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This Insomnia sale has been absolutely brutal on my sleep schedule. At the start I had figured it wouldn't be as bad as it was previously because of the two sales going at once. I figured wrong. I kept doing cat naps and setting an 30 minute to hour long alarms but eventually I started to do things like falling asleep during conversations and having my head jerk back up repeatedly, and also when I was leaning back in a chair in the middle of eating a meal... I allowed myself slightly longer intervals for my alarm wakeups after that.
How it feels when I fail to get a crit.
seaspanky: This Insomnia sale has been absolutely brutal on my sleep schedule. At the start I had figured it wouldn't be as bad as it was previously because of the two sales going at once. I figured wrong. I kept doing cat naps and setting an 30 minute to hour long alarms but eventually I started to do things like falling asleep during conversations and having my head jerk back up repeatedly, and also when I was leaning back in a chair in the middle of eating a meal... I allowed myself slightly longer intervals for my alarm wakeups after that.
Haha! That's hardcore! I hope your superhuman efforts were rewarded with lots of crits. :p
This is one of those times where I have to be honest...

Don't buy Anomaly Defenders. Not even at 2.49.

The graphics are dull, the gameplay is monotonous, the sound is repetitive, there's nothing good in it from any of the previous Anomaly games.

It is nothing more than a shitty, disjointed feeling tower defense game that feels like you're playing through an assortment of skirmish maps because the developers couldn't be bothered to weave even the most basic of narratives through it.

Also? The picture of the cyber/robot-woman on the front page entry for the game is bullshit.

That isn't a character. It's just a picture that's shown from a different angle and cropped so its arms don't show during the game.
It shows up when the game gives you tips.

But sadly, the game doesn't provide the key tip of "return this piece of shit and get your money back if at all possible, you've made a huge mistake".

Additionally, the final boss fight will make you feel like someone stole your money after tranquilizing you with half a keg of Nyquil.

And there isn't an ending. The lazy fucking developers couldn't be bothered.

This is the worst of all Anomaly games. Do not buy it. You are wasting money. You could take this money and give it to someone for them to spit in your face, and it'd still be a better use of funds.

Do not buy this game.

There has to be better tower defense games. Gods know the developers put next to no effort in on this one.
And those other games might be free. This game isn't free.

It should be, though.

Quite frankly, this game should come with a coupon that allows you to kick the designers in the nuts hard if you buy it, and kick them twice if you actually finish it.

Don't forget, there's a weekend promo going. Plenty of good games there for less than what they want for Anomaly Defenders.

Realms of Arkania...Journeyman Project...Colonization....Harvester....Covert Action...Sword of the Samurai....

Those are good games. And all of them (aside from Journeyman Project 1) are still cheaper than Anomaly Defenders.

I know what you might be thinking.

"Crow, I want to support Insomnia! Crow, I want it to go away because I want something else that's left!'

Don't give in to that. We have two slots. It would be better for that godsdamned abortion of a game to sit there, and not only for hours, but for DAYS, just as a collective fuck you to any developer who would ream people silly under the false pretense that they would get something with quality and imagination, rather than the reeking pile of maggot-infested baby seal intestines that is Anomaly Defenders.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by CarrionCrow
my sleep schedule was already screwed up before the insomnia sale.
high rated
CarrionCrow: This is one of those times where I have to be honest...

Don't buy Anomaly Defenders. Not even at 2.49.

The graphics are dull, the gameplay is monotonous, the sound is repetitive, there's nothing good in it from any of the previous Anomaly games.

It is nothing more than a shitty, disjointed feeling tower defense game that feels like you're playing through an assortment of skirmish maps because the developers couldn't be bothered to weave even the most basic of narratives through it.

Also? The picture of the cyber/robot-woman on the front page entry for the game is bullshit.

That isn't a character. It's just a picture that's shown from a different angle and cropped so its arms don't show during the game.
It shows up when the game gives you tips.

But sadly, the game doesn't provide the key tip of "return this piece of shit and get your money back if at all possible, you've made a huge mistake".

Additionally, the final boss fight will make you feel like someone stole your money after tranquilizing you with half a keg of Nyquil.

And there isn't an ending. The lazy fucking developers couldn't be bothered.

This is the worst of all Anomaly games. Do not buy it. You are wasting money. You could take this money and give it to someone for them to spit in your face, and it'd still be a better use of funds.

Do not buy this game.

There has to be better tower defense games. Gods know the developers put next to no effort in on this one.
And those other games might be free. This game isn't free.

It should be, though.

Quite frankly, this game should come with a coupon that allows you to kick the designers in the nuts hard if you buy it, and kick them twice if you actually finish it.
So.... Uhm.... I shouldn't buy it?
CarrionCrow: [nothing but glowing praise for Anomaly Defenders]
trentonlf: So.... Uhm.... I shouldn't buy it?
How on Earth did you arrive at that interpretation? =)
CarrionCrow: Quite frankly, this game should come with a coupon that allows you to kick the designers in the nuts hard if you buy it, and kick them twice if you actually finish it.
You convinced me sir! I will buy it. I enjoy kicking designers in the nuts!!
trentonlf: So.... Uhm.... I shouldn't buy it?
No buy it it's great! (I'm totally lying - I just said that because I think this game stalled HARD in the first or second round ;) )

By the way, my internet connection hates me - is this the first game after Smugglers or did I miss 1 / 2? Not that it matters, I'm just curious.
CarrionCrow: Quite frankly, this game should come with a coupon that allows you to kick the designers in the nuts hard if you buy it, and kick them twice if you actually finish it.
KOCollins: You convinced me sir! I will buy it. I enjoy kicking designers in the nuts!!
That's the problem, though. It's an imperfect world.

In a better world? Each person who bought that would get a personal apology, and THEN you get to kick them in the nuts.

In this frigging world, all you'll get is an assault charge.

Additional - maybe some of you have seen me screaming before. Maybe you're thinking "Hey look, Crow's starting to foam at the mouth again, they're just being funny."

But I'm not. That game is fucking garbage. Buy something better. Hell, if it's Anomaly Defenders or nothing, go get a bite to eat.

McDonald's food sucks, but you could still get some of that for 2.49.

You could get a fountain drink that's more water than syrup and a paper bowl of stale nacho chips and cold cheese sauce from some scummy convenience store where no one even pretends to give a shit, and it'd still be better.

You know why? Because at least the people at the scummy convenience store aren't bullshitting you.

You know what you're getting, and you know it's gonna suck really, really bad.

Until the Anomaly Defenders developers show up on GOG and publicly proclaim that their game kinda sorta eats the weeping pustules from a decaying dick?
The convenience store people are still better.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Ixamyakxim: No buy it it's great! (I'm totally lying - I just said that because I think this game stalled HARD in the first or second round ;) )

By the way, my internet connection hates me - is this the first game after Smugglers or did I miss 1 / 2? Not that it matters, I'm just curious.
Yep, first one after Smugglers
CarrionCrow: That's the problem, though. It's an imperfect world.

In a better world? Each person who bought that would get a personal apology, and THEN you get to kick them in the nuts.

In this frigging world, all you'll get is an assault charge.
Is there no justice! The league of nut-kickers cannot stand for this much longer. We must needs demand free nut-kickings for all!

You gotta fight for your right to nut-kick!
I still have a copy of Little Big Adventure 1 that needs a home. I'm holding a drawing for it(among other things) over here and no one is in for it yet, so anyone who enters for it should have good odds. :)
Geralt_of_Rivia: Then you have to apply some gentle force. ;-)
genkicolleen: Hah, like ddickinson's threats to fly to whomever's home and force feed the game on them? XD
they wouldnt even get the train to York!
CarrionCrow: Quite frankly, this game should come with a coupon that allows you to kick the designers in the nuts hard if you buy it, and kick them twice if you actually finish it.
KOCollins: You convinced me sir! I will buy it. I enjoy kicking designers in the nuts!!
Oh? How often has this happened before?

*Game designers and aspiring designers back out of the room slowly, keeping one eye on KOCollins and both hands at waist level.*