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Splatsch: Wasn't Tarnicus or someone really waiting for this one (Din's Curse) ? I don't remember.
Indeed. I'm drawing a blank as to who was lurking for this one ;-)

EDIT: One gift copy added to be safe
Post edited March 05, 2015 by foxworks
2nd critical hit, this time on Din's Curse. Not bad.
Is the site suddenly slow for anyone else? :(
SortaSane: In America, at least, it carries both meanings. Cross your fingers during a promise and you nullify the promise, but people also cross their fingers for luck when attempting something that might go badly.
Maxvorstadt: Then we are not sooo different, we`re all only human.
Did somebody ever calculate how much GoG did earn with this (or an earlier) insomnia sale? I mean, there are fixed numbers of copies, each with a fixed price, some mathematic nerd should be able to calculate that!
With this homework, my friends, I declare the school over (or out?)!
Good night and good luck
Yes, someone kept a spreadsheet in one of the previous Insomnia sales with prices and amounts and tallied it up. I don't recall what the results were though but it was interesting. Could probably search the forums to find it and the link to the data.
The_Blog: FOr that price I would say it is definitly worth it. But I guess everybody has it's own threshhold when it comes to purchases.
SortaSane: I'll hold off on that impulse until the third round. I'm used to waiting for Steam Sales for big titles, I can wait a couple of days or leave it on my wishlist if it means I can afford certain other titles.
That sounds reasonable :)
sztihamer: Will Broken Age be in the 3rd run? I will have to leave to work soon. :(
sztihamer: Will Broken Age be in the 3rd run? I will have to leave to work soon. :(
It stayed on for quite time not so long ago. If that's all you're waiting for, now's good time to travel.
yyahoo: Waiting on Din's Curse. Can someone create a Meme for that one? Not that the Nox one actually worked yesterday...
Din's Curse is now live.
Alright, I got Din's Curse. Now, if I get anything else from GOG in the sale, it will be because GOG gave it to me. Good sale overall. Hoping for another Luck Of The Irish sale next month... {fingers crossed}
Splatsch: Wasn't Tarnicus or someone really waiting for this one (Din's Curse) ? I don't remember.
foxworks: Indeed. I'm drawing a blank as to who was lurking for this one ;-)

EDIT: One gift copy added to be safe
Found ! it was yyahoo :
But may be is someone else looking for it !
opticq: Well looks like you were right, I vastly overestimated the speed of the Fresh category, but thank you for looking out!
Splatsch: I'm (desperately) looking for it too ;)
I think it won't show soon, and I don't know how many time I will be able to stay tonight (I'll have to leave soon), and how many time I will be able to stay tomorrow (I'll have things to do). So well, I understand your situation. I may launch a desperate call for covering before leaving tonight.
I'll cover for you!
yyahoo: Waiting on Din's Curse. Can someone create a Meme for that one? Not that the Nox one actually worked yesterday...
Grargar: Din's Curse is now live.
Thanks, for the heads up! I got it.
My theory on how the freebies may work but could be entirely wrong. A random number is generated within the pool of sale numbers.
Sale num - 10
Winner - 7

First one to get to the number gets the prize, but if the number goes backwards (eg people backing out because they only want free) the successive 7s get the hit and miss.

The network could also sometimes say the same number, but only the first to that number wins.

It means they can control the amount of winners whilst appearing random. Also means it might not be the best option to always click the button as soon as it appears, as if it is then, everyone else is clicking anyway so less chance (maybe? )

Just a thought.
When will Freedom Planet show up?
opeter2: When will Freedom Planet show up?
You missed it by five minutes im sorry to say.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Matruchus