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Whoa came just in time for Din's Curse.

Anyways, been too busy to be Insomnia-ing so... how's everyone? :D
Damn, just read Dragonfall had it's 2nd round :l

And I can't stalk GOG for 3rd round, 'cause this weekend is D&D weekend.
opeter2: When will Freedom Planet show up?
You just missed it.
Wow, back from Volleyball and still ithe Fresh Deals in the second run.

And i missed Astebreed. Damn.
Maxvorstadt: Btw:
Did somebody ever calculate how much GoG did earn with this (or an earlier) insomnia sale? I mean, there are fixed numbers of copies, each with a fixed price, some mathematic nerd should be able to calculate that!
With this homework, my friends, I declare the school over (or out?)!
Good night and good luck
skeletonbow: Yes, someone kept a spreadsheet in one of the previous Insomnia sales with prices and amounts and tallied it up. I don't recall what the results were though but it was interesting. Could probably search the forums to find it and the link to the data.
The only flaw would be that we don't know the actual rate of "crits," and some sales will probably ultimately be returned. But you could at least calculate a ceiling - actual revenue would be some, say. 3-6% under that most likely.
sztihamer: Will Broken Age be in the 3rd run? I will have to leave to work soon. :(
Broken age has already appeared in the 2nd run. It should be in the 3rd but it probably wont appearing for quite some time.
Annnd got it. Now I have nothing to wait (except for the blessing of a freebie, maybe XD).
It was fun this year, too =).
Oh, damn :(
My home page is not loading, and so I couldn't log on there, I had to go to the community first, but it won't let me click on the sales. :/
grrr.png (89 Kb)
skeletonbow: Yes, someone kept a spreadsheet in one of the previous Insomnia sales with prices and amounts and tallied it up. I don't recall what the results were though but it was interesting. Could probably search the forums to find it and the link to the data.
bler144: The only flaw would be that we don't know the actual rate of "crits," and some sales will probably ultimately be returned. But you could at least calculate a ceiling - actual revenue would be some, say. 3-6% under that most likely.
Is there any proof that crits -- not that I'm admitting that they exist, mind you -- even count towards the sales quota?
opeter2: When will Freedom Planet show up?
Matruchus: You missed it by five minutes im sorry to say.
However it should appearing in the 3rd round of fresh games so you will get another chance.
Matruchus: You missed it by five minutes im sorry to say.
MissFable: However it should appearing in the 3rd round of fresh games so you will get another chance.
Is another (final?) round confirmed?

I keep missing Unreal :I
bler144: The only flaw would be that we don't know the actual rate of "crits," and some sales will probably ultimately be returned. But you could at least calculate a ceiling - actual revenue would be some, say. 3-6% under that most likely.
goplanet: Is there any proof that crits -- not that I'm admitting that they exist, mind you -- even count towards the sales quota?
It'd be hard to tell since when you click on it you're taken away from the page that displays the count, and the randomness of other people doing the same thing quickly would make it so you couldn't judge anything conclusively from the numbers if you could see them (such as on another computer simultaneously). Having said that though, it does appear that when you put a game in the cart it deducts 1 from the count and if you close the cart and don't buy it that it increments the count. I don't think anyone would want to experiment with their free game to test that though for freebies.
MissFable: However it should appearing in the 3rd round of fresh games so you will get another chance.
Sylenall: Is another (final?) round confirmed?

I keep missing Unreal :I
The sale always goes for three rounds.
Splatsch: I'm (desperately) looking for it too ;)
I think it won't show soon, and I don't know how many time I will be able to stay tonight (I'll have to leave soon), and how many time I will be able to stay tomorrow (I'll have things to do). So well, I understand your situation. I may launch a desperate call for covering before leaving tonight.
opticq: I'll cover for you!
Really ? That would be really kind ! I'll PM you when I'll come back ! (not before... 12 hours). Thanks a lot :D