babark: Ibn Kathir would disagree with me? Does he disagree with the Quran as well? Reading through the stuff you quoted, it does not seem so. How does it disagree with what I said (and what is written in the passage you lifted your single verse from)?
I point out that a guarantee into heaven is emigrating and dying in the process of bringing the faith to other countries. You then tell me that no, its about emigrating from countries that are oppressing them. Then I give you a quote that clarifies the verse from a Muslim scholar. I think I'll take the scholar's word on it.
babark: You seem to be mixed up a bit?
No, I'm not. You see, I can point out the hypocrisy of a culture with rampant homosexuality that then punishes it when its caught with someone with a bit too much hair on their face or a bit too old. Punishes it to an extreme.
babark: Earlier you mention homosexuality in the context of it being a bad thing,
When its being driven by the culture, and then brutally punished by the same culture that enables it then yes that is a bad thing.
babark: and then you talk about it in the sense that punishment of it is a bad thing? Are they both bad things?
When the punishment involves death, it certainly is a bad thing. Part of the rampant homosexuality seems to stem from how the women are covered from head-to-toe in garb.
babark: And yes, I read your links already, they're the ones I talked about creating quotes out of thin air. It is a bit hard to respond to baseless accusations, because they have no base to respond to. Your link is in reference to a specific cultural practice in a specific part of the world (and not all the other parts of the world that is majority muslim) that even predated islam, and somehow the entirety of islam is to blame for it?
Perhaps as far as the abundance of homosexuality goes, certainly not as far as terrorism or support of terrorism. Even in the United States the percentage of Muslims that support things like Sharia law is disturbing.
babark: Then how about sticking to a single topic.
The problems of Islam are multi-faceted, the single topic being terrorism, the parts that lead to it being the culture and religion of Islam. This isn't hard to follow.
babark: Focus on it as deeply as you like, in how specifically the scriptural understanding and interpretation of Islam is at fault for it. All the more appropriate if it is relevant to the topic of this thread.. Instead what I see here is: "X is bad, and islam does X!" "No it doesn't" "<ignores previous response> Y is bad and Islam does Y!" "No it doesn't" "<ignore previous response> Z is bad and islam does Z!" etc.
Going to have to be more specific about what topics I'm 'ignoring'.
babark: You've already admitted in a completely dismissive and noncommital way that one of your points was wrong. That does sort of put a huge question mark on the veracity of your source, no?
I get info from a wide variety of sources, its bound to happen sooner or later that one is either exaggerating, misrepresenting or outright lying. If they are doing one of those I will stop making reference to false information.
Doesn't change the fact that Islam is a religion of violence and subjugation.
babark: Yes, I keep saying "this isn't a religious forum". The moment I start posting huge chunks of actual complete quotes from Islamic scripture, people will get bored and ignore it, it'll be called proselytising, or tell me to go to a religious forum.
Then be more concise.
babark: And that makes sense, because this isn't a religious forum. This is a site dedicated to selling games. Nobody cares about long and detailed, nuanced discussions on religious topics, those are for religious forums. If I started a thread about, as an example, the debate of "Faith vs Works" in Christianity here, people would think I'm weird, probably derail my thread immediately, and tell me to go somewhere else with that stuff. If you want to start a thread on the merits or demerits of Islam as a religion, please go ahead, I'd like to see how that turns out.
Still not getting it. This topic is about terrorism. Understanding it and preventing it are, IMHO, a very big part of that and that leads back to the Quran. You can't discuss terrorism without going to it's source.
babark: I'm sorry, but I do not have the time to go through an unsourced list one by one.
I did a bit myself and they all check out, but go ahead and dismiss it all because you don't have the time.
babark: You think you're the first person to reference that site?
There's a reason it's frequently sourced.
babark: They sure do have a very lax methodology! But you do mention specific as a comparison (and I mention a comparison only because we're talking about 'horrific scale'), would you say that the shooting by Dylan in the church in Charleston, is an example of "white terrorism" or "christian terrorism"?
Wow, NINE whole deaths! That would be a slow day for Islam! This is the best you can do? I have three examples in the SAME year with the lowest count at twelve and you give me one incident a year ago with a count of nine?
Islamic terrorism is off the charts, Christian terrorism is a footnote.