Posted December 10, 2019

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States

I bark at trees!
Registered: Oct 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 10, 2019
1 turn left to escape.
** TURN 19 **
Eastern tunnel:
6 - Pater Alf - Half Orc Warrior you pretend to act on Orczilla's orders to protect the portal, passing a trapdoor with heads poking out. As you make your way, the ghost of a familiar looking Half Orc floats past you saying over and over "Gib food or me kill you!"
You see orcs entangled by vines in front of the portal *rolls dice* you successfully move through them and exit the dungeon.
You have escaped.
18 - Calad - Elf Mage *rolls dice* you watch the invisible Lich levitate above Orczilla towards the exit. You use your Ring of Boulder Smash *rolls dice* a large boulder crashes down onto Tridris, bringing him down on Orczilla's head with a loud splat. Orczilla's head is crushed killing her instantly and causing her body to convulse, sending treasure scattering all around.
Orckin stop and gawk at the death of their 'mother'.
Not waiting for to see the fate of the Lich, you use your Ring of Teleportation to exit through the portal.
You have escaped.
31 - Valius - Elven Battlemage seeing the confusion caused by the death of Orczilla, you raise your sword and cast Meteor Strike. *rolls dice* Flaming rocks crash into the area in front of the portal, crushing orcs and burning away the vines there. *rolls dice* With treasure now all around, you grab a couple of handfuls *rolls dice* narrowly avoiding an axe chop. *rolls dice* A troll reaches for you, hunger in its eyes *rolls dice* you use your Amulet of Slowing giving you plenty of time to avoid it.
*rolls dice* You cast Invisibility on yourself and make your way to the portal *rolls dice* stepping through to safety and some familiar faces.
You have escaped.
62 - Thelis - Human Ranger *rolls dice* leaving the trapdoor you use your Ring of Charm Monster on the nearest Orc *rolls dice* ordering it to attack its brethren. *rolls dice* The orc proceeds to gut a shocked HobGoblin and get into a melee with two other orcs. You make for the portal *rolls dice* two goblins, spears lowered, step in front to block your path. They smile cruelly.
44 - Franziskan - Human Cleric you exit the trapdoor into carnage. Several orckin turn to face you, thinking on your feet you hold up a diamond before throwing it towards a small goblin *rolls dice* who is quickly crushed by an Ogre grabbing for the gem.
You cast Summon Holy Guardian by the portal. *rolls dice* Your Guardian grabs two goblins in front of it and smashes theirs heads together repeatedly until they fall limp to the ground.
You run for the portal *rolls dice* as you get near an arrow thuds into your back, piercing your Globe of Protection *rolls dice* and failing to be sent back by your Divine Retaliation. *rolls dice* You fall to your knees gasping for breath.
62 - Thelis - Human Ranger relieve washes over you as the Holy Guardian kills the two goblins blocking your path. Franziskan runs past telling you to hurry only to be felled by an arrow to the back. *rolls dice* You grab him and put his arm around your neck before helping the Cleric through the portal and to safety.
You have escaped.
44 - Franziskan - Human Cleric you have escaped.
17 - Tridris - Drow Necromancer -- LICH ten minutes later the boulder is sent flying to crash to the ground twenty feet away as you rise from the gore that was Orczilla. The red sparks that are your eyes blaze with fury!
You look for the impudent mage that dared to strike out at you but see only greenskins running around, fighting, looting and eating each other.
*rolls dice* You stomp down Orczilla's carcass towards the exit portal. A Half Orc ghost floats past you but you pay it no heed.
Many creatures stand in your path, although an equal amount flee from your presence.
*rolls dice* You cast Web holding a dozen orckin in place. *rolls dice* You then cast Grave Mist and feel some satisfaction as the desperate creatures slowly shrivel and die before your eyes.
Purposefully you stride on, nothing else daring to stand in your way. You reach the portal and exit through it, vengeance ready on your fingertips.
You feel mild disappointment as you step out the other side of the portal to find all the other adventurers are gone.
Still, you got what you came for. You prepare a spell to return to your tower and plot your next move towards achieving your goal of becoming a God.
You have escaped.
** TURN 19 **
Eastern tunnel:
6 - Pater Alf - Half Orc Warrior you pretend to act on Orczilla's orders to protect the portal, passing a trapdoor with heads poking out. As you make your way, the ghost of a familiar looking Half Orc floats past you saying over and over "Gib food or me kill you!"
You see orcs entangled by vines in front of the portal *rolls dice* you successfully move through them and exit the dungeon.
You have escaped.
18 - Calad - Elf Mage *rolls dice* you watch the invisible Lich levitate above Orczilla towards the exit. You use your Ring of Boulder Smash *rolls dice* a large boulder crashes down onto Tridris, bringing him down on Orczilla's head with a loud splat. Orczilla's head is crushed killing her instantly and causing her body to convulse, sending treasure scattering all around.
Orckin stop and gawk at the death of their 'mother'.
Not waiting for to see the fate of the Lich, you use your Ring of Teleportation to exit through the portal.
You have escaped.
31 - Valius - Elven Battlemage seeing the confusion caused by the death of Orczilla, you raise your sword and cast Meteor Strike. *rolls dice* Flaming rocks crash into the area in front of the portal, crushing orcs and burning away the vines there. *rolls dice* With treasure now all around, you grab a couple of handfuls *rolls dice* narrowly avoiding an axe chop. *rolls dice* A troll reaches for you, hunger in its eyes *rolls dice* you use your Amulet of Slowing giving you plenty of time to avoid it.
*rolls dice* You cast Invisibility on yourself and make your way to the portal *rolls dice* stepping through to safety and some familiar faces.
You have escaped.
62 - Thelis - Human Ranger *rolls dice* leaving the trapdoor you use your Ring of Charm Monster on the nearest Orc *rolls dice* ordering it to attack its brethren. *rolls dice* The orc proceeds to gut a shocked HobGoblin and get into a melee with two other orcs. You make for the portal *rolls dice* two goblins, spears lowered, step in front to block your path. They smile cruelly.
44 - Franziskan - Human Cleric you exit the trapdoor into carnage. Several orckin turn to face you, thinking on your feet you hold up a diamond before throwing it towards a small goblin *rolls dice* who is quickly crushed by an Ogre grabbing for the gem.
You cast Summon Holy Guardian by the portal. *rolls dice* Your Guardian grabs two goblins in front of it and smashes theirs heads together repeatedly until they fall limp to the ground.
You run for the portal *rolls dice* as you get near an arrow thuds into your back, piercing your Globe of Protection *rolls dice* and failing to be sent back by your Divine Retaliation. *rolls dice* You fall to your knees gasping for breath.
62 - Thelis - Human Ranger relieve washes over you as the Holy Guardian kills the two goblins blocking your path. Franziskan runs past telling you to hurry only to be felled by an arrow to the back. *rolls dice* You grab him and put his arm around your neck before helping the Cleric through the portal and to safety.
You have escaped.
44 - Franziskan - Human Cleric you have escaped.
17 - Tridris - Drow Necromancer -- LICH ten minutes later the boulder is sent flying to crash to the ground twenty feet away as you rise from the gore that was Orczilla. The red sparks that are your eyes blaze with fury!
You look for the impudent mage that dared to strike out at you but see only greenskins running around, fighting, looting and eating each other.
*rolls dice* You stomp down Orczilla's carcass towards the exit portal. A Half Orc ghost floats past you but you pay it no heed.
Many creatures stand in your path, although an equal amount flee from your presence.
*rolls dice* You cast Web holding a dozen orckin in place. *rolls dice* You then cast Grave Mist and feel some satisfaction as the desperate creatures slowly shrivel and die before your eyes.
Purposefully you stride on, nothing else daring to stand in your way. You reach the portal and exit through it, vengeance ready on your fingertips.
You feel mild disappointment as you step out the other side of the portal to find all the other adventurers are gone.
Still, you got what you came for. You prepare a spell to return to your tower and plot your next move towards achieving your goal of becoming a God.
You have escaped.
Post edited December 11, 2019 by Doc0075

New User
Registered: Dec 2017
From Other
Posted December 10, 2019
Franziskan Human Cleric
HA HA WE DID IT! Nice shot on the lich, Calad. You gave us enough time to escape. And thanks Thelis for helping me back there. Valius, did I mention I loooove your meteors? Tonight we celebrate! And tomorrow I will return to my church and prepare for my next adventure : LICH HUNTING! Yes, it's true, we didn't destroy that lich, it's more complicated than throwing a boulder at it. I will explain everything. If you care to join me in this mission, you know where to find me. And bring some freaking Dispel Magic scrolls this time :D
HA HA WE DID IT! Nice shot on the lich, Calad. You gave us enough time to escape. And thanks Thelis for helping me back there. Valius, did I mention I loooove your meteors? Tonight we celebrate! And tomorrow I will return to my church and prepare for my next adventure : LICH HUNTING! Yes, it's true, we didn't destroy that lich, it's more complicated than throwing a boulder at it. I will explain everything. If you care to join me in this mission, you know where to find me. And bring some freaking Dispel Magic scrolls this time :D
Post edited December 10, 2019 by Zadalon

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania
Posted December 10, 2019
Woohoo, everyone out one turn early. Good mood for our DM and good run from the dice :)
And good thing that Orczilla's no more too. One less thing for whoever'll end up in that dungeon next to worry about.
That Lich seems to be quite a pain to get rid of though...
And good thing that Orczilla's no more too. One less thing for whoever'll end up in that dungeon next to worry about.
That Lich seems to be quite a pain to get rid of though...

Vote for Ever 17!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Poland
Posted December 10, 2019
Damn that mage, but I'm sure I will get him someday and next time I will not be so generous!
Thx all for the game, and Doc for doing it... had a lost of fun. ;)
Thx all for the game, and Doc for doing it... had a lost of fun. ;)
Post edited December 10, 2019 by Trid

Registered: Apr 2012
From Canada
Posted December 10, 2019
conga rats to all the escapees, well done and well played
as for the dead (myself included) we did our best, but circumstances conspired against us.
so maybe next time we will survive in victory
twas a priveledge adventuring with y'all
39 Misery - Halfling berserker (deceased to doom scarabs) signing out
as for the dead (myself included) we did our best, but circumstances conspired against us.
so maybe next time we will survive in victory
twas a priveledge adventuring with y'all
39 Misery - Halfling berserker (deceased to doom scarabs) signing out

Registered: Aug 2013
From Italy
Posted December 10, 2019
Now I'll have PTSD when thinking about any magical mean of transportation. I hate portals!
I wonder what brought us there...
Edit: also, in the end Fognino has been a lot more helpful than harmful. It kinda defeated the purpose, but oh well. Positive karma to reap.
I wonder what brought us there...
Edit: also, in the end Fognino has been a lot more helpful than harmful. It kinda defeated the purpose, but oh well. Positive karma to reap.
Post edited December 10, 2019 by Enebias

Cookie Monster
Registered: Apr 2012
From Christmas Island
Posted December 10, 2019
Me looks at the clear sky and enjoys the fresh air. Then me smiles:
"That was quite fun. Me have to go to the travel agency and tell them that the trip was as good as they said it would be. After that let's head home, Olmse. Mrs. Alf is waiting and maybe on our way we can find you a nice little potato-girlfriend."
Me walks away into the sunset.
"That was quite fun. Me have to go to the travel agency and tell them that the trip was as good as they said it would be. After that let's head home, Olmse. Mrs. Alf is waiting and maybe on our way we can find you a nice little potato-girlfriend."
Me walks away into the sunset.

New Old User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Romania
Posted December 10, 2019
Yay, we made it! Congrats to us and thanks to all the fellow adventurers that made our escape possible!
Let's all go to a tavern and celebrate. We deserve it! And also have some drinks in the memory of those who didn't make it.
Let's all go to a tavern and celebrate. We deserve it! And also have some drinks in the memory of those who didn't make it.

New User
Registered: Mar 2015
From United States
Posted December 11, 2019
With treasure in hand, and with a sense of accomplishment, Valius seeks out the next adventure: Seeking out the closest tavern for the finest brew for a job well done and to have a toast for the fallen.
I'd like to thank Doc for putting together this for us, that was a mammoth of a task to not only DM our group but the others as well. And great job to my fellow adventurers, feels great that we could work together. I figured I'd go out in a blaze of glory going for some treasure, but whew, my luck held up well.
I'd like to thank Doc for putting together this for us, that was a mammoth of a task to not only DM our group but the others as well. And great job to my fellow adventurers, feels great that we could work together. I figured I'd go out in a blaze of glory going for some treasure, but whew, my luck held up well.

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted December 11, 2019
Current Situation:
Orc Breeding Room (Orczilla! Boss Fight):
Calad uses his Ring of Boulder Smashing on Tridris, bringing the Lich down on Orczilla's head with a loud splat. Orczilla's head is crushed killing her instantly and causing her body to convulse, sending treasure scattering all around. Orckin stop and gawk at the death of their 'mother'. Orczilla is dead. Calad, Pater Alf, Valius, Thelis and Franziskan fight their way to the portal (some taking treasure along the way) and escape. Ten minutes later the boulder on top of Orczilla is sent flying to crash to the ground twenty feet away as the Lich Tridris rises from the gore that was Orczilla. She's pissed but all the adventurers have already escaped the dungeon so no revenge for today. Tridris makes her way to the portal and escapes. Tridris prepares a spell to return to her tower and plot her next move towards achieving her goal of becoming a God. Only Daniel, Balbok, Vertel, and Daddy Burrson remain in the dungeon with no chance of escaping in time. May the DM have mercy on their souls.
Current Actions Summary
No actions have been taken
Haven't taken turn yet:
7 - Ilan14 - Daniel - Human Thief
27 - Maxvorstadt - Balbok - Half-Orc Shaman
60 - Gekko_Dekko - Daddy Burrson - Dwarf Warrior
79 - v1989 - Vertel - Human - Thief
Orc Breeding Room (Orczilla! Boss Fight):
Calad uses his Ring of Boulder Smashing on Tridris, bringing the Lich down on Orczilla's head with a loud splat. Orczilla's head is crushed killing her instantly and causing her body to convulse, sending treasure scattering all around. Orckin stop and gawk at the death of their 'mother'. Orczilla is dead. Calad, Pater Alf, Valius, Thelis and Franziskan fight their way to the portal (some taking treasure along the way) and escape. Ten minutes later the boulder on top of Orczilla is sent flying to crash to the ground twenty feet away as the Lich Tridris rises from the gore that was Orczilla. She's pissed but all the adventurers have already escaped the dungeon so no revenge for today. Tridris makes her way to the portal and escapes. Tridris prepares a spell to return to her tower and plot her next move towards achieving her goal of becoming a God. Only Daniel, Balbok, Vertel, and Daddy Burrson remain in the dungeon with no chance of escaping in time. May the DM have mercy on their souls.
Current Actions Summary
No actions have been taken
Haven't taken turn yet:
7 - Ilan14 - Daniel - Human Thief
27 - Maxvorstadt - Balbok - Half-Orc Shaman
60 - Gekko_Dekko - Daddy Burrson - Dwarf Warrior
79 - v1989 - Vertel - Human - Thief

I bark at trees!
Registered: Oct 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 11, 2019
high rated
This message will be copy pasted to each tunnel.
I am going to work out who has won what reward and then contact each person in chat. Those that did not escape or did not die trying, even if that death was voluntary due to not being able to carry on in the game, will not be eligible for a reward unless they received an achievement. Sorry if this seems harsh.
Rewards are to be spent in the current Winter Sale.
If you received an achievement and it hasn't been added to post three in the original Enter my dungeon if you dare... Giveaway/Game thread, please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you for your participation, the game is just an idea without you guys (and gals).
I am going to work out who has won what reward and then contact each person in chat. Those that did not escape or did not die trying, even if that death was voluntary due to not being able to carry on in the game, will not be eligible for a reward unless they received an achievement. Sorry if this seems harsh.
Rewards are to be spent in the current Winter Sale.
If you received an achievement and it hasn't been added to post three in the original Enter my dungeon if you dare... Giveaway/Game thread, please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you for your participation, the game is just an idea without you guys (and gals).

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted December 11, 2019
The following never made it out of the dungeon:
7 - Ilan14 - Daniel - Human Thief
27 - Maxvorstadt - Balbok - Half-Orc Shaman
60 - Gekko_Dekko - Daddy Burrson - Dwarf Warrior
79 - v1989 - Vertel - Human - Thief
7 - Ilan14 - Daniel - Human Thief
27 - Maxvorstadt - Balbok - Half-Orc Shaman
60 - Gekko_Dekko - Daddy Burrson - Dwarf Warrior
79 - v1989 - Vertel - Human - Thief

New Old User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Romania
Posted December 11, 2019

I am going to work out who has won what reward and then contact each person in chat. Those that did not escape or did not die trying, even if that death was voluntary due to not being able to carry on in the game, will not be eligible for a reward unless they received an achievement. Sorry if this seems harsh.
Rewards are to be spent in the current Winter Sale.
If you received an achievement and it hasn't been added to post three in the original Enter my dungeon if you dare... Giveaway/Game thread, please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you for your participation, the game is just an idea without you guys (and gals).
For me it's the first time when playing such game (I'm not too familiar with D&D) and was a lot of fun, plus a new experience, so I appreciate it.
Big thanks for all the rewards, and congrats to the participants!

Adm. Clíodhna, Phoenix, GM
Registered: Jan 2014
From United States
Posted December 12, 2019
Congrats to the Eastern Tunnel survivors! It's been a lot of fun reading your adventures (and trying not to sputter my coffee at the computer screen)! :)
Kudos to Doc for such an epic dungeon adventure forum game, and for all the hours of coordination and imagination that went into it. I hope you had as much fun as us mere readers. Thanks again, Doc!
Kudos to Doc for such an epic dungeon adventure forum game, and for all the hours of coordination and imagination that went into it. I hope you had as much fun as us mere readers. Thanks again, Doc!