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budejovice: @Sinistar

How the times change. This thread is about 10x larger than the official. :)
IAmSinistar: I truly does the unshielded nuclear pile that is my heart good. :)
All Hail IAmSinistar! Keeper of list! Holder of the Nuclear Heart! Generous Giver to the Less Fortunate! All Around Great Guy!
penumbren: :D I watched STIV yesterday, as it's my favorite of the bunch, and have found myself randomly humming that song ever since. I was very pleased to find a complete version, as I've only ever heard the one in the movie before. It is definitely going on my I HATE THE WORLD playlist.
Crewdroog: You have an "i hate the world" playlist? what pray tell is on it?? :)
It changes over time. Actually, since I haven't worked in an office since September, I haven't needed it lately. I should dig out my iPod and see what's actually on the "F*** Off" list that's still on it. It tends to involve bands like Megadeth, Faith No More, Marilyn Manson, etc., with songs like "Go To Hell" and.... well, nearly any Megadeth song, really. :) Anything that's got that good loud, angry vibe to it.

I'm very much a music person, and while almost anything will work for me for general background noise8, if I'm angry, depressed, upset, mournful, whatever, you can tell by what I'm listening to.

* I'm very partial to 80s hairbands and 40s big band/swing. Yeah, I don't know, either, but those two seem to be the most common "meh, whatever, need music" types that end up being played.
Celton88: Wasteland 2 looks gorgeous, but a little too rich for me to justify buying it. Especially when I have my backlog lol.
xenocidic: Same. Was really hoping for a crit on that one.
Haha me too!
YESSSS! Now i can casually check this sale...I now have most of my wishlist taken care of. Wasteland 2, and both shadow runs. Just wihs Divinity Original sin was on the sale ;(
The_Blog: Already 3:27 am here but it was worth it. Wasteland 2 :3
why do people buy wasteland 2 here when you get a RANGER EDITION boxed for 25 bucks?
How many free games did you guys get from this? I only got one.
Wasteland 2 is moving quick for the price it is
Caine123: why do people buy wasteland 2 here when you get a RANGER EDITION boxed for 25 bucks?
maybe they prefer digital copy, maybe such is not sold in their area
Jacob_1994: How many free games did you guys get from this? I only got one.
Goose here
Post edited March 04, 2015 by xenocidic
Celton88: Wasteland 2 looks gorgeous, but a little too rich for me to justify buying it. Especially when I have my backlog lol.
xenocidic: Same. Was really hoping for a crit on that one.
All of us probably were, not to be this time.

I think GOG must just be saving my crit for the Pillars of Eternity Royal on the final day, that's the only reason I can think of for not getting one yet.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by IanM
opticq: Why does HammerWatch have a sword in its logo anyway?
goplanet: Well, I laughed. +1
Thank you I'm here all night :D
Caine123: why do people buy wasteland 2 here when you get a RANGER EDITION boxed for 25 bucks?
xenocidic: maybe they prefer digital copy, maybe such is not sold in their area
hmmm but you get the steam code in the boxed edition .... :(
xep624: HA! Here comes Wasteland 2 people! The wait was worth it.... Too bad I was the baker and have that one already. But after their recent post of moving to Unity 5 I will be waiting quite awhile with my first playthrough. However I don't mind and I'm glad that this game is being continuously improved!
The_Blog: They are porting it to the new Unity engine? Why? I mean it sounds to good to be true that they would just do it because they can. No extra fees?
They want their game to look good! P Gamer and RPG Watch posted that news recently. No extra charge for users. They game will be easier to mod as well with Unity 5.
xenocidic: maybe they prefer digital copy, maybe such is not sold in their area
Caine123: hmmm but you get the steam code in the boxed edition .... :(
So not DRM-free? Probably that matters to lots of people here.