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j0ekerr: I question wether I should go for broke and snatch Broken Age.

My love for Double Fine has been replaced with cold hearted cynicism by now. And it's looking more and more like part 2 will remain as nothing more than a pipe dream.

So yes, I have my doubts.
ElTerprise: Really? I thought Part II was about to be released soon if i'm not mistaken.
That's what they said but it is not the first time they said that - that is the problem. I believe them. The game will come out ... someday. I bought it in the sale.
bew1977: Pharaoh and Cleo so I can be done for a while.
Hope for Red Faction 1
Tarnicus: Given my interest in plants, herbalism and [url=]binomial nomenclature is very handy to know and uses Latin grammatical forms :)
requested: Granted, that's probably a bit more advanced than what we learned at school^^
But the question is be if it would actually be useful to study latin or greek (as in literature and so forth), instead of those particular fields.
On the other hand, you can't really know too much.... or can you? :D
I've had to wipe my brain a few times in order to make space. It reminds me of this Leunig cartoon I loved as a child.
wizardofid: It will nox be Pharaoh and Cleo it shall be nox, or nox, so far gog has been teasing's only fair I get served nox, since I have been waiting the whole noxing day :p
the_voivod: You missed Nox?! What.
Well, it was only up for three minutes, thanks to somebody.
Maxvorstadt: I instabought Train Fever!
IAmSinistar: I did too. And gifted a copy as well.
Had to buy it too, love train sims or any good sim for that matter :-)
Klumpen0815: Big thanks to IAmSinistar for catching the key I missed while sleeping!
IAmSinistar: My pleasure. You seemed like you could use some good news. :)
I did indeed, the remnants of my initial family now totally lost their minds (sect involved), I have to work while still a bit ill in the lungs, unsolvable relationship problems, my monthly folk session is still terminated due to lack of a location (our old pub is closed), etc...

The whole insomnia sale was a lot of fun though and I did get to appreciate many people here more again.
The_Blog: As a non-native english speaker I find it funny to imagine how native speakers perceive my use of the english language. I learned BE in school, but the main amount of phrases and vocabulary comes from the internet, articles, games, movies and such. So I picked up allot of phrases and a certain vocabulary that, in combination, may seem odd to someone who learned the language right from the cradle. And yeah I also kinda regret not paying as much attention as I could on Latin. Although I always liked the historical background of the language and the time it was spoken in. THe german language is definitly, how should I say it, more pronounced than other languages. It may seem a bit harsh to people that are used to a different language. It may sound very serious times ^^There are allot of links between european languages. It is very interesting to see a word in allot of different languages. Often you notice that the words are kind of similiar in many languages.
It has been my personal observation that non-native English speakers and writers, in particular those from Europe have absolutely fantastic English even if they've only studied it for 1-2 years. They do not always have confidence in their own ability using English, but they tend to write it and speak it better than native speakers/writers that have used it their entire lives. The only difference is that when they speak it they usually do so with a foreign accent of their mother tongue which can sometimes make it a bit difficult to understand some things at first, but usually it is not too bad and the more you're around them the more you pick up on the accent and it becomes a non-issue.

I think the reason for this is that native speakers learn the language their whole lives from day one, but they also learn all the slang and bad habits and cut corners and get complacent and it only gets worse over time, but someone who just learns the language as an adult in a formal academic setting learns it properly and in their quest to learn and use the language their academic "clean" version of English ends up being free of all the bad habits that develop in native speakers over time, and the rules are fresh on their mind and stay with them better.

Just about every person from Europe I've ever met or communicated with over the Internet who has studied English for at least 1 year or more has been like this in my experience. Oddly I've never observed this same phenomenon anywhere else in the world except Europe.
The_Blog: The problem seems to be tha, although this site is a site for good old games not many people are really int FMV games and It is also pricey in comparison to other titles. Although I have to say that the price definitly worth it. But same could be said about Banner Saga and that one didn't sell very well either.
MarkoH01: I never really understood. Yes, it is true that many so called FMV games were lacking of gameplay itself but thit was never the case with the Tex Keane ... ähm ... Tex Murphy games. They made everything right and they were successful. Tesla has not that much gameplay as the originals (UAKM, PD ect.) had but there is still plenty of gameplay and exploration. Hybrid of FPS (without the S) and inventory based point+click with AMAZING HD FMVs. Great game which I bought on release.
Yes they were successfull but only as long as the FMV hype lastet. After it was basicly a dead genre until the recent kickstarter of Tex Keany. But it was mainly bagged by it's devoted fanbase. Not so much by other people.
I like the game although I did not grew up with FMV games. but still the majority of people seem to be not that interested in it.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by The_Blog
IAmSinistar: I did too. And gifted a copy as well.
trentonlf: Had to buy it too, love train sims or any good sim for that matter :-)
Did you both play the Railroad Tycoon games?
wizardofid: It will nox be Pharaoh and Cleo it shall be nox, or nox, so far gog has been teasing's only fair I get served nox, since I have been waiting the whole noxing day :p
the_voivod: You missed Nox?! What.
yes sad, sad story of my life :( :p
Maxvorstadt: Speaking of gift, I have a short story for you all:
That reminds me of an old poem.

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why we call it the present.
Tarnicus: I've had to wipe my brain a few times in order to make space. It reminds me of this Leunig cartoon I loved as a child.
That's Gary Larson I think, but thanks to you I discovered Leunig. Never heard of him, seems pretty funny.

Edit: I like it^^
Post edited March 05, 2015 by requested
Fellin: Insomnia sale:

Cons: Lack of sleep

Pros: All the friendly GOGers on the forums

Oh and cheap games..
madth3: Wait... there's games?

I came for the tracker thread. :P
Yeah, I'm starting to think I'm here for the wrong reason now :P