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If a horror visual novel sounds like your cup of tea, you’ll surely love Wet Nightmares – now out in early access, launching with a -10% discount until September 30th, 2 PM UTC!

As another woman joins the list of the missing, deep within a forest, a man living in solitude is visited by a pretty stranger. Wet Nightmares is an erotic horror visual novel exploring the psyche of a haunted man and his depraved past.

Now on GOG – and if you’re unsure, try out the DEMO!

Note: This game is currently in development. See the FAQ to learn more about games in development, and check out the forums to find more information and to stay in touch with the community.
avatar Early Access: Wet Nightmares
After I looked the game up on another store (answering the question: "Are you 18 or older?" was enough to do so), I have to say, I like the design of the "pretty stranger".
The genre,...well...not something I'd spend money on.
BreOl72: The genre,...well...not something I'd spend money on.
I might if the reviews are good. Not too many erotic horror games out there. It's not like it's been done to death before like some other genres.
Post edited 4 hours ago by Magnitus
Another erotic game? Careful guys, if you play too much of those games you could break something off... ;)
viperfdl: Another erotic game? Careful guys, if you play too much of those games you could break something off... ;)
our mental health or even lives?
viperfdl: Another erotic game? Careful guys, if you play too much of those games you could break something off... ;)
Actually, for the overwhelming majority of them, I play with two hands.

I'm middle aged, I consider that overall, I lived my youth and been around the block a couple of times. They have to get pretty creative and put in some work if they want to really get to me in that way.

I play those games for the excitement of having erotica in my games, something which until fairly recently, I never got to have (they put erotic innuendos in a lot of games, but so few go all the way which can get mildly irritating for someone who hasn't been a child for some time). Most of the erotic scenes are actually the object of curiosity for me more than anything else.

But my interest in what could be categorized as 'mainly for sexual gratification' games is low, mostly because as previously said, I've been around the block a couple of times. If games that are mainly designed to do that got to me in that way more, my interest would probably be higher, but they don't tend to. The erotica by itself is not enough to carry the game for me if the rest of the experience is lacking.
Post edited 4 hours ago by Magnitus
Was waitng for this since I liked previous games from this publisher as well. Artstyle is interesting and apparently the VN is not kinetic ... I have downloaded the demo for now but this could be a purchase for me - especially since I know that Kinky Friday usually does not neglect GOGers and support their games with patches on different platforms basically the same time.
Post edited 4 hours ago by MarkoH01
Ignoring the fact that this is a porn game for a moment, I just want to comment on the fact that this game is in early access and has a demo. So basically you can play a free demo, or pay for what is essentially a longer demo. I don't know why that irks me so much, but it does. The games industry is ridiculous these days. And that is all I am going to say about that.
LynXsh: our mental health or even lives?
Well, bending it too much would be very painful as far as I read. But I don't know whether the pain would be strong enough to cost ones sanity or even ones life...
Magnitus: Actually, for the overwhelming majority of them, I play with two hands.
At a certain age even a minority can become dangerous...
viperfdl: At a certain age even a minority can become dangerous...
Haha, well, I'm not yet past the mid-forties and I do take care of myself, so I'm not quite that old yet and don't foresee it for some time ;).
MasterofFiction: Ignoring the fact that this is a porn game for a moment, I just want to comment on the fact that this game is in early access and has a demo. So basically you can play a free demo, or pay for what is essentially a longer demo. I don't know why that irks me so much, but it does. The games industry is ridiculous these days. And that is all I am going to say about that.
I guess that's considered 'foreplay'...
I clicked on this hoping it's not what it sounds like and I'll get to make a joke about the unfortunate title... but even more unfortnately, it's exactly what it sounds like.
Post edited 1 hour ago by Breja
viperfdl: But I don't know whether the pain would be strong enough to cost ones sanity...
Your new GF pops out a little Shoggoth!
*- 50 sanity points when the baby cries*
viperfdl: Another erotic game? Careful guys, if you play too much of those games you could break something off... ;)
LynXsh: our mental health or even lives?
Let's not bring up politics here, folks. It's an adult game. If you don't like it, ignore it. These kinds of political opinions have no place on the forum and are against the TOS for the forum. Thanks, and have a great day.
TheGrimLord: Let's not bring up politics here, folks. It's an adult game. If you don't like it, ignore it. These kinds of political opinions have no place on the forum and are against the TOS for the forum. Thanks, and have a great day.
I missed that. Dramatic much: "My life was going so well. I had good parents. A wife. Children. A good job. My psychiatrist considered me a bastion of mental health and well being... and then I played this evil game and now dead people tell me to do bad things and I like it! Now please excuse me, I'll go flagellate myself for a moment. It does bring some relief to my pain...".

Chillax people. It's a game. It's fiction... it's not real. Wanting to police what happens in the imaginary space of fiction says a lot more about those doing the policing than those being policed.
Post edited 2 hours ago by Magnitus