Posted March 07, 2015

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany

Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015
Tempted to write a review for Hammerwatch "Despite name, distinct lack of Dwarves. Am disappoint." but gog's review system is already borked, don't need to make it worse.

Keaning :3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Germany
Posted March 07, 2015
I just found this yesterday and I thought I might aswell share it here since it might come in handy. I already posted this yesterday here but since many were asleep then I thought it makes sense to post it again. This is not meant as promotion or anything! :)
The site Rainwave is basicly a internet radio for video game soundtracks.
There are 5 different stations:
All = Mix of the songs from all the tracks
Game = Official Game Sountracks
Chiptune = Chiptune tracks and OST's
OC Remix = All official OC Remix tracks
Covers = Official or fanade covers
The site also features a voting system. When you have an account on that site you can vote from a selection of 3 different songs which one should be played next. But you use the site perfectly fine without any account neccessary.
You can also hear the stations in you preferred media player via mp3.m3u or ogg.m3u. I personally use Foobar2000 but you should be able to use anything aslong as it is capable of using the m3u format.
I use the site mainly as a kind of jukebox thing in the background. It is nice in the way that basicly all songs are Video game soundtrack related. I personally either here the Game station or the OC Remix station.
One thing I have to mention is that you cannot download the songs through the site due to copy right reasons. All the OC Remix tracks are free and legally available through their official site though! So if you like a song just google it and you might find it.
The site Rainwave is basicly a internet radio for video game soundtracks.
There are 5 different stations:
All = Mix of the songs from all the tracks
Game = Official Game Sountracks
Chiptune = Chiptune tracks and OST's
OC Remix = All official OC Remix tracks
Covers = Official or fanade covers
The site also features a voting system. When you have an account on that site you can vote from a selection of 3 different songs which one should be played next. But you use the site perfectly fine without any account neccessary.
You can also hear the stations in you preferred media player via mp3.m3u or ogg.m3u. I personally use Foobar2000 but you should be able to use anything aslong as it is capable of using the m3u format.
I use the site mainly as a kind of jukebox thing in the background. It is nice in the way that basicly all songs are Video game soundtrack related. I personally either here the Game station or the OC Remix station.
One thing I have to mention is that you cannot download the songs through the site due to copy right reasons. All the OC Remix tracks are free and legally available through their official site though! So if you like a song just google it and you might find it.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by The_Blog

🐺 Gwynnbleid 🐺
Registered: Apr 2009
From Austria
Posted March 07, 2015
No, they only do that for standard sales which have different bundles every day. The rule for an Insomnia sale is that the sale is over when all games have appeared three times.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Geralt_of_Rivia

Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015

The site Rainwave is basicly a internet radio for video game soundtracks.
There are 5 different stations:
All = Mix of the songs from all the tracks
Game = Official Game Sountracks
Chiptune = Chiptune tracks and OST's
OC Remix = All official OC Remix tracks
Covers = Official or fanade covers
The site also features a voting system. When you have an account on that site you can vote from a selection of 3 different songs which one should be played next. But you use the site perfectly fine without any account neccessary.
You can also hear the stations in you preferred media player via mp3.m3u or off.m3u. I personally use Foobar2000 but you should be able to use anything aslong as it is capable of using the m3u format.
I use the site mainly as a kind of jukebox thing in the background. It is nice in the way that basicly all songs are Video game soundtrack related. I personally either here the Game station or the OC Remix station.
One thing I have to mention is that you cannot download the songs through the site due to copy right reasons. All the OC Remix tracks are free and legally available through their official site though! So if you like a song just google it and you might find it.

Is it someone new?
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015
Wow, reading that thread just makes me upset and not want to give out any more codes in those ninja threads :/
Post edited March 07, 2015 by opticq

Registered: Nov 2008
From Finland

Keaning :3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Germany

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted March 07, 2015

With online digital distribution however and *good* game prices coming regularly all the way down as low as $1.99 or even lower, it becomes far too easy to be like a kid in a candy store and say "oh crap, I always wanted to try that, and that, oh... and that, oh and that too! Oh look, the entire collection of THAT, and THAT, oh shit there is this too!" and accumulate this massive wall of games for peanuts, some of which you might play in shorter term and others you may never play just due to the limitations of human lifespan. :) But they cost such an arbitrary amount that it's like a cup of coffee... you just don't care about the money. Whimsical purchasing at its finest, and the game companies aren't losing money from these low prices, heck they're selling many more times as many copies as they would have in the brick and mortar days to people who may never end up playing them anyway. It's win win for everyone really. :)
But then we end up with a massive treasure trove of games, and everyone will see/handle their stash differently I imagine but I see mine like a public library of things I can try out whenever I want if I want, but that I own outright and am not borrowing or renting etc. I see it as a pool of options rather than a list of uncompleted goals, although within that list of options there are some games I consider goals to plough through also. :) And others that are on the "definitely interesting to try out sooner than later" short-list.
Then all of a sudden... GOG promo! :)

Is it someone new?
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015
Oh my god, what is happening with that spam.

Don't ignore Tux
Registered: Jun 2011
From Slovenia

Keaning :3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Germany
Posted March 07, 2015
As stupid as it sounds I guess a part of my heritage will be my games collection ^^
Aslong as steam and gog will exist till that day. Atleast I can download gog games.
Aslong as steam and gog will exist till that day. Atleast I can download gog games.

Don't ignore Tux
Registered: Jun 2011
From Slovenia

5* General of Cheese™
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015
Well, this fox is off to bed for the next few hours. Currently on the look out for Legend of Grimrock II for DyNaer. Best of luck all! :D

Is it someone new?
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States