RagnarTornquist: I don't work for Funcom anymore and I had nothing to do with Age of Conan, but because you ask nicely and because I feel guilty for everything I've ever been even remotely associated with, I'll get you your damn rhino.
Look for a rhinoceros in an upcoming Dreamfall Chapters book. Can't promise it'll be a live rhino, or even a whole rhino, but rhino bits in some shape or form will be produced, or so help me God— I mean GOG.
I know you guys have nothing to do with Funcom anymore, but can you blame a guy for holding a grudge over something as important as this?
And guess what - you just sold another Dreamfall Chapters.
Who says this gaming lark is hard? All you have to do is put rhinoceros in every single one of them & BAM! Instant sale.
A two year old could it.