gogtrial34987: 29 - Og'rialt - Dwarf Brigand, southern side tunnel
"Ok, friends, there's a time for caution, and a time for bold action. I feel we should not linger here too long. Dunward, if you would be so kind as to cast Magic Shield on me? Kip, if your keen senses feel any reason not to brave this vortex, please, speak up now? Aslain, if you could confirm you don't see any traps before the vortex, and then, rather than shooting it, tie that rope around my waist, with you and Beldarion holding on to it? Then I'll trust in my dwarven resistance to magic and my brigand ability to avoid danger, and will go see what dark secrets lie behind this vortex, and if, perchance, the exit can be found thataways!"
"I will give a short yank on the rope every minute. If you don't feel any for more than two, or if you feel three yanks in short order, please attempt to pull me back. If you feel five, drop the rope, and flee for your lives."
"I'll gladly take advice on any other precautions I could take."
When all preparations have been made, Og'rialt takes a deep breath, and clears his mind. Slowly, he shuffles forward to the edge of the vortex, his senses fully attuned, trying to get a feel for what lies ahead, ready to jump backward at the first sense of any sort of ambush. He wonders if this is truly the right thing to do. Yet he knows in his heart that none in this party that he has taken responsibility for, would be better suited for taking this risk.
This time, he will not shirk his duty.
This time, if there is a price to be paid, the paying will be up to him, and him alone.
After a timeless moment in which everything hangs in the balance, Og'rialt steps forward into the vortex.