mchack: That's a bit hurtful. I'm doing my best to write readable. I could use AI to make my posts more readable but then they wouldn't be _my_ posts anymore.
Nothing I say is meant as a personal attack. I specifically mean what you post about, not punctuation or sentence structure.
Day 1
Post #126 - You finally show up for the first time.
Post #133 - You give a halfhearted vote for Micro, which is understandable - no time to vote someone else.
Day 2
Post #161 - You say that you're going to be more involved, then you post two flow charts.
Post #163 - You mention voting for Micro because no time to wagon someone else; then you spend more time talking about a scraper.
Post #167 - More talk about the scrapper and wanting to make a vote count.
Post #170 - Explaining game mechanics.
Post #177 - Now you're talking about what I assume is the James Joyce novel Ulysses; then talk about how you're not keeping a low profile.
This is exactly what I meant when I said that you say absolutely nothing because it feels like the bulk of your posts don't contribute anything at all and end up feeling like a deliberate effort to not interact with anyone. They lack substance in terms of the game in terms of trying to figure out what team everyone is on.
I'm sorry if you feel like this is a personal attack because really it's not. It just feels like you're posting for the sake of maintaining a presence in the thread while giving people nothing to respond to.
vote mchack