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Trooper1270: How would that work for Linux users ?, as I believe the plug-in suggested may be for web browsers, if I'm not wrong...
timppu: I believe the Linux versions of games come in one huge .sh file, in which case you don't need to care about having to download a dozen or two separate pieces.
DLCs and such are separate downloads for every platform, and each DLC as its own file, so with DLC-heavy games, the only help would be single download for the Mac/Linux base game.
Trooper1270: Yes, most, if not all of the Linux .sh installers are single large files. But, (although I maybe the exception rather than the rule) I do frequently download and play Windows versions of games (via W.I.N.E) when they are either only available for that OS or work better than their Linux equivalent.
Can Galaxy be run with WINE, in order to use it as a downloader client?
Trooper1270: Yes, most, if not all of the Linux .sh installers are single large files. But, (although I maybe the exception rather than the rule) I do frequently download and play Windows versions of games (via W.I.N.E) when they are either only available for that OS or work better than their Linux equivalent.
timppu: Can Galaxy be run with WINE, in order to use it as a downloader client?
I've never tried it myself (and don't wish to use it), but have heard that others have been able to get it running under W.I.N.E with varying degrees of success. I guess it depends on the version of W.I.N.E being used and what features of Galaxy one needs whether things work, or work well...