Posted August 03, 2016

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other

Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted August 03, 2016
Some video:
And just yesterday, catholic faith got once again crushed by the impostor pope as we launched the #PasMonPape hashtag:
Like we say in French: "with friends like this, you don't need enemies"....

Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted August 03, 2016
Can we leave the hyperbole mania out of here ?
Bullshit propaganda websites like this are the main reason why it is impossible to have an actual debate about the topic. Instead it is just a giant turmoil of misinformation, hate, anger and fear.
fun fact: the discussion about the appropriate dress code at school is a topic that comes up every other year in summer, regardless of any (Muslim) refugees. In times when there is little else political drama to report, it provides ample opportunities for hot (and fruitless) debates around all our favorite topics like sexism, feminism, individualism and "why doesn't Germany have school uniforms?". Decorated with closeup shots of hotpants on the newspaper frontpages.
check #hotpantsverbot for more details ...
Let me assure you that this is not the looming end of the European civilization nor the starting point of massive Islamic radicalization :p
Why do you think that cracking down on hate speech against migrants is a source of radicalization?
Seems more logical to conclude that hate speech, islamophobia and social rejection can lead to radicalization, no?

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted August 03, 2016
Post edited August 03, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Modern Crusader
Registered: Mar 2016
From France
Posted August 03, 2016


Like we say in French: "with friends like this, you don't need enemies"....

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted August 04, 2016

Can we leave the hyperbole mania out of here ?
Bullshit propaganda websites like this are the main reason why it is impossible to have an actual debate about the topic. Instead it is just a giant turmoil of misinformation, hate, anger and fear.
fun fact: the discussion about the appropriate dress code at school is a topic that comes up every other year in summer, regardless of any (Muslim) refugees. In times when there is little else political drama to report, it provides ample opportunities for hot (and fruitless) debates around all our favorite topics like sexism, feminism, individualism and "why doesn't Germany have school uniforms?". Decorated with closeup shots of hotpants on the newspaper frontpages.
check #hotpantsverbot for more details ...
Let me assure you that this is not the looming end of the European civilization nor the starting point of massive Islamic radicalization :p
Why do you think that cracking down on hate speech against migrants is a source of radicalization?
Seems more logical to conclude that hate speech, islamophobia and social rejection can lead to radicalization, no?
Why do you want to give more power to the government?

half pig, half horse, half man
Registered: Mar 2012
From Romania
Posted August 04, 2016
half ass madman kill 1 women and injure other with knife in london (^_^)

Zero fox given.
Registered: Nov 2008
From Germany
Posted August 04, 2016
low rated
gamescom is a joke security and safety-wise, even beyond the current situation. It is notorious for overfilling the halls and creating scenarios that would almost certainly result in casualties in the event of an emergency. In fact, accidents due to overcrowding are extremely common there. I've been there both on behalf of exhibitors and in a private capacity and neither experience is one I'd care to repeat again.

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted August 04, 2016
Maybe in this era of madness, we get lucky and avoid the "burning", after all...
If people don't want to start burning, there are perfectly fine, logical, sane, legal and above all, moral solutions to all those shitstorms thrown at us from Brussels. One cannot win against 27, even if the law enforcers have all been "bought". Let's hope more people start waking up. I wouldn't like waking up into place "Other", instead of my own country; do you?
If people don't want to start burning, there are perfectly fine, logical, sane, legal and above all, moral solutions to all those shitstorms thrown at us from Brussels. One cannot win against 27, even if the law enforcers have all been "bought". Let's hope more people start waking up. I wouldn't like waking up into place "Other", instead of my own country; do you?
Post edited August 04, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted August 04, 2016
low rated
Post edited December 23, 2016 by tinyE

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted August 04, 2016
New case in London!
Killer is of Somalian origin.
Killer is of Somalian origin.

Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted August 04, 2016
No new "confirmed" case ATM instead. Following the news since this morning, even my far-right political twitter feed account didn't jump up on the news (except the common jokes on the usual "a madman" statements) until now. Even forums are quiet. So nothing to add to OP ATM.
To not waste a post, here's a new lengthy article by the NY Times:
How a Secretive Branch of ISIS Built a Global Network of Killers
"A jailhouse interview with a German man who joined the Islamic State reveals the workings of a unit whose lieutenants are empowered to plan attacks around the world."
To not waste a post, here's a new lengthy article by the NY Times:
How a Secretive Branch of ISIS Built a Global Network of Killers
"A jailhouse interview with a German man who joined the Islamic State reveals the workings of a unit whose lieutenants are empowered to plan attacks around the world."

Perilous Pooh
Registered: Dec 2010
From Portugal
Posted August 04, 2016

As for terrorist acts abroad - that ukrainian participated in war in Chechnya. On the side which sliced throats.
nazistic hellhole is sooo much better than theopolitical hellhole, right?
Try to stop and think for a little longer there. Can you DEFINE suspicious behaviour?
"Police, my brother talks with a man whom I don't know about I don't know what"?
"Police, my brother wear traditional clothes, which my family wore for generations"?
"Police, my cousin, who isn't a farmer, has been stashing big packets in our garage, and they smell of fertilizer."
"Police, my nephew, who got along just fine with Christian friends at school, now has mates who go on sharia patrols and says they're going to take over the city."
That wasn't so hard, now was it?
For THEM, for people, which fled from drone strikes, from lack of food and water, they ofthen live much better than before, even with all the shooting other people do - for THEM life became much safer and easier.
"West did nothing wrong". There were no invasions in Lybia, Siria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo(all these are muslim regions destroyed by NATO), and locals fleeing from these areas don't know about NATO arming bandits under disguise of "good guys - opposition". Definitely, there are absolutely no reason for people fleeing from these areas to have any hard feelings about west.
Heck, Ukraine attempted to starve and freeze millions of people in Crimea, and nobody in the west gives a fuck.
It's so simple. But only in your mind. You do know that people commit suicides, while having absolutely normal lives for outsiders? Like Robin Williams (shaked me most so far). And absolutely normal people, relatives, which live with suiciders, which would've done anything to help them, can't figure signs of an edge. Not turn a blind eye is so simple...
70 years ago USSR tried to form defensive alliance against Htiler.
England and France refused, they told "go talk with Poland"
Yeah, Poland, which annexed part of USSR in 1920th and was German's ally, they annexed Checkoslovakia together.
The rest you can learn in history books.
Thing is, terrorists in Chechnya ofthen don't have any family living in Russia
It is root of islamist radicals, training and breeding ground, islamists from Chechnya evacuated their families into Pankisi, out of Russian jurisdiction. Georgia didn't give out neither terrorists, nor their families (moreso it is impossible to demand deportation of innocent people, fugitives you can demand through Interpol).
Post edited August 04, 2016 by pearnon

Perilous Pooh
Registered: Dec 2010
From Portugal
Posted August 04, 2016

fun fact: the discussion about the appropriate dress code at school is a topic that comes up every other year in summer, regardless of any (Muslim) refugees.
- Fires in Portugal is a topic that comes up every other year in summer, regardless of the very dry winter we've had.
- The rise of the far-right in Benelux is something that comes up every election season, regardless of the current context that is favourable for their swelling numbers in the polls.
- The talk of countries seceding from the EU is something that comes up every other year whenever European policies aren't consensual, regardless of Brexit.
Do you see where I'm going with this? The first step in tackling an issue is to acknowledge it, not to play the part of the crowd in "The Emperor's New Clothes".
Let me assure you that this is not the looming end of the European civilization nor the starting point of massive Islamic radicalization :p
Why do you think that cracking down on hate speech against migrants is a source of radicalization?
Seems more logical to conclude that hate speech, islamophobia and social rejection can lead to radicalization, no?

Modern Crusader
Registered: Mar 2016
From France
Posted August 04, 2016

Fortunately, the comments section helped me recover my smile; we are a lot more than they dare think.