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Trump says he was.

As an outsider to US politics, I'm amazed that the best candidate that the Republicans can find is Trump?

Seriously, of all the people available and the most suitable is him?

I thought they'd learn from the Bush disaster, but obviously not.
Trudeau or whoever is piloting crazy Sweden land now.
Wait, I got it. Saakashvili - the Georgian President who was so surprised when the US wouldn't bail him out of a budget that wouldn't add up, and an oil dispute, by starting world war 3 with Russia - that he started eating his tie. Was close there for a while, though!

Seriously, that one just never gets old. ^largest contributor of military forces from the Coalition of the Willing(tm). True story.

Kleetus: As an outsider to US politics, I'm amazed that the best candidate that the Republicans can find is Trump?

Seriously, of all the people available and the most suitable is him?
*shrug* There's.. a lot of resentment for the establishment involved with the Trump popularity. It doesn't really hang together, but the way a decent amount of people reason is that a president who isn't invested in the way campaigns are run, and then maintained by lobbyists and industry interests, will somehow be an improvement.

Over, say, preferring a candidate that specifically runs on a platform around campaign finance reform, in any specifics, while participating in the election at least with over 25% of the eligible population. And perhaps being involved in some specific legislation that may affect the state, like the Congress was meant to do.. bringing senators and congresspeople to Washington once in a while. But hey, I'm not making the rules that govern the US either.

Aand I'm not going to go into the whys and hows for the entire "only a complete buffoon can be both rich and independent in the US, and we all understand this intuitively for some reason" thing. But it is an element. Just as the whole "if you're rude and angry, you're also honest and speak the truth" effect. Not really sure where that comes from either. But if you listen to him talk without knowing anything about how US politics works, and without any critical sense, he's kind of cool. Says the first thing that pops into his head, and does it with a reasonable sounding voice. So from a campaign standpoint he's the kind of person who appeals to the homo-erotic gushing the commentariat has for strong male leaders (with tiny hands). And he also appeals to republicans who have now been spited and treated like idiots for the last 15 years. You don't hear all that much about this in the news, but a lot of the true believers who flocked to George W. are furious. Because they know they've been cheated, that the republican "stay on message and clap your hands" strategy isn't really for their benefit.

And this ties into the entire "Trump is so rich he is incorruptible" idea. And I don't doubt for a second that people will also prefer a very irate president who has no real agenda other than putting on a show, over someone like Hillary and the Clinton group folks. Frankly, I see a lot of democrats voting for Trump, or abstaining, rather than voting for Hillary. So there's a decent chance, actually, that he's going to get elected. And.. that it won't really be that much chaos as a result. That instead it'll be the opposite, since Trump is liable to spite his own party just as much as anyone else. Meanwhile, insiders on the right seem to be confident that Trump will be easy to control if he shies away from media-controversy, and so on. But he will of course not do that once he's actually elected. Then he won't give a damn what establishment wisdom says. So this opens up opportunities that may make things look like the Wild West for a while, but in reality it's likely that things will just slow down, and a lot of lobbying and campaigns will crash and burn.

Trump would be a fantastic boon for foreign policy stability around the world, too. "Yeah, we're not going jump head first into the nearest pit of fire Trump points out for us, no. Although that bottomless gorge Obama the saviour and messiah is pointing at looks great! Too bad he isn't president now, or we'd jump right now!". Even the righties won't object to some moderation then.

So if we can trust the State Department to not let anyone nuke a country at random, things... might work out pretty well for us. The US won't have healthcare, a decent minimum wage, insurance or loans that make sense, and everyone will be in debt forever - at least from the federal level. But on the other hand, the opportunities in the states that actually have some form of political participation will be much greater than they are now, with a, say, "non-aligned" president.

I mean, the guy is disgusting. But the last president to run and win while funding his own campaign was Truman.. you know.. That's a long time ago. So Trump as president sure is stupid. But it's not catastrophically stupid in the way that George W. was. In fact, much less so, if you don't listen to the high-pitched screams of the democrats who rend their clothes while predicting that a madman will sit with the finger on the nuclear suitcase, etc. Which is a problem. But we've survived much worse, seems to me.
MarioFanaticXV: I have to admit, I was actually unaware of that. That being said, Britain did allow Germany to constantly violate treaties they had signed which lead up to that point, and I still think that Chamberlain shares a large fraction of the blame for that.
morolf: Chamberlain certainly made mistakes and his conduct during the Sudetenland crisis in 1938 (basically forcing the Czechs to accede to German demands) was dubious...but it has to be remembered that a very large part of the British public at that time wanted to avoid war if possible, remembering the carnage of the 1st world war. And once Germany's occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 made it clear that Hitler's ambitions weren't limited to lands mostly populated by ethnic Germans, Chamberlain's government did send a guarantee to Poland and eventually declared war on Germany in September 1939.
It also has to be remembered that Britain at that time was an imperial power whose resources were already overstretched and which faced threats in the Mediterranean (Italy) and the far East (Japan), as well as a potentially hostile Soviet Union (which was to become de facto an ally and partner in crime of Germany in 1939-1941).. That was also a factor which made appeasement of Germany seem like a sensible policy.
I know Chamberlain has a very bad reputation in the USA today ("Munich" and all that), and to some extent this is deserved, but the political situation at the time was much more complicated than is often realized today.
I always try to keep an open mind, but I have to say, I've never had anyone on the internet change my mind on such a major issue. Bravo. I retract Chamberlain from my choices and submit Nero as history's dumbest world leader of all time.
Kleetus: Trump says he was.

As an outsider to US politics, I'm amazed that the best candidate that the Republicans can find is Trump?

Seriously, of all the people available and the most suitable is him?

I thought they'd learn from the Bush disaster, but obviously not.
You say that like the liberals have a good candidate themselves. Politics is a shitshow in general. Run like reality TV contest.
Last Word
tinyE: Last Word
I'd vote for it.
tammerwhisk: You say that like the liberals have a good candidate themselves.
No, I say that because Trump is the most divisive, unqualified and idiotic candidate I've seen, period.

Being rich (which he inherited and almost lost) and having a massive ego and mouth aren't admirable qualifications, let alone being president of the most powerful country in the world.

And do you actually want a president that looks like they had a hair transplant with an orangutan?

Seriously, what the hell is that thing on his head?
I'm not going to do the easy thing and bash one of my own countries politicians (even though that would be incredibly easy) and instead I'm gonna say Tony Abbott. That guy must seriously be one of the most stupid people to ever rule a country.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by Fesin
Fesin: I'm not going to do the easy thing and bash one of my countries politicians (even though that would be incredibly easy) and instead I'm gonna say Tony Abbott. That guy must seriously be on of the most stupid people to ever rule a country.
And good riddance to a piece of shit.
tammerwhisk: You say that like the liberals have a good candidate themselves.
Kleetus: No, I say that because Trump is the most divisive, unqualified and idiotic candidate I've seen, period.

Being rich (which he inherited and almost lost) and having a massive ego and mouth aren't admirable qualifications, let alone being president of the most powerful country in the world.

And do you actually want a president that looks like they had a hair transplant with an orangutan?

Seriously, what the hell is that thing on his head?
Compared to the current community "organizer" under whose "leadership" our debt has outstripped our GDP?

Half these assholes are unqualified to talk about any of the shit they try and make legislation on. I fail to see how he's any different.

Also, a large portion of the officials here are solely in office due to who they are related to, friend with, or inherited money from sooooo again not a huge difference.

And I could care less about any candidates hair.

The whole system is a shitshow I fail to see the point in singling any one person out.
tammerwhisk: I fail to see how he's any different.
He's different because of the outrageous rubbish he says.


Ban all muslims.

Build a wall to keep Mexicans out, and make the Mexicans pay for it.

Punish women for abortions, and so on.

He's just a mouth with an ego and no brain, or hair for that matter.

And yes, I agree that the others aren't all that great, but the Trump is in a class of his own.
tammerwhisk: I fail to see how he's any different.
Kleetus: He's different because of the outrageous rubbish he says.


Ban all muslims.

Build a wall to keep Mexicans out, and make the Mexicans pay for it.

Punish women for abortions, and so on.

He's just a mouth with an ego and no brain, or hair for that matter.

And yes, I agree that the others aren't all that great, but the Trump is in a class of his own.
I'd rather a candidate that tells everyone what they are thinking, than one that constantly lies through their teeth and gets away with shit.

Also, I fail to see the issue with wanting to restrict illegal immigration.
tammerwhisk: Also, I fail to see the issue with wanting to restrict illegal immigration.
Neither do I, however, do you really think any of his promises would ever eventuate?
Lucky get the Clintons or Daffy Trump the wall builder with the orangutan's bum hair as a hair piece.