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Multi-quote man
Multi-quote, man
Take me to your multi-quote land
there's gold in them hills to be panned
Multi-quote man
Multi-quote, man

Also, there has been some snipping of posts done to shorten the post slightly.


drealmer7: Your bilnd "kill anyone as long as someone dies" mentality is very very anti-town.

I'm seeing more and more potential for HSL and trent to be scum-buddies, going for the win by seeming to play against each other and 1 of them (HSL) winning serious enough town points to survive until the end. Not saying this is solidly evidenced or highly likely at this point, but it is something to keep in mind when analyzing everything.
I know the circumstances in this game are a little different, but I have to defend trent a little by saying that this has been the prevailing mentality in many a GOG game for some time now. I know that doesn't make it right, but a lot of people do advocate for it almost every game. It's actually gotten to the point where I'm not really sure if it's scummy or not (although I do remember us punishing adalia for it in one game).

Also, I'm getting strong Town vibes from HSL, so I don't really see this at all.

HijacK: You act as if a dead townie's judgement is infallible and couldn't make a mistake, like placing a vote on one of the 3 good roles. That, right there, is a vote you don't want on one of those townies. Let's assume we suck at lynching scum, like hella bad. And boom, we reach a stage where scum are like, 1 less than majority vote. You wouldn't want that vote on your good role, would you? Except if... you were scum...
A fair point I think.

Dessimu: CSPVG...what are your actual reasons for lurking?
Mostly because I share my computer with someone that uses it pretty much all day.

HypersomniacLive: The three good roles? As opposite to the three bad roles, I assume.

Remind me again how we'd know who they are.

Remind me again how you'd tell the difference between a Town-Spectre and a Mafia-Spectre, if the Coroner doesn't speak up or is dead.

Also, amazing scum-hunting.
While I don't like HijacK's lurking or current actions, I think you're being a bit dismissive here.

While the likelihood of such an event may seem low, it could be possible that a Spectre-train (this is the name of my new screamo band, we sing about the pain of standing in lines that are slightly too long, bringing about our blood-soaked kingdom of pain, and how we felt that one time Jenny Damascus from AP Math once told us she wouldn't go out with us because she didn't, "Date weirdo emo losers that drive around in the Mystery Machines ugly brother.") could form on one of the three Good roles that could result in a lynch due to them being unable to unvote.

lotsofchickenwings: Trying quite again. -- I don't disagree with you. Would love to hear more about why Hijack or trentwolf ?
Trenton because of his continued misrepresentations of certain posts and his aggressive behaviour which I find to be out of step with his usual play.

HijacK because he lurked for most of yesterday and has still not contributed all that much today, and when he has, it has mostly been it act in his own self-interest (given, we all do this) and not to advance any of the proceedings.


I have more notes to contribute, as I am up to date with all of the posts, but I am going to do the next bit in the form of a reply to drealmer, mainly to retain the links he made in his long post about trenton (#521).
HypersomniacLive: Was this childish reaction really necessary?
drealmer7: getting personal now??? *ping*

if this message of yours isn't a scum tactic then: I found what I said to be fucking HILARIOUS, and intended it in light and good humor for all (especially trent!) sucks you couldn't see it that way (I don't want to get into why you thought it was childish or defend/explain it more than that, it's a bad line to go on for the game, I think.) Maybe you're already convinced I'm childish and so you view anything you can find as me being childish?

interesting, trent still thinks I'm very likely scum buuut now HijacK is more likely? Wow, he just contradicts himself all over the place! wriggling scum indeed! (I think!)

BEAUTIFUL DAY after about 2 weeks of cold nights and rainy days. I'M OUT IN IT (just inside for lunch!)
How exactly am I contradicting myself? I think you're likely scum, I have no proof of it except for your actions. I think Hijacks actions have been more scummy than yours so my vote is on him. So once again you're wrong. Anything else you would like to say and get wrong?
drealmer7: this process will nitpick and comment on almost every single post by persons on my wagon that I see that I think COULD be relevant to rooting out Evil, some of it is baseless, some of it is founded, all of it is assuming the player to be Evil (and so will seem very conspiracy theorist, which is the point, to find out if I+the rest of you think the conspiracy theory has merit or is too far-fetched or unlikely), for the purpose of following the logic of IF they are Evil...(1 player at a time per post in order to keep things organized) - 1st :

trentonlf -

1. This could be 1 Evil telling another Evil this is not the route to go as it draws suspicion and to get off such a line of pursuit, it could also be 1 Evil telling 1 Good the standard position, trying to look like they are Good.

2. trent shocks the world with an admission that no-lynch could be a viable option. I run things through my head and agree and then he either backpedals a little or hadn't fully articulated himself in the previous post. My thought is that he ran it back through his head and realized how much it could hinder Evil's advantage if there was a no-lynch, and wishes he had never said anything about it. This could also very likely be that he's reserving the option to endorse no-lynch if his Evil-self or an Evil-buddy face lynch. One of his scum-buddies wagons gets going and suddenly he whips out "actually today might be a good day to no-lynch!" No evidence for this, of course, but still quite possible.

3. if Evil this is a safe opportunity for him to appear towny without actually helping town (and if a4plz is his Evil-buddy it gives basis for busing later.)

4. he then votes me for...I'm not sure why, maybe he is frustrated Evil because at almost 300 posts no one has really provided themselves as a good "target" for him and his fellow Evil-doers, and so tries to get me going.

5. then there's this

6. here he appears to elaborate a little more (oh, now it's maybe 'viable later in the game' ["when one of my Evil-buddies has a wagon on them], but doesn't really tell us WHY he thinks it is a bad idea, just that it is because we need to know what flips are going to be like first? I don't follow that logic at all and would like to understand why town needs to know what flips are going to be like RIGHT AWAY. I think it much more benefits Evil to have that knowledge and I think it's possible he does too and desperately wants it.

7. here he completely misrepresents me saying that I said not agreeing with me is anti-town, when what I said is clearly "refusing to even consider what I say is anti-town." and then he tries to paint me as "the man who usually gets it wrong." Ummm, I'm often right, actually, and if I pose 10 alternate theories at once, even if 1 of them is right, 9 are wrong, and that isn't a basis for saying "I usually get it wrong", because I'm not strictly saying "THIS IS RIGHT", all I ever mean to say is "this is POSSIBLE" - if I think something is absolutely right, I say it explicitly, which I've also done a few times (most memorable 2 is that JMich was town in Vitek's game and that bler was scum in flub's game.)

8. and [url=]here he gets rather hostile at me for sharing my vote counts and not being the moderator. Plenty of games plenty of players share a vote count when the mod hasn't in a bit and I've never seen anyone say anything about it, I think he's just searching for reasons to paint me in a bad light and trying to get me to actually be a distraction (he simply could not look at those posts, as can anyone who didn't like them, I have no idea how they are unhelpful or a distraction, but arguing about whether they are helpful or a distraction would have been more distracting than they were by themselves, which I think is what trent was going for, trying to make it seem like I was the one causing distraction, when the distraction really would have been his continuous taking issue with it.)

9. here he claims flubbucket is being helpful and more involved...You mean because he agreed with you about me once and poked at me once or twice? I obviously haven't done this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ with flubb yet, but I look forward to going back and seeing what helpful involvement he has contributed, because I don't recall any. Evil-buddies, perhaps.

10. [url=]claimsof me being anti-town, but not actually saying HOW (which I've called for him to elaborate on a few times since, and he has not.) For the record, I've been scum all of 2 times, and I didn't find it hard to appear town at all (oh no, lynch me out of fear of my mad skillz! *sarcasm*) 1st in the all-mafia game (where I stayed alive all the way until the end where I gaffed on the lynch of bler) and 2nd in the lovers game, which I won. You're simply making false statements. *ping*

11. seemingly trying to provoke a negative reaction from me

---- end of D1 trent on my wagon analysis ----

I haven't done my other 4 analyses, but I don't think any of them are going to present a better case for "who on my wagon was most likely scum", so this is so strong that I'm going to go ahead and

vote trentonlf

I'm not sure when I'll get to the rest, I am going to do dessimu last because of potential replacement and because he has by far the most posts to go over. flub and babark should go relatively fast but I don't think I'll have time to complete either of them atm/for some more hours.
1. That seems rather unlikely to me, although I do very much like the idea that the Evil players have developed a code based around the use of different flavours of muffin.

2. This is really stretching it. Both of those read to me as saying, "I don't like no-lynch, but under certain circumstances it would be viable."

3. Trent does seem focused on a4plz at this stage, but I'm not really seeing what you're seeing in that.

4. Come on, drealmer. The last post you linked was #172, and now you're quoting post #289.

I think saying you hate that vote due to the fact that it seemed too jokey a vote at that stage in the game, but there's most likely a lot of material in between those two points that could explain why he voted the way he voted (Given he didn't seem to be voting you for any other reason than the Friends thing, he'd been pretty clear that he didn't like your no-lynch angle before then, surely?).

5. Not liking that you were pushing no-lynch is a valid argument. Heck, I didn't like you for pushing it. You can say that you didn't push no-lynch yesterday all you like, but it sure did seem like you were doing just that.

6. Again, this was pretty much what I get from that earlier post. Also, I don't see why wanting to know what info flips will give us is so terrible. That's pretty important information.

I do understand, however, why you don't like this whole, "Let's kill anyone for whatever reason on D1." mentality within the context of this game.

7. In fairness, your tone in the post he quotes here, along with the last line ("I've even detailed reasoning and it should be easy enough to follow, if you can't follow or refuse to even consider my perspective, THAT is anti-town.") do give off that sort of feel.

8. Those instances are aggressive, sure, but do you really think that they're indicative of scumminess? What reasons would scum have to prevent you from posting your vote counts, and how would they even use your vote counts as ways to paint you as scummy?

9. This again, isn't really grounds to suspect anyone of scumminess (at least to me).

10. Whilst I think he's referring to you having pushed for no-lynch, those are pretty vague accusations on his part.

11. Lastly, posting something to rile someone up (while not necessarily nice) is usual play from many people.

All in all, I did not think that this was too bad of a post until I reached its end. We've suddenly gone from, "this process will nitpick and comment on almost every single post by persons on my wagon that I see that I think COULD be relevant to rooting out Evil..." to, 'I haven't done my other 4 analyses, but I don't think any of them are going to present a better case for "who on my wagon was most likely scum", so this is so strong that I'm going to go ahead and...' which I feel is a pretty big turnaround.

You could easily unvote and go in a different direction, that is true, the fact that you seemingly began this as a first step in the inquisition of your wagon and ended it with a vote for trenton on pretty tenuous things, is somewhat scummy to me.


Last bit of notes incoming. I apologise for dumping all of this on everyone, but I had to catch up and get it out there.
JMich: So it's simple: I'm comfortable with no-lynch in a situation where the only other option is lynching someone I view as likely town (or if I have some sort of confirmation via a role or other mechanic and am actually certain. Of course, one is always certain of the self too.)
This quote does not resemble what I remember of your actions on D1, though.

Maybe I need to go and have a re-read, but your stance on no-lynch did not seem like it was an either-or matter yesterday. Sure, at some stage you voted trenton, but you also voted no-lynch and advocated for it much more than you advocated for a trenton wagon (I could be mistaken about this fact, though, as I haven't gone to check).

babark: No vote yet, but to be honest, I'm still leaning towards drealmer7.
I'm not going to quote the whole thing, but I did want to say that I like your contributions when you manage them, so please do try to post more.

HypersomniacLive: No chanting, it was just how I chose to reply to drealmer7's question if I were Scum. It's inspired by this, but since none of you made the connection, I can only assume that no-one has read the book or watched the film.
I've watched that film, and I think flub alluded to it yesterday at some point, I just can't remember a thing about it. As for the 'chanting': fair enough, I guess.

trentonlf: The best idea I have is to lynch you and move on.
This is, again, a terribly strange post.

trentonlf: All right I'm done with my little experiment. I decided half way through Day 1 to change my meta up and get overly aggressive with someone, and man drealmer do you make it easy, to see what responses I could elicit from other players.
I don't know where to start with this - You what!?

Basically everything you say from this point onward is WIFOM, as you're either Town that tried to execute an experiment and that is now revealing this fact to us for some reason, or you're Mafia and beating a hasty retreat from an unpopular position that has made you the center of attention for too long.

I think I need to lie down.

Here's to hoping this won't merge (the time stamp says 13 minutes).

Multi-quote man
took my hand
led me to his pretty land
there were gold nuggets panned
up in the rolling hills of Multi-quote land
Multi-quote, man
CSPVG: This quote does not resemble what I remember of your actions on D1, though.

Maybe I need to go and have a re-read, but your stance on no-lynch did not seem like it was an either-or matter yesterday. Sure, at some stage you voted trenton, but you also voted no-lynch and advocated for it much more than you advocated for a trenton wagon (I could be mistaken about this fact, though, as I haven't gone to check).

I'm not going to quote the whole thing, but I did want to say that I like your contributions when you manage them, so please do try to post more.

I've watched that film, and I think flub alluded to it yesterday at some point, I just can't remember a thing about it. As for the 'chanting': fair enough, I guess.

This is, again, a terribly strange post.

I don't know where to start with this - You what!?

Basically everything you say from this point onward is WIFOM, as you're either Town that tried to execute an experiment and that is now revealing this fact to us for some reason, or you're Mafia and beating a hasty retreat from an unpopular position that has made you the center of attention for too long.

I think I need to lie down.

Here's to hoping this won't merge (the time stamp says 13 minutes).

Multi-quote man
took my hand
led me to his pretty land
there were gold nuggets panned
up in the rolling hills of Multi-quote land
Multi-quote, man
I am revealing it now because I believe Hijack is scum and it's no longer necessary for me to continue with what I was doing. Plus I honestly did not like being overly aggressive like that, but I still think I got good info from it.
Thank you CSPVG
TheGOGfather: Thank you CSPVG
Does this mean I'm now a capo?

Trenton: Instead of just having a lie down, I'm going to throw myself into a skip where I will sit and cry for awhile.
TheGOGfather: Thank you CSPVG
CSPVG: Does this mean I'm now a capo?

Trenton: Instead of just having a lie down, I'm going to throw myself into a skip where I will sit and cry for awhile.
Do you need a blanket to wrap yourself in and maybe a bottle of alcohol to help ease the pain?
trentonlf: Do you need a blanket to wrap yourself in and maybe a bottle of alcohol to help ease the pain?
That would be mighty kind, but it's more about wallowing in the misery of it all.
cristigale: [...]

If you are scum, I’d assume 0-1 scum was on your wagon. Probably zero, but a scum may have been on there to gain town cred. If this is the case, I doubt it's trent. I don't see you and trent being scum-buddies. [...]
Why don't you see drealmer7 and trentonlf being scum-buddies? Think about it - drealmer7's always on trentonlf's case when he's Town. What better cover for both than to continue to clash with him? Wouldn't you think something's fishy if they suddenly started to find each other townie, or went out of each others' way?

lotsofchickenwings: [...] Why not say - hey i might try something different. The girl with nothing to lose in Avalon, admitted right away she just wanted to try something different. This feels like desperation coming from you now.
Assume for a moment that trentonlf is Town and he has an idea/plan to cause a few ripples as a scum-hunting tactic. What would be more effective in terms of result - saying that he's going to do something completely different from his usual play, or doing it and watching how the chips fall?
Also, does one saying from the start that they're going to try something different make it more likely to be an explanation for a Town's actions than it being a cover for Mafia?

This is a more general comment/perspective. and not a defence of trentonlf.

flubbucket: Frankly I thought the answer was obvious.

As I stated, the possibility exists only from my experience from older games.

Specifically, there were no reveals of Night Kills except to the mafia. Lynches were different but not consistent. It depended on the moderator.
Well, you know that my experience is very limited, and pales compared to yours, so sorry that the answer was not obvious to me. But thanks for answering.

drealmer7: [...]

interesting, trent still thinks I'm very likely scum buuut now HijacK is more likely? Wow, he just contradicts himself all over the place! wriggling scum indeed! (I think!)

How is finding more than one person scummy contradicting oneself? You usually list half the players as scummy, are you contradicting yourself when you do it? Are you displeased with the attention HijacK's getting?

CSPVG: [...]

While I don't like HijacK's lurking or current actions, I think you're being a bit dismissive here.

While the likelihood of such an event may seem low, it could be possible that a Spectre-train (this is the name of my new screamo band, we sing about the pain of standing in lines that are slightly too long, bringing about our blood-soaked kingdom of pain, and how we felt that one time Jenny Damascus from AP Math once told us she wouldn't go out with us because she didn't, "Date weirdo emo losers that drive around in the Mystery Machines ugly brother.") could form on one of the three Good roles that could result in a lynch due to them being unable to unvote.

I'm afraid you missed the point of my exchanges with HijacK; it never was about the likelihood of such an event.

Please reread posts , [url=]#494, , and [url=]#520, keeping in mind the setup we have, the Evil win-condition, and the implications of all of that in regards to the arguments he makes, and how he makes them. Then reread posts and [url=]#528.
The afternoon passes...

The people talk...

It is not about 4:30 pm. Dessimu is surrounded by a small crowd, relating his most recent Danish-baking adventure.

Suddenly, there is a crash. A window shatters, spraying glass across the room. Through the broken window sails a watermelon, which hits Dessimu squarely on the head. He crumples to the floor.

Pandemonium reigns.

An ambulance arrives a few minutes later, taking Dessimu away to a hospital. People gather in small clusters, whispering, wondering what will happen now that they're down a council member.

About ten minutes later, the mayor rises to his feet.

"This is a terrible incident, the meaning of which I am unsure of. However, I am pleased to announce that Dessimu's long-lost British cousin will be joining us, to take Dessimu's place while he is recovering. May I introduce to you... adaliabooks!"

Dessimu has been replaced by adaliabooks.

Adaliabooks enters through the front doors, waving to the assembly, then joins a crowd and begins discussing recent events.


HijacK: 1 (trentonlf)
HypersomniacLive: 1 (HijacK)
trentonlf: 2 (lotsofchickenwings, drealmer7)

Not Voting: a4plz, adaliabooks, babark, Bookwyrm627, cristigale, CSPVG, flubbucket, HypersomniacLive, JMich
HypersomniacLive: ..................
Well, you know that my experience is very limited, and pales compared to yours, so sorry that the answer was not obvious to me. But thanks for answering.

If I were wearing panties......

Rereading trentonlf....I'm seeing him as more town than scum. The perceived antagonism seems to be limited to one or two players. The revelation of (attempted) meta alteration is dubious at best. I'm relegating it to not smart as opposed to scum for the moment.

HypersomniacLive's posts will require much more effort, so I'll do it later. I have an opinion, but who doesn't??

Welcome adaliabooks, I'm glad you're here. I'll most likely lynch you in the morning.
agentcarr16: It is not about 4:30 pm.
Second-worst town crier ever.

Still better than Jon Cryer.
lotsofchickenwings: [...] Why not say - hey i might try something different. The girl with nothing to lose in Avalon, admitted right away she just wanted to try something different. This feels like desperation coming from you now.
Assume for a moment that trentonlf is Town and he has an idea/plan to cause a few ripples as a scum-hunting tactic. What would be more effective in terms of result - saying that he's going to do something completely different from his usual play, or doing it and watching how the chips fall?
Also, does one saying from the start that they're going to try something different make it more likely to be an explanation for a Town's actions than it being a cover for Mafia?

This is a more general comment/perspective. and not a defence of trentonlf.

flubbucket: Frankly I thought the answer was obvious.

As I stated, the possibility exists only from my experience from older games.

Specifically, there were no reveals of Night Kills except to the mafia. Lynches were different but not consistent. It depended on the moderator.
Well, you know that my experience is very limited, and pales compared to yours, so sorry that the answer was not obvious to me. But thanks for answering.

drealmer7: [...]

interesting, trent still thinks I'm very likely scum buuut now HijacK is more likely? Wow, he just contradicts himself all over the place! wriggling scum indeed! (I think!)

How is finding more than one person scummy contradicting oneself? You usually list half the players as scummy, are you contradicting yourself when you do it? Are you displeased with the attention HijacK's getting?

CSPVG: [...]

While I don't like HijacK's lurking or current actions, I think you're being a bit dismissive here.

While the likelihood of such an event may seem low, it could be possible that a Spectre-train (this is the name of my new screamo band, we sing about the pain of standing in lines that are slightly too long, bringing about our blood-soaked kingdom of pain, and how we felt that one time Jenny Damascus from AP Math once told us she wouldn't go out with us because she didn't, "Date weirdo emo losers that drive around in the Mystery Machines ugly brother.") could form on one of the three Good roles that could result in a lynch due to them being unable to unvote.

Of course, HSL - in this format, it does no good to announce anything before hand. It wasn't the best direct comparison on my part to the Avalon game. What I do think doesn't make sense though, is - if you're going to try something different. Commit to it. See where it takes you throughout the game. It's a whirlwind for you to @trentwolf to try something new and then just a day later say "oh - i was trying to be more aggressive to do something different" feels.... forced.

He really got all he needed from his "trying something new" to claim Hijack is scum? I'm still trying to see the logic in it.

Welcome, adaliabooks.

@ All - Are there specific posts or reactions it would be helpful for me to look at and/or comment on? How can I, as a newbie, add value best to our town riddled with flying watermelon and knife-wielding wives? 568 posts in, I'm not sure I'm much further than I was on D1.

Not sure if HSL is chilled out or genuinely settling in to helpful townie, but to me he seems more townie than on D1.

At the office 9-5 or so tomorrow, should I have internet access later in the evening.
agentcarr16: It is not about 4:30 pm.
bler144: Second-worst town crier ever.

Still better than Jon Cryer.

It is NOW about 4:30 pm.