Posted March 04, 2015

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (-80%) [150]
Alan Wake's American Nightmare (-85%) [100]
Angry Video Game Nerd The Movie {movie} (-50%) [150]
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director’s Cut (-60%)
I just want to get these so I can be done with all this nonsense & never, ever, ever do it again.

I weeped in joy.
Did I tell you guys that I used to be a pirate until late December 2014?
GOG has redeemed me. I am a born again gamer.
All these games I pirated... all these games... I am now making amends.
I have been an honest man for 3 months now & I plan to toe the line from now on.
The power of DRM free.
Of course, if GOG ever shafts us, I'll go back to pirating & plundering so hard that I'll single-handedly bring down gaming as we know it.