great Leader".
I have no idea what most of those are saying, but it seems as though several people already had this idea:
Post edited March 30, 2016 by Klumpen0815
low rated
Lin545: Russia actually accepted Syrian refugees, but only thousands because they were Syrians. Most of Afghan, Nigeria ... travellers.... prefer to go to Germany, Swiss and Great Britain to "have women" and "f**ck Europe" however.
How many Syrians are displaced by war, again, and how many did Russia accept? Is the latter number greater or smaller than the number of Wallis-Futunans who allegedly moved to Moscow in 2014 (3281 people)? How does it compare to the number of homeless citizens in Russia? If only a few people are displaced, why did such an inconsequential event warrant a military intervention, is Russia flushed with cash or what? If a lot, where are they?
low rated
Trilarion: We should make a list with Pros and Cons for Erdogan and for Putin, respectively, and then let them battle against each other for the title "Greatest Leader only second to the Really Great Leader".
I say we put them in the Thunderdome. Two men enter, one man leaves.

Who runs Bartertown?
What happened here? Don't tell me this is rainbow-flavoured puke?
Starmaker: How many Syrians are displaced by war, again, and how many did Russia accept? Is the latter number greater or smaller than the number of Wallis-Futunans who allegedly moved to Moscow in 2014 (3281 people)? How does it compare to the number of homeless citizens in Russia? If only a few people are displaced, why did such an inconsequential event warrant a military intervention, is Russia flushed with cash or what? If a lot, where are they?
Russia can accept everyone, but the thing is - the immigrants don't want themselves. They prefer EU for money, tolerance exploitation hole, much higher acceptance of terrorism - they "talk" instead of fighting it.

ISIS Syria and other "tourists" have absolutely no point to run to Russia, because they want a) money, b) girls (they want to make lots of babies) c) try to conquer Europe and change the political system.

What do homeless citizens have to do with the whole thing? The amount is constantly on decline, because Russian economy not only survived the sanctions, but is on the uprise. Poverty is part of capitalist system. Anyone who wants to work, will find work in Russia without problems - but in EU the categories I mentioned don't have to work and they don't plan to. Only around 5% of total refugee flow are Syrians who either accept or deny Assad - but don't support ISIS. The rest are "tourists" and ISIS supporters.

The only military intervention was practically done by Russia, US are useless: they poured several millions and came out with instructor only. Even ISIS supporters claim that Russia with Assad caused ISIS to move out and now the ISIS flee together with small amount of refugees to Europe.

Nobody talks about USA and totally not about Erdogan's Turkey. The only thing Erdogan achieved was to let ISIS oil on the market, ISIS recruits inside and now outside. Thats madness to think he can be "controlled".

If you want direct interviews with refugees, you can watch them here. The guy covered most events, and many have english subs - rest can be autotranslated. The mass media does not even risk entering "Jungle towns" they built and police refuses to provide any security.

Few examples: , [url=]2, , [url=]4, , [url=]6, , [url=]8, , [url=]10, , [url=]12, , [url=]14, , [url=]16 etc
Post edited March 31, 2016 by Lin545
low rated
The issue is that I lol'ed with this:

The meme is spot on. The fact that the high court should improve their Tolkien lore to judge if Gollem=Erdogan is an insult is ... too weird to be taken serious.

Yet the person whom posted this meme was fired from his job and arrested, and presumably still awaits court statement on relative insult by Gollem-meme.

Rather horrible. My admiration to this humorous man, and condemnation of his treatment.
Engerek01: Erdogan gets majority of his votes from City population among young people who were raised them. Old people vote against him. Same with rural areas. Erdogan doesnt get votes because of religion.
Klumpen0815: Seriously? How many percent did he get in Constantinople/Istanbul?
I'm always shocked about how many people in Berlin vote for CDU but Turkish city youth voting for Erdogan somehow really blows my mind.
Did the votings go smoothly or did they get the "American" treatment?

He is evil and all the western politicians shaking his hand should resign in shame (especcially Merkel).
In all the big cities like Istanbul and Ankara (except Izmir), he got around 50%, 70% close to city centers.

Main reason he receives such support is because there is no competition against him. All the other big party leaders are either complete morons or weak guys who cant speak infront of public. Erdogan is charismatic and constantly insults and lies against everyone who doesnt like him. He has huge business deals with the major media bosses so they keep lying on his behalf and showing him as heroes everywhere. He closes newspapers or TV channels who broadcast against him.

Like in all dictatorship, there were some shady votings. Like a 100 person villiage having 10 thousand votes all for Erdogan's party. Also, he lost the first election and somehow they managed to repeat it a few months later when his votes magically increased 8%
Trilarion: We should make a list with Pros and Cons for Erdogan and for Putin, respectively, and then let them battle against each other for the title "Greatest Leader only second to the Really Great Leader".
Putin couldn't care less about entering Europe.
You should compare Erdogan with Grybauskaite. They have a lot in common. ;)

Also, Russia was manipulated so many times by Europe to fight Turkey.
I guess it is time for you to solve your problems not on our expense and our blood. From Russia with love. :P
low rated
Trilarion: We should make a list with Pros and Cons for Erdogan and for Putin, respectively, and then let them battle against each other for the title "Greatest Leader only second to the Really Great Leader".
vsr: Putin couldn't care less about entering Europe.
You should compare Erdogan with Grybauskaite. They have a lot in common. ;)

Also, Russia was manipulated so many times by Europe to fight Turkey.
I guess it is time for you to solve your problems not on our expense and our blood. From Russia with love. :P
could I pay Russia to blanket nuke Erdogan? like please? and ISIS? and that guy that stole my bike?
Post edited March 31, 2016 by Lord_Kane
vsr: Putin couldn't care less about entering Europe.
You should compare Erdogan with Grybauskaite. They have a lot in common. ;)

Also, Russia was manipulated so many times by Europe to fight Turkey.
I guess it is time for you to solve your problems not on our expense and our blood. From Russia with love. :P
Lord_Kane: could I pay Russia to blanket nuke Erdogan? like please? and ISIS? and that guy that stole my bike?
Give Turkey a chance. Europe will only win from cooperation with Turkey. Hard-working people. Erdogan will go away soon, it is not forever.
No need to play this nazi card.
Lord_Kane: could I pay Russia to blanket nuke Erdogan? like please? and ISIS? and that guy that stole my bike?
vsr: Give Turkey a chance. Europe will only win from cooperation with Turkey. Hard-working people. Erdogan will go away soon, it is not forever.
No need to play this nazi card.
Pffft I used to be a communist in my younger days, but no I am just being silly, it is 1am and I am at work for another 4 hours. gotta pass the time somehow.
low rated
Engerek01: Like in all dictatorship, there were some shady votings. Like a 100 person villiage having 10 thousand votes all for Erdogan's party. Also, he lost the first election and somehow they managed to repeat it a few months later when his votes magically increased 8%
Why am I not surprised?