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IAmSinistar: I'm on the default 20post/page setting and I consistently get sent back 4 pages.

It takes you back to how far GOGbear has read so far. ;)
Well, I'm on the 50posts/ pg and I get thrown back 2 pages every time I post. Would that mean that Theodore reads at a different speed based on people's settings? ;-P
New Fresh deal: Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms (-60%) [150]
Myst was my biggest buy regret ever. Many love it though. I instinctively clicked on buy now for perhaps a freebie. Luckily I didn't get it. :P
Senteria: I got 0 freebies, which is okay. I wonder if you have to click on the 'buy now' thing the moment it appears or if you need to wait a bit. I dunno.
stg83: Its all very random and doesn't seem to matter when you click, but I have noticed that folks that get one do end up getting another while some continue to have a dry spell. For the previous promo I didn't get a single freebie and so far still out of luck for this one but will keep trying. :)
Yeah, it seems extremely random. I didn't get any freebies last time around and this time I've landed three, so there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to it.
Woohoo! Insomnia! And not just any old Insomnia, it's Double Insomnia! But dammit GOG, it's two weeks until payday and the car's booked in for it's service and MOT on Friday!

It's nice to see some freebies have already appeared although I've not had any luck on that front. Still, it's early days yet.

Bring on the caffeine and let the games roll by! :-)
Sachys: ...Dr.Seuss?
And the GOGrinch's wallet grew three sizes that day.
MarkoH01: Play those games! They are something of the finest the adventure genre has to offer imo. Also remember that Dreamfall Chapters is an episodic game with an open schedule (they want to finish it in 2015 with all books released but at this pace I don't think they will meet this goal. Although it's better if they make it right without bugs then to make it in time).
FearfulSymmetry: Yeah, I bought them because I thought they would be good. :D I'll get around to them some time soon, hopefully. And yes, that's a good point. Yet another reason for me to wait before buying this one. :)

CarrionCrow: You're fortunate. I spend half the time falling asleep at my desk, so it's not easier to stay up that way.
FearfulSymmetry: Well, it 'helps' that I injured my neck a while back, so if my head were to droop or something, that movement would go accompanied by a nice jolt of pain. Good incentive to stay awake. :P I'm impressed you manage to fall asleep at a desk so often, though!
Okay, that sucks. I'm sorry to hear you got injured.

Years of practice, I've gotten used to it.
Is Shadows: Heretic Kingdomms worth the money?
Darn this game would have been awesome to get as a freebie. Oh well. :)
Senteria: Myst was my biggest buy regret ever. Many love it though. I instinctively clicked on buy now for perhaps a freebie. Luckily I didn't get it. :P
Haha....this is the first time I have seen someone say they were lucky not to get a freebie.
Grargar: New Fresh deal: Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms (-60%) [150]
Nice! Who are going to be the lucky ones to get it for free?
I didn't feel like doing anything at work today anyway
high rated
Grargar: New Fresh deal: Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms (-60%) [150]
HypersomniacLive: Nice! Who are going to be the lucky ones to get it for free?
Not it. 0 for all of them so far...

This is the first I don't have that I will not buy. (Budget...)
LynetteC: Woohoo! Insomnia! And not just any old Insomnia, it's Double Insomnia! But dammit GOG, it's two weeks until payday and the car's booked in for it's service and MOT on Friday!

It's nice to see some freebies have already appeared although I've not had any luck on that front. Still, it's early days yet.

Bring on the caffeine and let the games roll by! :-)
Couldn't have said it better myself. ;)
tinyE: Am I the only one today who has rushed to get a game only to realize I already have the damn thing? :P

Feel free not to be honest about that. XD
Done it at least three times already! lol So glad it's not just me. :-)