I'd like to ask for something you guys might help me with.
I remember a long time ago a scene from a movie where a character would be standing outside talking to other characters from afar, with the camera standing some distance away zooming on the character from his front, and then a big truck would suddenly come out of nowhere and run over this character without the spectator's slightest warning of this incoming danger, and the other characters would be in shock of this sudden accident.
I don't remember which movie this scene came from and that's why I'm asking it to you. I thought it was from the 1st Final Destination movie, but after checking it, it seems that it didn't come from there. I really don't know when the movie was out, I'd say it was from the 90's at the earliest, but probably rather from the 2000's. So I would be very grateful if you have any idea where it might come from.
Thank you.