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the_voivod: Oh, not at all; I'll be back here tomorrow, possibly trying to annoy people less with Noxmania (although you have to admit, pretty epic how quickly it sold. Actually, screw it; Nox always needs to be promoted).
Glad to hear it! And, hey, there's always the third time around for Nox. People will need to know and/or be reminded of its excellence.
IAmSinistar: I'm out of here for the night, folks. I may not be able to post as heavily tomorrow, so I'm going to see if I can promote the Cattenator to the Concatenator and let him run the lists for the day.

Meanwhile, if anyone is on overnight game key duty, here are some upcoming games people mentioned they were interested in:

Din's Curse
Return to Mysterious Island
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut

Have fun you all!
You and your offline life...-laughs-

Have a good night, sleep well when you get there. =)
Time to class, hope I don't miss anything fun.
gigafood1: Hmmmm... Is it worth making an alarm for 3 am and losing an hour of sleep to get Grimrock 2...
Mister-Gosh: I don't think so.
Lol yeah that was mostly rhetorical, I'm gonna buy it whether its $11 or $24 anyways, but the discount would be nice.
I"m a bit confused by days and cycles, will Dead State come up again... if so, any way to calculate approximately when?

gigafood1: Hmmmm... Is it worth making an alarm for 3 am and losing an hour of sleep to get Grimrock 2...
Depending on what timezone your in, it won't be anywhere near 3. I got it around that time (EST) last night and it won't come up again till this current round ends. If I'm not mistaken we've still got another 20-25 games to go, and I seriously doubt we'll get very far into round 3 just based on how slowly everything has been selling.

For reference, its 9:41pm here.
Shendue: We should get a "I survived the Keaning" badge for it or something like that.
kimyeongtae: I was at Tokyo Disneyland with my children when the Keane incident occurred. I thought sale-watching insomnia would help time go by while we waiting for rides, but KEANE!!!! Combining those wait times with Keane was like some kind of cruel torture.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by jackster79
Mister-Gosh: I don't think so.
gigafood1: Lol yeah that was mostly rhetorical, I'm gonna buy it whether its $11 or $24 anyways, but the discount would be nice.
Yeah, I meant that given that it's been out twice already and round 2 isn't finished, it"s a long way to go..
Augmenti: I"m a bit confused by days and cycles, will Dead State come up again... if so, any way to calculate approximately when?

It will come up one more time, but no one knows for sure when.
Augmenti: I"m a bit confused by days and cycles, will Dead State come up again... if so, any way to calculate approximately when?

Will it come up again? Yes.

Any idea when that will occur? No.
Mister-Gosh: I don't think so.
gigafood1: Lol yeah that was mostly rhetorical, I'm gonna buy it whether its $11 or $24 anyways, but the discount would be nice.
I would suggest asking a forum member who will be here to grab it for you, however you appear to be a brand new member, so that might not fly.
gigafood1: Hmmmm... Is it worth making an alarm for 3 am and losing an hour of sleep to get Grimrock 2...
resevil239: Depending on what timezone your in, it won't be anywhere near 3. I got it around that time (EST) last night and it won't come up again till this current round ends. If I'm not mistaken we've still got another 20-25 games to go, and I seriously doubt we'll get very far into round 3 just based on how slowly everything has been selling.

For reference, its 9:41pm here.
Yeah some other post said it might be around then, but I doubt it. Was joking about the alarm. Might still get it, though, if it goes on sale after noon tomorrow.
IAmSinistar: I'm out of here for the night, folks. I may not be able to post as heavily tomorrow, so I'm going to see if I can promote the Cattenator to the Concatenator and let him run the lists for the day.

Meanwhile, if anyone is on overnight game key duty, here are some upcoming games people mentioned they were interested in:

Din's Curse
Return to Mysterious Island
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
Have fun you all!
there fixed that for you :)
and G'night
gigafood1: Lol yeah that was mostly rhetorical, I'm gonna buy it whether its $11 or $24 anyways, but the discount would be nice.
djdarko: I would suggest asking a forum member who will be here to grab it for you, however you appear to be a brand new member, so that might not fly.
Yeah that's my issue. Don't normally use GOG, but while watching the sale I saw the forum and figured id chat for a bit while waiting. Meh, like I said, if I miss it, I'll pay the $24 anyways, I've been wanting it for a while and I have a long weekend.
I finally got a crit for The 11th Hour. Not as cool as Shadowgate since I've got a hard copy of it, but appreciated nonetheless!