Posted June 03, 2016

And you know, in all this after commentary, I didn't see one person bring up ChickenWings and his brilliant Day 1 play. Trent didn't exactly draw the Nightkill. ChickenWings did an awesome job on Day 1 pretending not to know anything about the 3rd role. We chose Trent by process of elimination. Hyper made the serious mistake of making it clear he wasn't the Exorcist early in Day 2. Drealmer made comments which appeared to show he wasn't it either. Trent did a great job of not addressing it at all as he should and seemed to be the only possibility left.
here's me and agent car later that day:
"LOTSOFCHICKENWINGS Apr 30, 2016 – 01:04
so just trying to figure out my role - does this just mean that i can remove a dead person from communicating? i'm just trying to see the positive of this role. thanks.
AGENTCARR16 Apr 30, 2016 – 12:09
It will become much more clear on Day 2. You have a bit of advance information that doesn't make much sense on its own. "