drealmer7: If I don't pick up my writing utensil, how am I supposed to draw anything at all?
Krypsyn: Good answer: A+.
Votes are a lot like writing utensils.
bler144: Bit on the nose, ain't it?
Krypsyn: I am sure I have no idea what you are talking about.
RWarehall: Oh yes it can...how long is your paper?
Krypsyn: Not relevant.
RWarehall: Your dots have a width, thus with very long straight lines, it can be done very simply.
Krypsyn: The dots shown are each mere representations of a point with no dimensions.
You are correct that the paper size would still be irrelevant as one could continue the line off the edges of said paper, but the idea that dimensionless dots exist plays counter to someone actually drawing the lines in such a fictional universe.