Posted October 24, 2015

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Registered: May 2011
From United States

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted October 24, 2015

Does that answer your question?
If not, I'll be more direct. Every Mafia game is filled with bullshit, insults, and chicanery, just like this one. However, each one goes about it in a slightly different way

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted October 24, 2015

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted October 24, 2015
Then why ask it again? Or does hearing not implying understanding?
You mean the
drealmer7: I was knocked unconscious last night. The details are still hazy, and my head hurts. I almost forgot it even happened for a minute there, the last thing I remember was getting ready to perform my nightly before-bed routine, and, then I woke up with a bruise on my head today. part as been details + flavor? That is details? Seriously? And why did it take so long to remember it, even after I kept mentioning you and agent's roleblocked claim?
You are right. I didn't react at someone else mentioning being role blocked, I didn't point you as a possible role blocked target, I didn't ask you if you had anything to say about said role block claim *rolls eyes*.
JMich: Exceptional cleaning inside and outside your door, you slipped and knocked yourself out as you were entering your room.
drealmer7: Yeah, we get your position. Stop trying to roleplay, you're not good at it. No wonder you don't like it. PM paraphrasing actually, and dangerously close to quoting. Not RP.
drealmer7: Are you evading the question or did you not understand it. I asked you for exact, specific information, not some implied or general role (of "roleblocker"), but what you actually did. My action was role blocking you. The flavor of the action is the polished floor. What kind of answer are you expecting? I got the mop from closet 2b, moved through corridor 5c, stopped outside door 7f and started mopping for 30 minutes? I don't know about that. For all I know, the mop could be part of my chassis.
True. Effective communication requires 2 people.
drealmer7: See, you said the roleblocker thing before already. No need to repeat yourself. Either elaborate/be more helpful or shhush. But that was an elaboration.
You mean pointing out that I've already said said reasons? Gee, I wonder who else did that?
Different methods to achieve the same goal.
Then why ask it again? Or does hearing not implying understanding?
You mean the

You are right. I didn't react at someone else mentioning being role blocked, I didn't point you as a possible role blocked target, I didn't ask you if you had anything to say about said role block claim *rolls eyes*.

True. Effective communication requires 2 people.

You mean pointing out that I've already said said reasons? Gee, I wonder who else did that?
Different methods to achieve the same goal.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted October 24, 2015

JMich gives me smiles.

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

more than enough!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Germany

Registered: Apr 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted October 24, 2015
Adaliabooks: 3 (trentonlf, Ixamyakxim, Krypsyn)
Ixamyakxim: 2 (yogsloth, Bookwyrm627)
HijacK: 2 (RWarehall, flubbucket)
JMich: 1 (Drealmer7)
RWarehall: 1 (HijacK)
Closest to lynch is Adaliabooks at L-5.
(I'm not entirely sure that much has changed since an unofficial one, but still.)
Adaliabooks: 3 (trentonlf, Ixamyakxim, Krypsyn)
Ixamyakxim: 2 (yogsloth, Bookwyrm627)
HijacK: 2 (RWarehall, flubbucket)
JMich: 1 (Drealmer7)
RWarehall: 1 (HijacK)
Closest to lynch is Adaliabooks at L-5.
(I'm not entirely sure that much has changed since an unofficial one, but still.)

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted October 24, 2015
And stuff happens again. Maybe. Maybe not.
@ CarrionCrow - I think I recall asking you this before, but why were you voting for me during Day 1, and is that something I should expect going into Day 2?
Happy to. Though it's rather lame.
I do my tracking by getting reports from Q.U.A.D. So my roleblock flavour is heading back to my room, preparing to run my programs... and then getting knocked out. I wasn't hurt or anything, just I didn't get to track anyone.
adaliabooks: I don't like this... while it is entirely possible scum role blocked agent as the one confirmed known town role on the board, it's also a pretty good claim for scum who have false claimed a role and don't have any results to show... and as JMich seems to be claiming town role blocker and not being responsible...
I've got my eye on you. Didn't like your claim day 1, the timing didn't feel right and I'm beginning to wonder if it was an early day 1 claim in attempt to throw off suspicion...
Which is probably a little rich, considering what I've just done... :/ It was a smart move on the part of scum, and one that I was kind of expecting, to be honest. I don't know who blocked me, obviously, but JMich doesn't seem to have been redirected. So there must be another role-blocking ability of some kind.
As for my claim on Day 1, I timed that very intentionally. How many people are let off being lynched when they claim at L-1? Basically no one, regardless of what they claim. I didn't intend to get lynched, so I claimed earlier when people weren't feeling quite as bloodthirsty.
Convenient for who? If you think I'm scum, then vote, don't just point fingers and make insinuations.
Why not? Isn't that kind of what keeps Town from getting blown out of the water?
yogsloth: I'm thinking of mixing it up and doing coherent first, and then gradually descending into madness. Just for a change of pace. Does that mean I'm going to have to read it backwards to actually understand what you're saying?
I just skipped your coherent thoughts, because your rants are so much more amusing...
I didn't refuse to vote Day 1. By my count, we were at L-2 on flubbucket, and I'm not a double voter, for your information.
Vitek and Krypsyn actually seem right on par, in my opinion.
As has been since asked, what do you investigate? Do you really have no indication of what kind of results you get? Nothing?
Sorry about that. Fridays are mad-crazy busy.
yogsloth: Just bumping this little gem that absolutely everyone has ignored.
You disappointed, ix? Agent only got roleblocked by some anonymous party. Maybe Scum wasn't taking your advice? Huh. I've been wondering about that since I saw it. I'd kind of like some explanation for it. Ix? What have you got to say for yourself?
More thoughts to follow...
@ CarrionCrow - I think I recall asking you this before, but why were you voting for me during Day 1, and is that something I should expect going into Day 2?
Happy to. Though it's rather lame.
I do my tracking by getting reports from Q.U.A.D. So my roleblock flavour is heading back to my room, preparing to run my programs... and then getting knocked out. I wasn't hurt or anything, just I didn't get to track anyone.

I've got my eye on you. Didn't like your claim day 1, the timing didn't feel right and I'm beginning to wonder if it was an early day 1 claim in attempt to throw off suspicion...
Which is probably a little rich, considering what I've just done... :/
As for my claim on Day 1, I timed that very intentionally. How many people are let off being lynched when they claim at L-1? Basically no one, regardless of what they claim. I didn't intend to get lynched, so I claimed earlier when people weren't feeling quite as bloodthirsty.
Convenient for who? If you think I'm scum, then vote, don't just point fingers and make insinuations.
Why not? Isn't that kind of what keeps Town from getting blown out of the water?

I just skipped your coherent thoughts, because your rants are so much more amusing...
I didn't refuse to vote Day 1. By my count, we were at L-2 on flubbucket, and I'm not a double voter, for your information.
Vitek and Krypsyn actually seem right on par, in my opinion.
As has been since asked, what do you investigate? Do you really have no indication of what kind of results you get? Nothing?
Sorry about that. Fridays are mad-crazy busy.

You disappointed, ix? Agent only got roleblocked by some anonymous party. Maybe Scum wasn't taking your advice? Huh.
More thoughts to follow...

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted October 24, 2015

Really, JMich, you just seem to be being intentionally difficult is why I have so much issue with you. If you're not being intentionally difficult, fine, but try and be more helpful to the situation and less antagonistic, please. I see you hindering more than helping. Do you still think I'm the most likely to be an intruder?

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted October 24, 2015
Roger Morgan, Head of the Computing Department is reporting for duty, Captain RWarehall!
I would like to extend my thanks for your confidence in my abilities.
After my unfortunate accident last night, are there any other cleaning droids that would like to report the misuse of their equipment?
HijacK, man! What do you think you're doing! Your perceptions of usefulness are irrelevant until we have confirmed the identity of the Captain. Please contain any further aspersions on the Captain's character or I shall have to confront you!
In addition, I expect a report on why you have neglected to utilize your abilities. I want it on my desk within 48 hours.
JMich, droid! Why do you feel that 'Droid Maintenance Bot' is a reveal of job description? If the intruders had killed me last night, Q.U.A.D. would have identified me as
Roger Morgan (Station Head of Computing)
This is most definitely not a job description, as there is no way you could deduce my responsibilities and abilities from that title.
Also, what exactly are you doing in the conference room? Please don't point that mop at me. I just ironed this uniform yesterday.
Tawny Somerset: I'll try not to let my personal opinion of the usefulness of health and safety executives colour my interactions with you. In the mean time, if JMich thought you were the most intruderly among us, why shouldn't he have given your room an extra special cleaning?
How are you able to tell if they succeeded or failed at their assigned task? Do you have access to security cameras, or is it through an inspection of some sort? And I assume that you do whatever it is after the curfew has been called?
I would like to extend my thanks for your confidence in my abilities.
After my unfortunate accident last night, are there any other cleaning droids that would like to report the misuse of their equipment?
HijacK, man! What do you think you're doing! Your perceptions of usefulness are irrelevant until we have confirmed the identity of the Captain. Please contain any further aspersions on the Captain's character or I shall have to confront you!
In addition, I expect a report on why you have neglected to utilize your abilities. I want it on my desk within 48 hours.
JMich, droid! Why do you feel that 'Droid Maintenance Bot' is a reveal of job description? If the intruders had killed me last night, Q.U.A.D. would have identified me as
Roger Morgan (Station Head of Computing)
This is most definitely not a job description, as there is no way you could deduce my responsibilities and abilities from that title.
Also, what exactly are you doing in the conference room? Please don't point that mop at me. I just ironed this uniform yesterday.
Tawny Somerset: I'll try not to let my personal opinion of the usefulness of health and safety executives colour my interactions with you. In the mean time, if JMich thought you were the most intruderly among us, why shouldn't he have given your room an extra special cleaning?
How are you able to tell if they succeeded or failed at their assigned task? Do you have access to security cameras, or is it through an inspection of some sort? And I assume that you do whatever it is after the curfew has been called?

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted October 24, 2015

Really, JMich, you just seem to be being intentionally difficult is why I have so much issue with you. If you're not being intentionally difficult, fine, but try and be more helpful to the situation and less antagonistic, please. I see you hindering more than helping. Do you still think I'm the most likely to be an intruder?

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States