Posted May 01, 2016

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted May 01, 2016

With the deadline approaching, it would be nice to hear your read on the past few days. Is there anyone you find scummy?
Does a horrible human person possess any of the black magic that bookwyrm referred?

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted May 01, 2016
reposting in case it was glossed over:
with the deadline 'less than' 24 hours away, I'd like to hear who everyone is willing/comfortable enough to vote and lynch today - topped with raisins is always preferred, of course
we need to avoid EoD lynch-rush more often in all games, and most definitely in this game, it's not helpful to town at all to play that way
with the deadline 'less than' 24 hours away, I'd like to hear who everyone is willing/comfortable enough to vote and lynch today - topped with raisins is always preferred, of course
we need to avoid EoD lynch-rush more often in all games, and most definitely in this game, it's not helpful to town at all to play that way

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted May 01, 2016

Dess, your attitude seems very very very different this game as opposed to other games, anything you can share about that?
1. I am (d)evolving?
2. if you base your scum readings mostly on meta of players I can see yourself already making inaccurate observations
3. some recent real life events may have influenced my behavior. But I do not feel like sharing.
Your "mad skils":
1. you have some, but...
2. this game I find yourself acting more like a It makes you not scummy, but rather disliked.

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted May 01, 2016
No-lynch may make sense in this game, but I don't think it works for N1. While the OP hints that we may not get much information out of the flip, we need a lynch to confirm what information we will/won't get. We don't know if lynches and NK's will flip with the same information or not. With a coroner in the game, I'm not expecting much on flip but we need to confirm it.
trent - this feels out of character
trent - this feels out of character

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted May 01, 2016
Scum list please.
If the previous wish doesn't work, then I guess I'll settle for a
Vote count please.
If the previous wish doesn't work, then I guess I'll settle for a
Vote count please.

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted May 01, 2016

Dess, your attitude seems very very very different this game as opposed to other games, anything you can share about that?

1. I am (d)evolving?
2. if you base your scum readings mostly on meta of players I can see yourself already making inaccurate observations
3. some recent real life events may have influenced my behavior. But I do not feel like sharing.
Your "mad skils":
1. you have some, but...
2. this game I find yourself acting more like a It makes you not scummy, but rather disliked.
#2 - don't worry, it's not even close to "mostly", it's simply a part of the whole to consider
#3 - no worries, I understand, thanks for saying that much at least
re: mad skillz
#2 - damn, I'm sorry for that, I seriously thought I toned down the pompous this game. Are you sure it's not because it's directed at you this time a bit ? (whereas in past games we've been kind of of the same mind/on the same side of arguments/viewpoints) and so I'm just rubbing you a bit wrong?
I'm listening and following. Can you elaborate on why we "need" to confirm what the flips will be like? We'll find out sooner or later either way, I'm sure. Why the rush to confirm how they will be? Once we confirm how flips are for lynches, what good does that do us one way or the other and why is it more valuable to have that information D1 instead of D2? (I'm not arguing against that it will, I'm simply asking you to follow through on the logic/scenario so I can fully see what value you see in having the confirmation of flip-type sooner rather than later.)

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted May 01, 2016
Quick cider fueled read done. Usual day 1 "arguments", with newbies lurking or making questionable statements, HijacK having exams and partying, and a couple of people bashing heads. More or less the same as any game that starts on D1.
Pings noticed:
1) a4plz suggestions do raise eyebrows. I do not wish any newbies to be lynched on D1, so while I will be keeping an eye on him/her, I won't be placing a vote on them. Nor will I vote for babark or lotsofchickenwings atm.
2) HSL does appear a bit over aggressive with his questioning. Probably the cider making me paranoid, but I don't like that overaggressiveness. Will mull over him while sleeping, then do a reread of his posts tomorrow.
3) Bookwyrm. Some of his arguments do seem like mirroring of HSL's ("Why don't you post analysis? Why do you lurk? How will we move forward?"), but I do prefer not to vote for those gunning for me, since I'm never sure how much is OMGUS and how much is proper reasons. Will try to read his posts again tomorrow as well, hopefully it will help clear if my feeling is OMGUS or proper reasons.
Off to sleep and finish digest the lunch, back in ~10 hours.
Pings noticed:
1) a4plz suggestions do raise eyebrows. I do not wish any newbies to be lynched on D1, so while I will be keeping an eye on him/her, I won't be placing a vote on them. Nor will I vote for babark or lotsofchickenwings atm.
2) HSL does appear a bit over aggressive with his questioning. Probably the cider making me paranoid, but I don't like that overaggressiveness. Will mull over him while sleeping, then do a reread of his posts tomorrow.
3) Bookwyrm. Some of his arguments do seem like mirroring of HSL's ("Why don't you post analysis? Why do you lurk? How will we move forward?"), but I do prefer not to vote for those gunning for me, since I'm never sure how much is OMGUS and how much is proper reasons. Will try to read his posts again tomorrow as well, hopefully it will help clear if my feeling is OMGUS or proper reasons.
Off to sleep and finish digest the lunch, back in ~10 hours.

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted May 02, 2016
vote count / votecount / vote-count
1. HijacK - 1 - CSPVG (#6),/ trentonlf (#224, #289),
2. JMich - 1 - /Dessimu (#10, #12), /trentonlf (#18, #224), wyrm (#287)
3. flubbucket - 0 - /Dessimu (#38, #69), /drealmer7 (#226, #284)
4. HypersomniacLive - 0 -
5. Bookwyrm627 - 0 -
6. Dessimu - 1 - /cristigale (#32, #141), locw (#131),
7. CSPVG - 0 -
8. drealmer7 - 3 - /drealmer7 (#9, #67), /Dessimu (#12, #33), /bookwyrm (#20, #179), babark (#26),
/Dessimu (#69, 80), flub (#204), trentonlf (#289)
9. cristigale - 0 - /Dessimu (#33), /locw (#209, #275),
10. lotsofchickenwings - 0 - /HSL (#16, #177), /Dessimu (#80, #143), /flubbucket (#120, #128),
11. a4plz - 1 - dessimu (#281),
12. babark - 1 - /flubbucket (#128, #202), /dessimu (#143, #262), HSL (#188), /wyrm (#203, #287),
13. trentonlf - 0 -
NO LYNCH - 2 - a4plz, drealmer7,
not voting - JMich, , HijacK, cristigale
closest to lynch is yours truly, drealmer, at L-4
deadline in ~23hrs
1. HijacK - 1 - CSPVG (#6),/ trentonlf (#224, #289),
2. JMich - 1 - /Dessimu (#10, #12), /trentonlf (#18, #224), wyrm (#287)
3. flubbucket - 0 - /Dessimu (#38, #69), /drealmer7 (#226, #284)
4. HypersomniacLive - 0 -
5. Bookwyrm627 - 0 -
6. Dessimu - 1 - /cristigale (#32, #141), locw (#131),
7. CSPVG - 0 -
8. drealmer7 - 3 - /drealmer7 (#9, #67), /Dessimu (#12, #33), /bookwyrm (#20, #179), babark (#26),
/Dessimu (#69, 80), flub (#204), trentonlf (#289)
9. cristigale - 0 - /Dessimu (#33), /locw (#209, #275),
10. lotsofchickenwings - 0 - /HSL (#16, #177), /Dessimu (#80, #143), /flubbucket (#120, #128),
11. a4plz - 1 - dessimu (#281),
12. babark - 1 - /flubbucket (#128, #202), /dessimu (#143, #262), HSL (#188), /wyrm (#203, #287),
13. trentonlf - 0 -
NO LYNCH - 2 - a4plz, drealmer7,
not voting - JMich, , HijacK, cristigale
closest to lynch is yours truly, drealmer, at L-4
deadline in ~23hrs

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted May 02, 2016

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted May 02, 2016
Catching up, and doing some re-reads. Will be back a bit later.

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted May 02, 2016
The wagon only provides clues if we can actually get a lynch today that is readable, but experience suggests a bunch of reasonless wagon-jumping near the deadline that makes the D1 wagon a shit-read and practically useless. I would love to avoid this, which is why I called for everyone to give a list of who they find an acceptable lynch today.
as it is, everyone has a vote placed except 3 of you, and that is at least something from them
the 3 non-voters should really be providing something at this point
cristi, you seem against no lynch, yet your non-vote and arguments do nothing to provide a reasonable alternative - at face value it seems like you're happy to lynch anyone, and in this setup, I find that scummy (dessimu too, others have not specifically chimed in to this regard, though I suppose trent has, but with sarcastic reasonlessness that is utterly unhelpful)
as it is, everyone has a vote placed except 3 of you, and that is at least something from them
the 3 non-voters should really be providing something at this point
cristi, you seem against no lynch, yet your non-vote and arguments do nothing to provide a reasonable alternative - at face value it seems like you're happy to lynch anyone, and in this setup, I find that scummy (dessimu too, others have not specifically chimed in to this regard, though I suppose trent has, but with sarcastic reasonlessness that is utterly unhelpful)

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted May 02, 2016