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Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms looks great, but I don't think my poor laptop will be able to run it fine XD
Eh SHK could be quite yummy
FearfulSymmetry: Yeah, I bought them because I thought they would be good. :D I'll get around to them some time soon, hopefully. And yes, that's a good point. Yet another reason for me to wait before buying this one. :)

Well, it 'helps' that I injured my neck a while back, so if my head were to droop or something, that movement would go accompanied by a nice jolt of pain. Good incentive to stay awake. :P I'm impressed you manage to fall asleep at a desk so often, though!
CarrionCrow: Okay, that sucks. I'm sorry to hear you got injured.

Years of practice, I've gotten used to it.
It's okay, I'm seeing a physical therapist and I'm improving, it's just slow going for now. :)

I tend to have a hard time falling asleep on anything but a bed. Even a couch doesn't always work for me. When I was in Berlin I even saw some people sleeping while standing up on the metro - that seems so amazing to me, I don't get how they do it. I guess everyone is wired differently. :)
jesushmacy: I didn't feel like doing anything at work today anyway
My new hero. :D
tinyE: Am I the only one today who has rushed to get a game only to realize I already have the damn thing? :P

Feel free not to be honest about that. XD
LynetteC: Done it at least three times already! lol So glad it's not just me. :-)
I remember you too from last insomnia sales I think. =o
LynetteC: Woohoo! Insomnia! And not just any old Insomnia, it's Double Insomnia! But dammit GOG, it's two weeks until payday and the car's booked in for it's service and MOT on Friday!

It's nice to see some freebies have already appeared although I've not had any luck on that front. Still, it's early days yet.

Bring on the caffeine and let the games roll by! :-)
Hey girlfriend! Nice to see you. Make yourself comfortable, looks like it's going to be a looong trip!

How have you been doing?
It's a work day for me, but I'm at home with a house full of sick family ^_^; Means I can be around more for the sale, at least :D
LynetteC: Bring on the caffeine and let the games roll by! :-)
Good to see you made it! We've got most of the old gang at hand now, just waiting on a few stragglers. :)
I was going to mention Vangers, but it's already gone.

New Seasoned deal: Star Wars: X-Wing Special Edition (-50%) [200]
I've messaged BenKii about X-Wing!

EDIT: They went FAST! Hope he saw my message in time!
Post edited March 02, 2015 by genkicolleen
Ok Xwing should fly off...get it
Post edited March 02, 2015 by opticq
On another note - I'm almost ashamed to admit it - I got Vangers for free as well. I grabbed it because I thought it would be a waste if I didn't, but it's not really my cup of tea, so I got it as a gift. Is there anyone here who would like to have it?
X-Wing SE at 50%, 200 pieces.
Shadows would have been the first game on my wishlist to pop up (and a rather tentative one there at that) if not for the pricing. As it is, moving on...

And there's X-Wing for those asking for Lucas games. 200 - 50%
Let's see how that one is going. :)