Posted May 30, 2016

Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted May 30, 2016

The peeking was a message to Yog. If Yog had the same ability list I had, then he should have been able to figure out my ability, the night action result, AND how much soul power I had left.
I left Flub alone after that in the hopes he wasn't scum.

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted May 30, 2016
I just read yogsloth's post. Yah, I really like the play and players here for the most part compared to other communities. The 3 things I think could use most consideration are:
1.) The lurkers, as previously mentioned. Frequency and quality of posting from all players is important for a good game, I think. The town has a lot of power in this game as far as dictating how behaviors within the town go (such as forcing L-1 claims, hammering, lynching for hammering and other "policy" town things), and all we need is a majority of players each game who have a general agreeance on what constitutes/where that line of anti-town non-contribution becomes viable for voting for lynch. I think it can certainly very from game to game, and I know mine exists in each and every game.
So going forward I will perhaps switch focus sooner rather than later on lurkers who I think have crossed the anti-town line as far as contributions and address them before trying to move forward with my scumspects to get them out of the way (always can read a wagon a bit still if this happens too.) I think moderators could do more too to enforce more quality play from players if they want, too, but it would have to be a good/fair implementation. Players should be encouraged to play the game! Otherwise, why are they playing?
While not strict or over-bearing, I think my setup will have mechanics/rules about posting frequency/quality of contributions that will not allow a complete lurker style (not going to elaborate much here now, don't get overly concerned about this, I think it is done in a fair way, and will tweak it if necessary before launching the game to make sure it is fair/not too punishing. Again, it is important for town players to take lurking into their own hands, after all. All mechanics must be set by mods before the game starts though. No tweaking during the game I think is how it should be, unless it is something dire with an easy fix or something that jsut wasn't accounted for that needs a reasonable and fair implementation or whatever, and so measure should be taken to one degree or another anyway, and I'm doing what I think is good/fair/best for the game I'm going to run.)
For example, in this game, if agent had it simply that two 2-day posting violations received 1.) 1 warning and 2.) a final warning that next violation they'd be killed, and upon the 3rd violation, they are killed, that it would have been okay. I think there can be something less drastic too, however, but something to make sure it doesn't get too bad is a good idea to consider I think.
2.) I think the games can get a little too simple, short, and not variable enough when they are under 14 players. Bler's game was really good because of how the mechanics were for the most part, but it is a general thing I am saying. I think my ideal games are 16, 17, 18, players, and would like to see more games that allow for that many players. It will add a lot of variety to dynamics that will make games that much more interesting, imo, and allow things to pace out a bit better.
3.) Having some setups that we replay would be great. I obviously haven't played for long and would love to play some of the older games that were some highlights/favorites/others want to replay. I know the variety of possibilities that I have accounted for in my setup are very very exciting, and there is no way even half of them are going to unfold in 1 single game, and I'm sure there are things that will unfold that I haven't accounted for too.
I think it could be (depending on how eveyrone likes it who plays, of course, but, I do think it will be good, I might have a talent for setups/mechanics more than anything at this point, we will see though, I hope!) very fun to play it over multiple times to see more things happen and have players experience different angles to it all (*enthusiastic advertisement voice* when you sign up, each player will receive their very own unique player character! Each unique character is accompanied by their own unique flavor! No two flavors will ever be the same! come pick your character FAST, before they're gone!)
Even with all the roles revealed after the game (if there are any roles, of course), how they interact varies enough that not all actions/results would be certain even over multiple replays. And of course there's always tweaks that can be made from game to game to keep things even more interesting, and improved upon!
HijacK, I do wish you'd participate more, BUT, I find your and CSPVG's lurking to at least come with data-dumps about the proceedings that have at least some weight, even if they are aren't as frequent as I'd like, they are at least something more than some other players give.
1.) The lurkers, as previously mentioned. Frequency and quality of posting from all players is important for a good game, I think. The town has a lot of power in this game as far as dictating how behaviors within the town go (such as forcing L-1 claims, hammering, lynching for hammering and other "policy" town things), and all we need is a majority of players each game who have a general agreeance on what constitutes/where that line of anti-town non-contribution becomes viable for voting for lynch. I think it can certainly very from game to game, and I know mine exists in each and every game.
So going forward I will perhaps switch focus sooner rather than later on lurkers who I think have crossed the anti-town line as far as contributions and address them before trying to move forward with my scumspects to get them out of the way (always can read a wagon a bit still if this happens too.) I think moderators could do more too to enforce more quality play from players if they want, too, but it would have to be a good/fair implementation. Players should be encouraged to play the game! Otherwise, why are they playing?
While not strict or over-bearing, I think my setup will have mechanics/rules about posting frequency/quality of contributions that will not allow a complete lurker style (not going to elaborate much here now, don't get overly concerned about this, I think it is done in a fair way, and will tweak it if necessary before launching the game to make sure it is fair/not too punishing. Again, it is important for town players to take lurking into their own hands, after all. All mechanics must be set by mods before the game starts though. No tweaking during the game I think is how it should be, unless it is something dire with an easy fix or something that jsut wasn't accounted for that needs a reasonable and fair implementation or whatever, and so measure should be taken to one degree or another anyway, and I'm doing what I think is good/fair/best for the game I'm going to run.)
For example, in this game, if agent had it simply that two 2-day posting violations received 1.) 1 warning and 2.) a final warning that next violation they'd be killed, and upon the 3rd violation, they are killed, that it would have been okay. I think there can be something less drastic too, however, but something to make sure it doesn't get too bad is a good idea to consider I think.
2.) I think the games can get a little too simple, short, and not variable enough when they are under 14 players. Bler's game was really good because of how the mechanics were for the most part, but it is a general thing I am saying. I think my ideal games are 16, 17, 18, players, and would like to see more games that allow for that many players. It will add a lot of variety to dynamics that will make games that much more interesting, imo, and allow things to pace out a bit better.
3.) Having some setups that we replay would be great. I obviously haven't played for long and would love to play some of the older games that were some highlights/favorites/others want to replay. I know the variety of possibilities that I have accounted for in my setup are very very exciting, and there is no way even half of them are going to unfold in 1 single game, and I'm sure there are things that will unfold that I haven't accounted for too.
I think it could be (depending on how eveyrone likes it who plays, of course, but, I do think it will be good, I might have a talent for setups/mechanics more than anything at this point, we will see though, I hope!) very fun to play it over multiple times to see more things happen and have players experience different angles to it all (*enthusiastic advertisement voice* when you sign up, each player will receive their very own unique player character! Each unique character is accompanied by their own unique flavor! No two flavors will ever be the same! come pick your character FAST, before they're gone!)
Even with all the roles revealed after the game (if there are any roles, of course), how they interact varies enough that not all actions/results would be certain even over multiple replays. And of course there's always tweaks that can be made from game to game to keep things even more interesting, and improved upon!
HijacK, I do wish you'd participate more, BUT, I find your and CSPVG's lurking to at least come with data-dumps about the proceedings that have at least some weight, even if they are aren't as frequent as I'd like, they are at least something more than some other players give.
Post edited May 30, 2016 by drealmer7

Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted May 30, 2016
So... anyone wanna play some Overwatch on PS4? Or maybe some DOTA 2?

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted May 30, 2016
Here's a song for you all:
dodooodoooododoooddinngdingdingdoododooodooooooodadingdangdoodledeedoooodeeedooodoodeedededeeedooodoooodleedoo dumdumdumdiddledoodeedeedledoodumddoodleedeedumdingangangdangdingdiddleedoodangdingdingledoodoodingledingledoo dumdiddleedoodingldumdumdoooo
if you read it all it really is a good song!
dodooodoooododoooddinngdingdingdoododooodooooooodadingdangdoodledeedoooodeeedooodoodeedededeeedooodoooodleedoo dumdumdumdiddledoodeedeedledoodumddoodleedeedumdingangangdangdingdiddleedoodangdingdingledoodoodingledingledoo dumdiddleedoodingldumdumdoooo
if you read it all it really is a good song!

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted May 30, 2016
high rated
OK, now for more serious comment.
It will be critique although I know already people don't appreciate it.
But the state of the last game left me very sad and I really don't wish this trend to continue.
A lot of you obviously broke rule 17 of this game and that's one of the (if not the one) most important rules.
I am saying this for myself, not as moderator, but I suspect GOGFather as entity would agree with most of things and some of them he is going to discuss for sure as I feel they shouldn't be left untouched.
I don't like dramas but I feel like things got out of hand already.
Drealmer, you are incredibly condescending, obnoxious and abrasive player. You think you know everything best and others would be lost without you but it is just not true. Anyone who is against you, doesn't agree without you or have different opinion are stupid or scummy. You always think you know better and demand people to listen to you but you never listen to others.
Truth is, you are not the best player around here, even though you might think so. There are and were much better players and most of them don't have the need to declare it constantly. And even when there are some not that good players, I would rather play with them as they are just more fun to play with.
Yog and Hijack were quite similar to you in some aspects (of posing as superior to others) but it was never that bad. You just take the cake and have great knack for pushing buttons of most people like no one else is able to. It is incredible how angry you can people get while it seems you don't even realise it. By what you post, how you phrase it, how you stuff it into long tiring posts and even how you manage to come off as abrasive to me by your use of caps is almost amazing.
You are also creating very distracting environment for regular play. You post walls-of-text where you just repeat your arguments ad nauseam, you flood thread with dozens of theories where everything else gets drown out while you are very eager to dismiss and mock what others have to say.
The way you made that post of reading trenton's posts from town perspective I found both smack- and vomit-worthy.
You also can be quite rude and passive aggresive and I also think you are often obtuse on purpose to get people even more annoyed and to not have reply to them honestly.
Sad thing is that it seems like you don't even realise how people perceive you.
I don't want to prohibit anyone from entering games but it is true that you make many people not want to play with you and even if you won't be forbidden to play, you may find that there is not enough people to play with you.
Also, you are not here for that long. I don't know how many games exactly you have played so far and I haven't followed most of them but I know of at least of 3 instances that you had no regard for game rules and directly broke them. This time it didn't get you killed but IMO it should once again and that's getting out of hand as well.
Now some comments about few others as well:
RWarehall, the insults you used in this game were quite awful and uncalled for. Right at the end when you directly insulted HSL was way out of the line. Even as mafia there are much better ways to attack people. Maybe more so as mafia, as you knew he is true. We are not supposed to attack players, we are supposed to attack arguments. One should always find some argument to attack, not player. Considering you were on the receiving end in the past and took it very badly, I think you did very bad job here and don't wish to see something like that anymore.
Flubbbucket it was apaprent how much you are upset with drealmer after last game and it felt to me that you ,at least at the beginning, were trying to goad drealmer to do something against the rules and get himself angry and possibly killed.
Maybe it wasn't like that but it sure felt like that and if it was the case then it is not too cool.
Trenton got a bit too angry and personal as well for my taste but i can kind of understand it. Yet I would appreciate if he could be less personal as well.
You tend to be quite emotional overall and I think it would suit you, if you took time to cool off before you post something you later regret. But you're cool overall in my books.
Yog, you should just accept that people play differently and not bash them for it constantly.
Yeah, I am not fan of lurkers as well but I learned to accept it and I feel like in the past we were not so condescending people for it and calling them useless. That just makes people feel bad and I think it is much more likely to turn them off from playing rather than to change their attitude. As in Overwatch (yeah, I am enjoying that game so far:-)) we should be here mainly to enjoy the game, not to play all serious, and one shouldn't be so condescending toward some style of game only because it not up to par to your standards.
I play to hang out with cool people, not to suffer in angerville to have higher chance to win.
No need to call people faggots just because they enjoy the game differently. (not that you ever did that or that I think you would. I just wanted to share my today experience of being called faggot only for saying "gg" after game. :-))
Take it however you want and I am sorry it's a bit incoherent. It was hard to put this together and I skipped quite a lot.
If I left you out and you felt like you should be included then just pretend I am lecturing you as well.
Now you can all be angry at me, non-player, instead at each other and everyone will be happy.
It will be critique although I know already people don't appreciate it.
But the state of the last game left me very sad and I really don't wish this trend to continue.
A lot of you obviously broke rule 17 of this game and that's one of the (if not the one) most important rules.
I am saying this for myself, not as moderator, but I suspect GOGFather as entity would agree with most of things and some of them he is going to discuss for sure as I feel they shouldn't be left untouched.
I don't like dramas but I feel like things got out of hand already.
Drealmer, you are incredibly condescending, obnoxious and abrasive player. You think you know everything best and others would be lost without you but it is just not true. Anyone who is against you, doesn't agree without you or have different opinion are stupid or scummy. You always think you know better and demand people to listen to you but you never listen to others.
Truth is, you are not the best player around here, even though you might think so. There are and were much better players and most of them don't have the need to declare it constantly. And even when there are some not that good players, I would rather play with them as they are just more fun to play with.
Yog and Hijack were quite similar to you in some aspects (of posing as superior to others) but it was never that bad. You just take the cake and have great knack for pushing buttons of most people like no one else is able to. It is incredible how angry you can people get while it seems you don't even realise it. By what you post, how you phrase it, how you stuff it into long tiring posts and even how you manage to come off as abrasive to me by your use of caps is almost amazing.
You are also creating very distracting environment for regular play. You post walls-of-text where you just repeat your arguments ad nauseam, you flood thread with dozens of theories where everything else gets drown out while you are very eager to dismiss and mock what others have to say.
The way you made that post of reading trenton's posts from town perspective I found both smack- and vomit-worthy.
You also can be quite rude and passive aggresive and I also think you are often obtuse on purpose to get people even more annoyed and to not have reply to them honestly.
Sad thing is that it seems like you don't even realise how people perceive you.
I don't want to prohibit anyone from entering games but it is true that you make many people not want to play with you and even if you won't be forbidden to play, you may find that there is not enough people to play with you.
Also, you are not here for that long. I don't know how many games exactly you have played so far and I haven't followed most of them but I know of at least of 3 instances that you had no regard for game rules and directly broke them. This time it didn't get you killed but IMO it should once again and that's getting out of hand as well.
Now some comments about few others as well:
RWarehall, the insults you used in this game were quite awful and uncalled for. Right at the end when you directly insulted HSL was way out of the line. Even as mafia there are much better ways to attack people. Maybe more so as mafia, as you knew he is true. We are not supposed to attack players, we are supposed to attack arguments. One should always find some argument to attack, not player. Considering you were on the receiving end in the past and took it very badly, I think you did very bad job here and don't wish to see something like that anymore.
Flubbbucket it was apaprent how much you are upset with drealmer after last game and it felt to me that you ,at least at the beginning, were trying to goad drealmer to do something against the rules and get himself angry and possibly killed.
Maybe it wasn't like that but it sure felt like that and if it was the case then it is not too cool.
Trenton got a bit too angry and personal as well for my taste but i can kind of understand it. Yet I would appreciate if he could be less personal as well.
You tend to be quite emotional overall and I think it would suit you, if you took time to cool off before you post something you later regret. But you're cool overall in my books.
Yog, you should just accept that people play differently and not bash them for it constantly.
Yeah, I am not fan of lurkers as well but I learned to accept it and I feel like in the past we were not so condescending people for it and calling them useless. That just makes people feel bad and I think it is much more likely to turn them off from playing rather than to change their attitude. As in Overwatch (yeah, I am enjoying that game so far:-)) we should be here mainly to enjoy the game, not to play all serious, and one shouldn't be so condescending toward some style of game only because it not up to par to your standards.
I play to hang out with cool people, not to suffer in angerville to have higher chance to win.
No need to call people faggots just because they enjoy the game differently. (not that you ever did that or that I think you would. I just wanted to share my today experience of being called faggot only for saying "gg" after game. :-))
Take it however you want and I am sorry it's a bit incoherent. It was hard to put this together and I skipped quite a lot.
If I left you out and you felt like you should be included then just pretend I am lecturing you as well.
Now you can all be angry at me, non-player, instead at each other and everyone will be happy.
Post edited May 31, 2016 by Vitek

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted May 30, 2016
I don't know what has or has not been shared by people yet. I'm gonna dump PMs and everything before reading back over the last ~10 hours. Here it comes. Bumps appreciated.
Roles as Rolled
1 HijacK - Good Herbalist
2 JMich - Evil Cultist
3 flubbucket - Evil Cultist
4 HypersomniacLive - Good Vanilla
5 Bookwyrm627 - Good Vanilla
6 Dessimu - Good Vanilla
7 CSPVG - Good Vanilla
8 drealmer7 - Good Vanilla
9 cristigale - Good Undertaker
10 lotsofchickenwings - Good Exorcist
11 a4plz - Evil Cultist
12 babark - Good Vanilla
13 trentonlf - Good Vanilla
Roles as Rolled
1 HijacK - Good Herbalist
2 JMich - Evil Cultist
3 flubbucket - Evil Cultist
4 HypersomniacLive - Good Vanilla
5 Bookwyrm627 - Good Vanilla
6 Dessimu - Good Vanilla
7 CSPVG - Good Vanilla
8 drealmer7 - Good Vanilla
9 cristigale - Good Undertaker
10 lotsofchickenwings - Good Exorcist
11 a4plz - Evil Cultist
12 babark - Good Vanilla
13 trentonlf - Good Vanilla
Post edited May 30, 2016 by agentcarr16

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted May 30, 2016

Maybe it wasn't like that but it sure felt like that and if it was the case then it is not too cool.
I'm not clear on what I did to goad him into breaking the rules.

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted May 30, 2016
Undertaker (cristigale)
You are the Undertaker
Your alignment is Good.
You win when all Evil players have been eliminated.
You are one of the Good Power Roles. If you and your two fellow Power Roles are killed, Good will lose the game.
Each night you may send me a PM with the name of a player who has been eliminated. You will receive a complete flip for that player.
In addition, two times over the course of the game you may instruct that I post a complete public flip in the game thread for the player that you investigated during the previous night.
You can vote. Use it wisely.
Night 1
Had no target.
Night 2
Life has been good to you. You've made friends in Wilderberry Hollow, and you spend your time working at what you feel like.
However, death is surprisingly painless. In fact, there's no pain at all. One minute you're asleep in your bed, the next you find yourself wandering in somewhere you've never been before. Something pulls at you though, and when you follow the feeling, you find yourself standing back in the council room. Everyone is blurry now, though, except for Bookwyrm beside you. He smiles and waves, then turns his attention to the mayor.
As for your investigation, after much study and rummaging through pockets and lab reports, you find that:
HijacK was the Good Herbalist.
Come on, bump me guys...
Exorcist (lotsofchickenwings)
You are the Semi-Compulsive Exorcist
Your alignment is Good.
You win when all Evil players have been eliminated.
You are one of the Good Power Roles. If you and your two fellow Power Roles are killed, Good will lose the game.
On Night 1, you may choose to send me a PM with the name of a player who has been eliminated.
On Night 2 and each Night after that, you must send me a PM with the name of a player who has been eliminated.
The Spectre of that player will be exorcised, meaning that player may no longer post or vote in the game thread.
You can vote. Use it wisely.
Night 1
Had no target.
Night 2
Lighting candles, burning incense, and praying, you spend the night in the apartment room where HijacK spent his sleeping hours. In the morning you leave, confident that HijacK's Spectre will not remain on this earth, but will continue on into whatever lies beyond.
Night 3
You spend tonight in adaliabooks basement apartment. The warm scent of incense surrounds you, wafting out the windows. You use three more candles, placed at strategic places about the room, to ensure that adaliabooks will not return.
Night 4
Going to your secret closet to gather supplies for tonight's job, you realize that you are out of candles. Worried, you cast about in your mind for some other method, and remember the mask always perched prominently on your mantle.
A few minutes later, you're ready to go. The mask fits perfectly, like it was made for you. The robes, however, are tight around the middle. You must have put on weight recently.
Going out to babark's townhouse, you begin your dance. The power courses through you, calling up ancient rites long forgotten. Before long, you can feel the resistance as you begin pushing babark along his journey.
By the end of the night, you are exhausted. Dancing isn't easy on the body. But you are certain that you have completed what you wanted to do.
You have exorcised babark!
You are the Undertaker
Your alignment is Good.
You win when all Evil players have been eliminated.
You are one of the Good Power Roles. If you and your two fellow Power Roles are killed, Good will lose the game.
Each night you may send me a PM with the name of a player who has been eliminated. You will receive a complete flip for that player.
In addition, two times over the course of the game you may instruct that I post a complete public flip in the game thread for the player that you investigated during the previous night.
You can vote. Use it wisely.
Night 1
Had no target.
Night 2
Life has been good to you. You've made friends in Wilderberry Hollow, and you spend your time working at what you feel like.
However, death is surprisingly painless. In fact, there's no pain at all. One minute you're asleep in your bed, the next you find yourself wandering in somewhere you've never been before. Something pulls at you though, and when you follow the feeling, you find yourself standing back in the council room. Everyone is blurry now, though, except for Bookwyrm beside you. He smiles and waves, then turns his attention to the mayor.
As for your investigation, after much study and rummaging through pockets and lab reports, you find that:
HijacK was the Good Herbalist.
Come on, bump me guys...
Exorcist (lotsofchickenwings)
You are the Semi-Compulsive Exorcist
Your alignment is Good.
You win when all Evil players have been eliminated.
You are one of the Good Power Roles. If you and your two fellow Power Roles are killed, Good will lose the game.
On Night 1, you may choose to send me a PM with the name of a player who has been eliminated.
On Night 2 and each Night after that, you must send me a PM with the name of a player who has been eliminated.
The Spectre of that player will be exorcised, meaning that player may no longer post or vote in the game thread.
You can vote. Use it wisely.
Night 1
Had no target.
Night 2
Lighting candles, burning incense, and praying, you spend the night in the apartment room where HijacK spent his sleeping hours. In the morning you leave, confident that HijacK's Spectre will not remain on this earth, but will continue on into whatever lies beyond.
Night 3
You spend tonight in adaliabooks basement apartment. The warm scent of incense surrounds you, wafting out the windows. You use three more candles, placed at strategic places about the room, to ensure that adaliabooks will not return.
Night 4
Going to your secret closet to gather supplies for tonight's job, you realize that you are out of candles. Worried, you cast about in your mind for some other method, and remember the mask always perched prominently on your mantle.
A few minutes later, you're ready to go. The mask fits perfectly, like it was made for you. The robes, however, are tight around the middle. You must have put on weight recently.
Going out to babark's townhouse, you begin your dance. The power courses through you, calling up ancient rites long forgotten. Before long, you can feel the resistance as you begin pushing babark along his journey.
By the end of the night, you are exhausted. Dancing isn't easy on the body. But you are certain that you have completed what you wanted to do.
You have exorcised babark!
Post edited May 30, 2016 by agentcarr16

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted May 30, 2016
So what you're saying is.....
Post edited May 30, 2016 by flubbucket

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted May 30, 2016
And... the moment you've all been waiting for...
You are now a Spectre.
Your alignment is Good
You win when all Evil players have been eliminated. You do count as eliminated for the purposes of the Evil Win Condition.
You may continue to post in the game thread. You may vote, however, you may not unvote. That is, once you have voted, you may not change your vote or remove your vote.
You may not be lynched or nightkilled.
As a Spectre, you may bring vengeance upon those who crossed you in life or you may provide assistance to your loved ones.
When you become a Spectre, you may choose exactly one of the abilities from the following list. This list does not necessarily contain all possible Spectre Abilities.
You will keep that ability for the rest of the game. You are not required to use your power every night, but you may do so if you choose.
Every time you use your power, you will drain a certain amount of your own soul, as indicated in the ability description. This drain will be reflected in the efficacy of your vote. E.g. if you have drained 50% of your soul, your vote will be half as effective.
You begin your existence as a Spectre with 100% of your soul intact. Each night, you will fade a little bit from this earth, losing 25% of your soul. This fading occurs during the Dawn phase.
If you do not have enough soul remaining to power your ability, you may not use your ability.
If, at any point, you have 0% of your soul left, you fade from this earth at the end of the closest Night. At that point, you may no longer post nor vote. You still win with your team.
1. Protective Spirit (Costs 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of your soul)
You may choose one player. You will act as a percentage-chance Bodyguard for that player. If that player is targeted with a killing action, there is a chance that the action will instead target you. The chance is exactly the percentage of your soul that you use to power this ability.
If the kill does resolve on you, it will take an additional 25% of your soul.
You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights. You may not protect yourself.
2. Haunting Apparition (Costs 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of your soul)
You may choose one player. You will have a percentage chance of roleblocking that player. If roleblocked, that player will not be able to use any Night abilities.
Your chance of successfully roleblocking is exactly the percentage of your soul that you use to power this ability.
You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights. You may not choose yourself.
3. Ghostly Presence (Costs 50% of your soul)
You may choose one player. You will be able to privately chat with that player for the rest of the current Night and for the next Day.
You may choose the same player on consecutive nights. You may not choose yourself.
4. Vengeful Wraith (Costs 100% of your soul)
You may choose one player. For the rest of the game, that player will require 1 less vote to lynch. You may not choose yourself.
Note that this power requires 100% of your soul. That is, you may only use this ability on your first full Night as a Spectre.
You are now a Spectre.
Your alignment is Good
You win when all Evil players have been eliminated. You do count as eliminated for the purposes of the Evil Win Condition.
You may continue to post in the game thread. You may vote, however, you may not unvote. That is, once you have voted, you may not change your vote or remove your vote.
You may not be lynched or nightkilled.
As a Spectre, you may bring vengeance upon those who crossed you in life or you may provide assistance to your loved ones.
When you become a Spectre, you may choose exactly one of the abilities from the following list. This list does not necessarily contain all possible Spectre Abilities.
You will keep that ability for the rest of the game. You are not required to use your power every night, but you may do so if you choose.
Every time you use your power, you will drain a certain amount of your own soul, as indicated in the ability description. This drain will be reflected in the efficacy of your vote. E.g. if you have drained 50% of your soul, your vote will be half as effective.
You begin your existence as a Spectre with 100% of your soul intact. Each night, you will fade a little bit from this earth, losing 25% of your soul. This fading occurs during the Dawn phase.
If you do not have enough soul remaining to power your ability, you may not use your ability.
If, at any point, you have 0% of your soul left, you fade from this earth at the end of the closest Night. At that point, you may no longer post nor vote. You still win with your team.
1. Protective Spirit (Costs 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of your soul)
You may choose one player. You will act as a percentage-chance Bodyguard for that player. If that player is targeted with a killing action, there is a chance that the action will instead target you. The chance is exactly the percentage of your soul that you use to power this ability.
If the kill does resolve on you, it will take an additional 25% of your soul.
You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights. You may not protect yourself.
2. Haunting Apparition (Costs 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of your soul)
You may choose one player. You will have a percentage chance of roleblocking that player. If roleblocked, that player will not be able to use any Night abilities.
Your chance of successfully roleblocking is exactly the percentage of your soul that you use to power this ability.
You may not choose the same player on consecutive nights. You may not choose yourself.
3. Ghostly Presence (Costs 50% of your soul)
You may choose one player. You will be able to privately chat with that player for the rest of the current Night and for the next Day.
You may choose the same player on consecutive nights. You may not choose yourself.
4. Vengeful Wraith (Costs 100% of your soul)
You may choose one player. For the rest of the game, that player will require 1 less vote to lynch. You may not choose yourself.
Note that this power requires 100% of your soul. That is, you may only use this ability on your first full Night as a Spectre.