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flubbucket: However what if the cult leader was to hit the deprogrammer on Night One??
I don't understand your question here. Please clarify.
Looking at the rules, seems the Cult Leader must intentionally use a "Kamikaze Attack" for both to die. So an inadvertent choice seemingly would bounce just as if both choose the same targets. Who knew this was a Japanese cult? So who wants Sushi?
Bookwyrm627: Here's why we shouldn't No Lynch:
3) Every player that is eliminated shrinks the pool for our power roles to choose from. Even if we lynch town, that improves the chances of any of the power roles targeting correctly. If we delay lynching, then the number of cult members grows, and we give the CL more opportunities to steal our tracker and vig (which gives them a lot of extra power, in information and being able to safely claim).
I don't necessarily disagree. But doesn't every player eliminated also shrink the pool for the CL to find a PR?
flubbucket: However what if the cult leader was to hit the deprogrammer on Night One??
Bookwyrm627: I don't understand your question here. Please clarify.
What RWarehall said.....and

From post #2
- The Cult Leader can, however, try to take out the Deprogrammer with a Kamikaze attack. He sacrifices himself and targets one player. If that player is the Deprogrammer, he dies too. If he isn't he continues to live (but the Cult Leader still dies).

In attempting to sort numbers the question occurred to me as a possibility.

**Traveling today for nine hours so I'll be out of pocket for the day/night.
Vote count

flubbucket: 3 - cristigale, Fantasysci5, RWarehall
drealmer: 2 - Bookwyrm, Ixamyakxim
babark: 1 - JMich
Fantasiscy: 1 - agentcarr
no-lynch: 1 - babark

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch
flubbecket is closest to lynch at L-4

Day 1 will end approximately on Sunday 10-th

If you find errors in this vote count, please let me know.
cristigale: I don't necessarily disagree. But doesn't every player eliminated also shrink the pool for the CL to find a PR?
Yes, but the difference is that town must lower the player count in order to win. The cult can win even if no player is ever eliminated.

Also, there are more roles seeking out the cult leader than the other way around. For the moment, at least.

flubbucket: What RWarehall said.....and

From post #2
- The Cult Leader can, however, try to take out the Deprogrammer with a Kamikaze attack. He sacrifices himself and targets one player. If that player is the Deprogrammer, he dies too. If he isn't he continues to live (but the Cult Leader still dies).

In attempting to sort numbers the question occurred to me as a possibility.
Ah. I was wondering in which manner you meant "hit".

dedoporno: Day 1 will end approximately on Sunday 10-th
Depending on the exact time of the deadline, I'm likely to be unavailable. Just an FYI, town.
Bookwyrm627: Depending on the exact time of the deadline, I'm likely to be unavailable. Just an FYI, town.
Fortunately you have about 4 more days until then. I'll use this opportunity to remind that a deadline is the last point in time when something can be done rather than the only point in time when it can be done :)
dedoporno: Fortunately you have about 4 more days until then. I'll use this opportunity to remind that a deadline is the last point in time when something can be done rather than the only point in time when it can be done :)
I am aware of that, and I've already placed a serious vote. I wish to inform my fellow townies that they should be aware that this particular townie may not be available at the deadline, so they can factor that in if they wish to play chicken.
Bookwyrm627: I am aware of that, and I've already placed a serious vote. I wish to inform my fellow townies that they should be aware that this particular townie may not be available at the deadline, so they can factor that in if they wish to play chicken.
Of course. My reminder wasn't directed to you in particular, even though it was based on a quote. It was a more of a public announcement :)
dedoporno: Of course. My reminder wasn't directed to you in particular, even though it was based on a quote. It was a more of a public announcement :)
Ah ha! We are both now aware that our conversation isn't directed at each other, so much as the other players. Go us, talking to any eavesdroppers.
Bookwyrm627: interesting question. Why do you ask?
drealmer7: To see if I could get the answer. If I got the answer, that would be more information. More information = good.
More information as to what? I'm missing something here.
To be clear:

My thought is that the game starts out ONLY with a CL, no followers. Why? Because that is how I see it being the most balanced. It allows D2 to start at a likely 9v2. If we started 10v2 that turns D2 into a likely 8v3, and that is too much too fast to be considered balanced, imo.

If then the CL on a super-slim chance happens to get lynched D1, my guess is that the mechanic would be something simple like, the hammerer gets converted into the new CL, or 1 random wagon-rider. To me that seems the most simple, easiest, and balanced way to handle it. Speculation on the CL being D1 lynchproof and whatever else seems wayyy off to me, but, of course, we don't know.

My secondary guess is that there is no replacement CL if the CL is D1 lynched, and that 3 townies simply get turned into cultists.

Bookwyrm627: 1) Until the CL is neutralized, every single Lynch that isn't the CL hands him a free night to try and convert someone.
...odds are good that we won't know when he is let's just KILL KILL KILL anyone we can until the game is over!
reckless and unnecessarily messy

I hold the view that every single lynch that isn't the CL or a cultist brings the cult closer to winning (thinning the pool to choose the PRs from and decreasing town's numbers.) We've got tools besides lynch at our disposal, and I say we can use them without lynching to make things a bit more solid. I don't see not lynching as a "delay in getting started" with my view of how things could unfold. Deprogrammer is our strongest muscle here, not the lynch.

Of course we could lynch and actually hit the PR, anything is possible, but, I'm going on likelihoods...but...wait...

Bookwyrm627: 2) While the CL, as a role, can't be removed by today's lynch...
Who's putting forward blatantly incorrect misinformation? I pose mine as an opinion/idea, you're seeming to post this as fact.

Bookwyrm627: 3) Every player that is eliminated shrinks the pool for our power roles to choose from. Even if we lynch town, that improves the chances of any of the power roles targeting correctly. If we delay lynching, then the number of cult members grows, and we give the CL more opportunities to steal our tracker and vig (which gives them a lot of extra power, in information and being able to safely claim).
Are you meaning to make this sound more dire than it is and put out more misinformation? Cult can't "steal" the vig or the tracker, they can convert them and in turn remove their powers "Steal", to me, implies they are taking the power roles over for themselves. Not so. I'm not saying it isn't bad to lose the power roles (duhh), but it just seems like wyrm is misrepresenting things here, again, because obviously it is the same for the CL. There are more PRs to seek out the CL/cultists in the pool than the reverse. Numbers are on our side. Killing townies just makes it easier for the cult, at least on D1 when there is no information to help increase the odds of hitting cult, and the likelihood of killing town is QUITE HIGH.

Bookwyrm627: So, who to vote for?

Thus far, Drealmer has grabbed my attention, with his blatantly incorrect information.
Do you not understand that I was posing an idea that I think is possible, not purporting to claim I knew something for a fact?

*refresh* (last post viewed prior to this refresh was #133)

Bookwyrm627: The tracker seeing someone stay home does NOT confirm with certainty that the target is not the CL.
1) We have no indication that the CL is compulsive. He could choose to stay home one night, especially if he suspects he might be tracked.
Actually, we have the information that the CL "CAN", so I figure that means the CL is not compulsory. However, if the CL decided not to recruit someone on a night, that is really bad play, imo (why on earth would the CL do that?), and not something I'm accounting for happening in this game. Yes, sure, it's possible, but I actually find it so unlikely that it's a non-factor. This statement reeks of bad information.

However, I have a hard time seeing a cultist or the CL false-claiming deprogrammer (it makes absolutely no sense from any angle I can see), but then, not everyone agrees on what makes a smart move.

flubbucket: A three person cult team is unlikely.

9 and 3 Day One; with No Lynch or townie lynch, Day Two would start with 8 and 4....that's a bit over powered don't you think??

10 and 2 Day One; with No Lynch or townie lynch, Day Two would start with 9 and 3.....still not quite a balanced start for town.
I don't follow your maths. I did a similar thing above ^

9v3 D1 with a no-lynch makes D2 start 8v4, but a D1 townie lynch makes D2 start 7v4


10v2 D1 with a no lynch makes D2 start 9v3, but a D1 townie lynch makes D2 start 8v3

Ask yourselves, would you rather start D2: 9v2 or 10v2? That's basically what I'm looking at atm to determine my no-lynch vote (RW and flub are somewhat tempting to vote for, but nothing severe enough to switch quite yet, I still view no-lynch as preferable.)
@lift / dedo

Since there is no scum-factional kill, will town be told at the start of the Days any result from the night before? Something like "town can sense that 1 of their numbers has been converted." ?
drealmer7: @lift / dedo

Since there is no scum-factional kill, will town be told at the start of the Days any result from the night before? Something like "town can sense that 1 of their numbers has been converted." ?
Not enough sleep to properly follow today's events, but for now unvote. Will try to catch up tomorrow.