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ElTerprise: I dind't say anything else. It definitely had its issues.
I'd say everything Far Cry after the original game should be shooted at, exploded, defecated on and burnt to ashes just to collect them and fire 'em into a black hole if it wasn't for Blood Dragon.
============ TRIVIA ROUND NR.2 - !!!BONUS ROUND!!! ============

Question 1:
What is the name of Kyle Katarn's (Jedi Knight and Dark Forces Games) female companion?


ElTerprise: I dind't say anything else. It definitely had its issues.
Shendue: I'd say everything Far Cry after the original game should be shooted at, exploded, defecated on and burnt to ashes just to collect them and fire 'em into a black hole if it wasn't for Blood Dragon.
IMHO wouldn't get that far but i get your point.
The_Blog: ============ TRIVIA ROUND NR.2 - !!!BONUS ROUND!!! ============

Question 1:
What is the name of Kyle Katarn's (Jedi Knight and Dark Forces Games) female companion?


Jan Ors
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ElTerprise
Good morning/whatever everyone!
I thought this would be over by now. :O
Looks like I still have a chance to get some of the titles I've been waiting for! Yay. :)
IAmSinistar: The first Grimrock is great but very focused. The setting is all in the tower, the loot is minimal (to the point where you are genuinely excited to find leather boots), and the gameplay demanding. The puzzles are good and the enemies can be outwitted at times, which is always a plus.

The second Grimrock is far larger in scope, with a big variety of settings, lots of loot, and setpiece events that are part of the overall story. I found it much harder as well, however. Possibly I am trying to progress too far too quickly and have not leveled up my party enough. I got a fair distance, but I may start over as well and play a smarter game the second time. I still recommend it very much if you like the genre, and particularly if you like the first Grimrock.
Thank you for the review! Given that I do have times where grinding relentlessly for hours is all kinds of entertaining for me, I'll have to dig out Grimrock and replay it. Grimrock 2 is definitely one I'll keep an eye out for. (And sheesh, is it ever hard to not write "Grimlock"! Guess what my childhood was filled with? ;)
I am going to go play some fantasy RTS (Warcraft III) while I wait for my Sci Fi RTS (Nexus: Jupiter incident) to show up
Oh, and I got snow again. Clearly the weather is also powered by an RNG these days.
I'm surprised Sam and Max: Hit The Road isn't disappearing faster. I've never played or owned the game myself, but everything else from LucasArts seemed to disappear so quickly so I thought this to follow suit. The only explanation would be that most GOG users already have it.
I really can't stay awake any longer.
Almost 4am here and still no banished or BGAE!
Please GOG, be nice and let me snag them.

Night folks
MrBanballow: Keeping an eye out for Beyond Good and Evil, Papers Please... and I passed on one earlier that I already forgot the name of. Looked at the store page and it reminded me of Sonic. Maybe I'll see it again.
ZaineH: Freedom Planet?
That's the one!! I think I saw it pop up earlier (didn't I?), so I assume I would have to wait for the next go around.
ArtisticMinstrel: But it's lunchtime... (here at least :) )
Edit: Actually, I'm hungry. Back in a bit.
Cavalary: Afternoon nap then? :)
Coming upto ten am in China, time for breakfast. Wife is still sleeping off last night.

Lantern festival celebration you dirty gog bears!
Does anyone have a extra copy of shadow run 1 ?

was working and missed the chance to get it :(
Post edited March 06, 2015 by DreamedArtist
IAmSinistar: The first Grimrock is great but very focused. The setting is all in the tower, the loot is minimal (to the point where you are genuinely excited to find leather boots), and the gameplay demanding. The puzzles are good and the enemies can be outwitted at times, which is always a plus.

The second Grimrock is far larger in scope, with a big variety of settings, lots of loot, and setpiece events that are part of the overall story. I found it much harder as well, however. Possibly I am trying to progress too far too quickly and have not leveled up my party enough. I got a fair distance, but I may start over as well and play a smarter game the second time. I still recommend it very much if you like the genre, and particularly if you like the first Grimrock.
Also if you liked the Eye of the Beholder games, and that is showing my age!
The_Blog: ============ TRIVIA ROUND NR.2 - !!!BONUS ROUND!!! ============

Question 1:
What is the name of Kyle Katarn's (Jedi Knight and Dark Forces Games) female companion?


ElTerprise: Jan Ors
That is correct
ZaineH: Freedom Planet?
MrBanballow: That's the one!! I think I saw it pop up earlier (didn't I?), so I assume I would have to wait for the next go around.
Yeah, it's been around twice so you'll have to catch it in the third round. Good luck!