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low rated
Regals: Maybe should do some bytecode so can do post optimzation tricks to help JIT?

playing with you
I was using a language that, in the most popular implementation, doesn't have a JIT.

Anyway, can anyone decipher the following C code and tell me what it does?

int main(void)
int x = x;
return 0;
zeogold: Wait, I thought we'd agreed that we were all Judas, Firek, and the other staff members?
I thought we are only staff member's alts at tuesdays, thursdays and the 29th of February and tinyE's alts on mondays, wednesdays and fridays? I also forgot who I'm supposed to be on weekends...

Can you please send me the memo again?
Post edited November 18, 2016 by PaterAlf
Regals: All I would have to do is send email to the dean of the computer science department you are attending.
I wouldn't even need to contact dean of students.
PaterAlf: Can you please send me the memo again?
For sure:
...that's the best you had?
Come now, both you and I know that you're better than this. I expect to be kicked out of my academic institution within the month. I trust you to take care of this. Feel free to employ whatever help you see fit.
PaterAlf: Can you please send me the memo again?
zeogold: For sure:
Thank you. Everything is clear to me now.
Regals: I don't have to lift finger which is funny part. you mean you're not actually going to do anything? After all that? You're just going to let the system itself somehow take care of me?
I'm disappointed. I BELIEVED in you, man! And now you've just...let me down.
This is depressing. I think I'll just go to bed. Maybe one day you'll love me enough to truly care about me and take action like a real alpha male would...
A sincere thanks to you for the laughs and joy you've provided to me in this scintillating conversation. I wish you all the best. Adios!
@LiquidOxygen80 Here's how things were in the good old days:!topic/

And like you say, nothing has changed with the people who post. What has changed is that we've made it possible for internet communities to push their circle-jerking as a trend. This is what you're seeing on reddit. Some of us see 100 people happening to agree on or laugh about something insane for a couple of minutes before the attention is drawn to something else. Marketers see a trend forming that has general application and describes a new demography target for sex-toys for goats.

Just to be a little bit serious for a moment - what the trend-type ranking sites will do is to insert themselves into a general traffic pool. And sometimes, for all kinds of strange reasons that might not have much to do with anything, something trends on several sites at once. Like.. Ylvis' "What does the Fox say". If you look at this from the ranking and exposure, you might end up concluding that Ylvis can sell about 9000 million records, and that anything they do is going to sprout money. But the reason why it shot up on the rankings on multiple sites at once had very little to do with people actually looking for music in the first place, will not watch their show, and absolutely won't buy their records.

Gaming sites with "wider appeal" are similar to that. You insert some narrative into a whirpool, and hope that you'll float up for an instant so people will see you. And then you claim that a small part of the whole world and a broad audience is looking for you. How long you can then exploit seo to stay on the rankings then increases your value to advertisers, which is the whole and total point with any of this.

Gaming fora and gaming communities are a worse offshoot of that, where people sit around and argue that all of the people there are worth money, in that they're already in the right demographic (of that hard to reach male 18-35 yeras old bracket, for example). And then there's a competition between the products in that category to win out over the other ones. Or else we're talking about sharing exposure to give everyone a good share of the attention that.. is somehow worth a lot of loot. And advertisement money goes into certain products based on the attention certain products generate in these specialist circle-jerk fora.

In reality, none of this makes sense. It's one thing to choose a type of yarn to aim for based on the feedback from very talkative sewing clubs, if you had to choose a specific type of yarn to begin with that will replace all other types of yarn and thread in general.

But what we're doing in gaming is to say that the product that appeals to about 10 people on a forum - automatically has to also be the product that has the broadest appeal in the general population. We're creating this out of thin air, and the whole design based around being a channel for this sale is always doomed to the same type of pointless noise we are seeing way too much of in the gaming community now.

Honestly, it's like everyone is Derek Smart now.

Regals: See what you demented sick child rapists do not understand is circle jerking in your echo chamber doesn't make any of your horse shit true.
Which really summed up my entire problem with the whole debate from the beginning. People amicably agreeing in a group that everything is fine, or agreeing to something by osmotic pressure, is not something you really want to see anywhere. And this is a completely different thing from having a "civilized tone".

Other than that - who taught you guys to swear? You're horrible at it. Regals is on the right track, though - more like a story, than just invectives one after another.
dtgreene: Anyway, can anyone decipher the following C code and tell me what it does?

int main(void)
int x = x;
return 0;
Fail to compile?
Post edited November 18, 2016 by nipsen
low rated
dtgreene: Anyway, can anyone decipher the following C code and tell me what it does?

int main(void)
int x = x;
return 0;
nipsen: Fail to compile?
Wrong, it actually does complie. gcc (at least the version on my debian stretch) system doesn't even give a warning on the line that starts with "int"; clang does, but only with -Wall. The printf statement also compiles, but with warnings on both compilers.

Edit: wint -> with (How did I make *that* mistake?)
Post edited November 18, 2016 by dtgreene
ZFR: But I *do* miss them. Slaugh's murder mystery, Cyraxpt's Let's play a game... Come back!
Yeah... no, i can't bother myself to do that when this community doesn't even bother to fight for better conditions.
it's all banter. if you can't stand the fire get out of the kitchen.

but I have to say this. Kleetus is the most fun person on here. the avatar, the sig, the comments, it's all tongue in cheek, and also being GOG's hairdresser. makes me smile.

I remember when the iNet had no rules.

can't even whistle at a girl or in my case a grandma without being called gods knows what.

PC gone made.

all the best
Post edited November 18, 2016 by Cavenagh
Post edited November 18, 2016 by Fairfox
Cavenagh: it's all banter. if you can't stand the fire get out of the kitchen.

but I have to say this. Kleetus is the most fun person on here. the avatar, the sig, the comments, it's all tongue in cheek, and also being GOG's hairdresser. makes me smile.

I remember when the iNet had no rules.

can't even whistle at a girl or in my case a grandma without being called gods knows what.

PC gone made.

all the best
Fairfox: I knows, right; so much betta nowadayz when you get rape-threats and teh like; yaaaay no rulez, because it's all banter! Women should know their place.

Major eye-roll at your "gone mad" comment. Thar's always one.

Edz: I agree with snowkatt; nazing will get done. Mod-dude will post a couple o' tiemz, take no decisive action on anythang/one (partly because forum tools suck and partly because apple carts) and then promptly vanish. You see.
You've been brainwashed.

PS Learn Grammar while your at it.....
Post edited November 18, 2016 by Cavenagh
Aw, what? You guys deleted Regals' comments? Rude.
Now you guys have done it. He'll sue ALL OF US for censorship, interruption of therapy, and removal of entertainment!
Cavenagh: but I have to say this. Kleetus is the most fun person on here. the avatar, the sig, the comments, it's all tongue in cheek, and also being GOG's hairdresser. makes me smile.
You must not have seen him when he first showed up, because I can guarantee you, he was far, FAR from "fun" for a long while.
Cavenagh: it's all banter. if you can't stand the fire get out of the kitchen.
Not a good idea. I'm sure 4chan with their prolific amount of rape jokes and rampant pedophilia is all "banter" too, but that doesn't make it funny or enjoyable. They use the excuse of "It's IRONIC humor, guys! We aren't REALLY morons!"...yeah, well, anyplace that gets its kicks by pretending to act like a bunch of morons will eventually find itself full of ACTUAL morons who think they're with their own kind.
Post edited November 18, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
zeogold: ... interruption of therapy ...
You bastard! I read this whole exchange with a straight face, only getting mildly annoyed. And then, with this final post, you made me laugh. At work. You'll pay for this outage. I will complain to your dean. :D