GR00T: It also tells you exactly when the redemption period expires., and notes right on the redemption link graphic that the game is free for a limited time.
badon: Not so, when they took my game away. I complained and thoroughly documented all the misleading statements that led to the loss of my free game (in many locations in their site, including support pages), and said something to the effect that I'm considering legal action. Within a few weeks, all of my complaints were fixed. NOW, some of my complaints are coming back. The fine red print was moved up above the banners, but now it's back down below again. Let's watch to see if they remove the ticking countdown clock too.
Do you mean 'not so' previously when you tried to redeem a free game? If you mean current;y, then that's not accurate. They clearly state on the store page where you have to click on the game graphic to grab the free key that it's for a limited time. As well, on your redemption page, the message in red lettering says:
The redemption deadline is May 26th, 2018 at 10:00 AM Pacific. You have 15 days left! Immediately after 10AM Pacific on May 26th, the Steam key will magically vanish as if it were just a figment of your imagination, leaving this cryptic message behind in its wake. That seem very clear and precise and it's situated directly above where you have to click to redeem the key on Steam. I don't see how that's an issue or an attempt at deception. And I still don't understand how it's a misuse of DRM. I'm not trying to be contrary, I just genuinely don't understand your point on this.
*edit* Formatting