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Hello peoples! VERY long time, no see!

I see a new game started recently, but I'd love to participate in the next one!
Post edited March 26, 2020 by A_Future_Pilot
A_Future_Pilot: Hello peoples! VERY long time, no see!

I see a new game started recently, but I'd love to participate in the next one!
Hi! You don't know me, but it welcome back (or welcome?) to mafia!
You can always sign up as an observer or sub for this game if you want?

Anyone with the WW1 Flying Ace as their avatar must be nice. :)
A_Future_Pilot: Hello peoples! VERY long time, no see!

I see a new game started recently, but I'd love to participate in the next one!
Welcome back!
You can be on the substitute list for this game, in case some player has to drop out.
Or I can send you the Observer link. But once you have the link to the Observer thread, you can't be a substitute anymore, since you would go with too much information into the game.

So, what do you prefer? Being potential replacement? Or discuss the ongoing game with Joppo, Lone-Scout and Flockeschnee in the Observer thread? To be honest, I would prefer you to be Replacement, since I have none for this game yet and RL may happen at any time to deprive one of the players of the time to play. But if you prefer to Observe, I won't pressure you into being a Replacement! ;-)
Lifthrasil: Welcome back!
You can be on the substitute list for this game, in case some player has to drop out.
Or I can send you the Observer link. But once you have the link to the Observer thread, you can't be a substitute anymore, since you would go with too much information into the game.

So, what do you prefer? Being potential replacement? Or discuss the ongoing game with Joppo, Lone-Scout and Flockeschnee in the Observer thread? To be honest, I would prefer you to be Replacement, since I have none for this game yet and RL may happen at any time to deprive one of the players of the time to play. But if you prefer to Observe, I won't pressure you into being a Replacement! ;-)
I'd prefer to be on the Replacement list :)

Thank you both for the welcome! It's good to be here again!
A_Future_Pilot: Hello peoples! VERY long time, no see!

I see a new game started recently, but I'd love to participate in the next one!
Wow, now there's a name I vaguely remember! You've not become A_Present_Pilot yet?
Bump please
A_Future_Pilot: I'd prefer to be on the Replacement list :)
Great. You are on the Replacement list now!
A_Future_Pilot: Hello peoples! VERY long time, no see!

I see a new game started recently, but I'd love to participate in the next one!
Great to see you again and look forward to playing with you :-D
Bump please! Accidentally hit Ctrl+Return instead of just Return.
Bump it up
A_Future_Pilot: I'd prefer to be on the Replacement list :)

Thank you both for the welcome! It's good to be here again!
The need for a Replacement has occurred. If you are ready to jump in over the Night, please add me to your friends or set your Chat to public, so that I can send you your role information.
bump me up please
Oh please, may I trouble someone for une petite "bumpe"?
Ah, thank you ZFR.
Post edited March 29, 2020 by SirPrimalform
Bump please
A_Future_Pilot: Hello peoples! VERY long time, no see!

I see a new game started recently, but I'd love to participate in the next one!
SirPrimalform: Wow, now there's a name I vaguely remember! You've not become A_Present_Pilot yet?
I actually got very close to getting my license (I only needed a few more hours), but then I got married then we had a honeymoon baby who's pretty severely special-needs, so it will probably still be a while before I finish it up lol