Posted March 06, 2015
I should clarify that I like what I consider to be "well done romcoms" too rather than er...vacuous shite :P I like stories that actually show a bit of realism, no matter the genre. I think my experiences with my grandfather and other war veterans, combined with violence being the most common means to conflict resolution and the glorification of it (i.e. the "hero" is a serial killer who gets the "prize" i.e. the girl and wealth) is such an over-used and simplified concept, that I find it quite boring and idiotic to watch these days. I still do enjoy a well done action film, especially if it has a decent plot!
I haven't seen the movie you recommended and will take a look, cheers for the recommendation :)
I completely understand that reasoning for movie preferences! I look at movies mostly as background noise, in all honesty. Anymore, I almost have to be doing something while watching tv/movies at home, or I go bonkers and wander off halfway through and never return to them. (If nothing else, fishing in WoW is strangely calming at times like that.)
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence is a movie I love to bits but can only watch every few years at most, and always with a box of tissues. And I use them all. Just trying to describe that movie to others has made me weepy in the past, but it's gorgeous.
And I think now I'm off to spend time with the husband... cuddles while he watches Thor: The Dark World sound very nice indeed right now. Basically, it's about my bed time. :) See you all in the morning! (Unless the cats wake me up in three hours. Again. At which point you may see me then, instead.)