F4LL0UT: Games have always been about graphics.
What separates games from movies, then? Games are all about presenting a fun and interactive experience, while movies are all about presenting a great story with great graphics to emulate the experience. Of course games have never been about graphics.
It's an audio-visual medium and all aspects should be treated with respect, taken seriously and appreciated. It bothers me that gameplay (or experience :P) elitists don't recognize the technical finesse and creative efforts of programmers and artists and how much their work defines our gameplay experiences.
Do all of these shiny shadows, bloom, motion blur, reflections, ambient occlusion or whatever else, are something to add to the gameplay? At best, they're only eyecandy. We have many a game that is pretty to many's eyes, but shallow in experience enough. These games was probably more fit for a movie. And why should I care about these extra features? I never asked for them.
I mean for frigg's sake, tell me that you'd willingly turn the graphics in your game of choice down to the minimum and then insist that it's the exact same experience and that it doesn't bother you that character's faces are orange pulp, there are no shadows and characters move like hand puppets rather than living creatures.
Yes I'd do that. In fact, turning the graphics down to only polygon lines would be also a thing if possible. After all, I've seen not many a game which would take advantage of the graphics to make them a gameplay experience.
That and another thing pointed out by someone or two. By the time these old screenshots are released, it's all over in your face that the game isn't released and is a work in progress. You are not entitled to the work in progress. You are only entitled to the final product, and then it's your choice of whether to buy or not to buy.