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Ok so I buy some games and want to have the backup files so I can install on a PC. Some have a bunch of files which include DLC patches etc. I can't figure out how to just select all at once then hit download all. I seem to have to select each file and download one by one. I can sometimes get lost as to where I left off especially if interrupted and there are a lot of files. The names on the list don't match the file names either so I can't just compare. It is a real terrible design to have to go one by one. No I don't use GOG Galaxy and don't want to install more junk on my computer nor do I want to install the game. I just want to save the backup files. Is there an easy way to do this? Am I just missing something?
Post edited October 17, 2022 by DaveC1964
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DaveC1964: Ok so I buy some games and want to have the backup files so I can install on a PC. Some have a bunch of files which include DLC patches etc. I can't figure out how to just select all at once then hit download all. I seem to have to select each file and download one by one. I can sometimes get lost as to where I left off especially if interrupted and there are a lot of files. The names on the list don't match the file names either so I can't just compare. It is a real terrible design to have to go one by one. No I don't use GOG Galaxy and don't want to install more junk on my computer nor do I want to install the game. I just want to save the backup files. Is there an easy way to do this? Am I just missing something?
Without a download manager, no, there is nothing you can do.
Post edited October 17, 2022 by Grargar
DaveC1964: Ok so I buy some games and want to have the backup files so I can install on a PC. Some have a bunch of files which include DLC patches etc. I can't figure out how to just select all at once then hit download all. I seem to have to select each file and download one by one. I can sometimes get lost as to where I left off especially if interrupted and there are a lot of files. The names on the list don't match the file names either so I can't just compare. It is a real terrible design to have to go one by one. No I don't use GOG Galaxy and don't want to install more junk on my computer nor do I want to install the game. I just want to save the backup files. Is there an easy way to do this? Am I just missing something?
Grargar: Without a download manager, no, there is nothing you can do.
Really? That is just really really stupid beyond belief. I can't even Multi select the Windows way and download either. It is like they go out of their way to prevent me from selecting multiple files to make it a chore to use. WTF?
Can't you just start at the top, and work your way down? So if you get interrupted, simply take a note of how many files you already downloaded, and when you're ready, simply continue with the next file down.
FrodoBaggins: Can't you just start at the top, and work your way down? So if you get interrupted, simply take a note of how many files you already downloaded, and when you're ready, simply continue with the next file down.
Some games have 40+ files. Yes I suppose I can do that but it seems kind of dumb to have to do it like that. It would be much simpler to just have a way to select all files and download.
You are right OP, that it's horrible design on both points that the GOG website:

a) has no download all button and also

b) the numbers of the file names that you actually receive are named & numbered differently than how those same file names are actually listed on the GOG website.

Those terrible design decisions result in making the downloading of offline installers from the website being both a major pain, and also leaves the act of acquiring all the correct files successfully very prone to human error.

I know you said you don't want to use Galaxy, but that's the only way to accomplish what you are asking for (that shouldn't be so, but yet it is).

As to your point where you said: "I don't want to install the game." Galaxy does have the option to download the offline backup installers without installing the game.

And Galaxy also downloads all the offline installer files in one click per file type (i.e., main game installers, DLCs, soundtracks, etc).

Note: I'm not trying to push Galaxy on you or anything like that; I'm just pointing that out in the event that you have the impression that Galaxy does not offer that option to download the backup files without installing the game, even though it does.

But I fully support the idea that the GOG website itself should have 100% identical functionality to Galaxy in terms of downloading all the backup files in one go, and without having to manually and aggravatingly make sure the file numbers match up (as currently needs to be done with the website files).
Post edited October 17, 2022 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
A download manager, or something like curl/wget might do you well.

A little batch/bash scripting can go a long way.
DaveC1964: Is there an easy way to do this?
• In GOG Galaxy game details view, click the Extras tab and scroll down to the Offline Backup Installers section. It's a single click to start downloading the game, no matter how many parts the installer has. DLC and patches are still individual items.
• You can also try a download manager like the browser add-on DownThemAll! or the standalone program Free Download Manager.
Check the gogrepo thread.
That python script can be used to download offline installers (what you call offline backup files), dlcs and and bonus content.

It works on PC as well of course, but it really shines if you have a server running somewhere.
In my case I start my "gog_dl_all_bg cyberpunk_2077_game" script and go to work :)
Post edited October 17, 2022 by neumi5694
I'd recommend discussed here.

You need python to run it though so I don't know if it's what you're looking for.

Edit: Damn ninja :D
Post edited October 17, 2022 by HappyPunkPotato
FrodoBaggins: Can't you just start at the top, and work your way down? So if you get interrupted, simply take a note of how many files you already downloaded, and when you're ready, simply continue with the next file down.
DaveC1964: Some games have 40+ files. Yes I suppose I can do that but it seems kind of dumb to have to do it like that. It would be much simpler to just have a way to select all files and download.
GOG seems to be working hard lately to improve the website and customer experience, so maybe someday soon we will finally receive this often wished for feature. Until it happens you will have to make do with one of the alternative options other members have already suggested. I would like to add Simple Mass Downloader which I use and also Gamehub if you prefer a GUI to command line vodṹ. GameHub can also be installed in an Windows environment, thanks to their Linux wrapper if you don't use Linux yet ;-) On the other hand you could also use a PI plus external harddrive to automate the whole thing and enjoy games whenever, wherever, with easy one-click or CLI, whatever works best for you. :-)
Mori_Yuki: GOG seems to be working hard lately to improve the website and customer experience, so maybe someday soon we will finally receive this often wished for feature
We had that feature once, before they scrapped the GOG downloader. The website offered a link to download all files at once using that tool. It was small, easy to use, elegant. And it's gone.
The new way is to download offline installers through Galaxy or the very popular gogrepo, but that one requires basic skills when it comes to command lines or batch/bash files.
If you are on Linux, you should give a try to LGOGDownloader.
Grargar: Without a download manager, no, there is nothing you can do.
DaveC1964: Really? That is just really really stupid beyond belief. I can't even Multi select the Windows way and download either. It is like they go out of their way to prevent me from selecting multiple files to make it a chore to use. WTF?
It is bothersome, but in all fairness, I have never seen any game store or other site which would have one button download for everything without a special client application.

It would be nice, but such things really don't exist.
DaveC1964: No I don't use GOG Galaxy and don't want to install more junk on my computer nor do I want to install the game. I just want to save the backup files. Is there an easy way to do this? Am I just missing something?
I guess that is what Galaxy is (also) for.

If you insist that you don't want to use any download manager or other utility (Galaxy, or what have you), then I guess you just have to deal with it and keep clicking.

I am not sure what other options there could possibly be. Sure GOG could have e.g. lumped Cyberpunk 2077 into one 112GB zip or exe file, but then many people would have complained how they can't download it because their download fails at some point and would have to restart the whole download from the beginning, or they can't download it in one swoop because of their ISP's monthly datacaps etc.

Or what is your proposed solution to that problem, that doesn't mean installing any additional browser download managers or using external utilities at all?

I personally use to mass-download my GOG games, but I might occasionally download a game also with a web browser just before installing it, if I am not fully sure I have the latest version already downloaded.
Post edited October 17, 2022 by timppu