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ElTerprise: No i don't think so.
Splatsch: No I don't remember something between this two, but I may be mistaken.
Thanks to both of you - I suspected as much, but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss a post in the thread. If both of you say that's it, that's probably it :)

Oh, and
ElTerprise: BTW thanks for the tracker. It helps a lot.
You're welcome :)
Pidgeot: ...
And of course : thanks a lot for the tracker ! :D
Nope, nothing between Uru and Uplink...
Buy Ink! You'll be glad you did :P

But I am so glad I wasn't here waiting for Ink to go down
Here comes Shadows.... Quite a few people on the forum wanted this one so I guess it will be sold quickly :)
*waiting for Shadowgate*
Can someone buy one exemplary of Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms for Grargar ? ( )
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Splatsch
Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms is up-350 copies-60% (11.99 euros)

Grargar: Repeat Seasoned deal: Uplink (-75%) [200]

I have to go out, for the time being. Hope I don't miss Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms while I'm out.
Just letting you know... Hope it won't leave too quickly...

ninja'd by Splatsch-oh well...
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Treasure
Shit, where's Grargar?
CarrionCrow: Shit, where's Grargar?
Like everybody when THE game you want appears ^^
Splatsch: Can someone buy one exemplary of Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms for Grargar ? ( )
I can cover for him if that's necessary.
Maxvorstadt: Hmm, a difference from earlier insomnia sales is that the amounts of copies on the sale don`t seem to increase in the second round.
GOG manually changed the game count of some games higher or lower in subsequent rounds in previous sales based on the movement of the individual games. For example, some games that moved really painfully slow might have gotten their total game count lowered for the next round(s), and those that disappeared super fast got increased (D&D RPGs). I don't think the sale adjusts the amounts on its own but rather by manual intervention by GOG to keep the promo moving smoothly and to provide enough copies for high-demand games.
Grargar: Repeat Seasoned deal: Uplink (-75%) [200]

I have to go out, for the time being. Hope I don't miss Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms while I'm out.
I bought a gift code for it, so I have a backup for you if you do not make it in time. Just pm me.
Hey guys, reading day 2 list I saw some of you recommending Beyond Good & Evil and I wanted to ask something:
Does the GoG version works without bugs and crashes and all that stuff?

I got BG&E with a magazine some years ago and I´ve tried to play it 2 or 3 times since then, but it always crashes at some point of the first hours of gameplay or brings me some graphical issues that makes it unplayable. I´ve enjoyed what I´ve played, so I wouldnt mind buying it from GoG if its version is really playable.

BTW, thanks to all of you trackers, I always see the same people managing the tracking post and you do a great job here! :)
CarrionCrow: Shit, where's Grargar?
I think he still has some time.
350 of a regionally priced game above the common budget is going to last a bit.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Klumpen0815