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The_Blog: 8th freebie time :D
Mousecraft AGAIN.
Anybody willing to trade it for Defender's Quest?
Grats, The_Blog.
MaGo72: Stumbles into the thread, good I did not miss Xenoauts.

By the way patching WoW manually takes some time. I start to hate incremental patches.
opticq: Why are you doing it manually?
I try to get a working WotLK 3.3.5 version running.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by MaGo72
I guess Rayman is a good plat former with nice graphics, but recently there has been abundance of that genre.... Plus some old gamers (like me) don't want to play platformers anymore.
MaGo72: snip
opticq: Why are you doing it manually?
MaGo72: I try to get a working WotLK 3.3.5 version running.
For a private server? I used to have a lot of fun on Blizzlike private servers
gildia: Finally got my first critical hit! It was on MouseCraft. I was just about to give up all hope of ever getting one too. My faith in the GOG gods has been restored.
Congrats! I'm still waiting and clicking :)
gildia: Finally got my first critical hit! It was on MouseCraft. I was just about to give up all hope of ever getting one too. My faith in the GOG gods has been restored.
Congrats. That's a fun puzzle game similar to Lemmings. I picked it up during a sale when GOG had bundle with several puzzle games.
Edit: nevermind
Post edited March 08, 2015 by opticq
MaGo72: snip

I try to get a working WotLK 3.3.5 version running.
opticq: For a private server? I used to have a lot of fun on Blizzlike private servers
Aye, I played till MoP, but in my opinion WoW went downhill with everything after WotLK. I had a look at Warlords of Draenor and thought about jumping back in. Then I read reviews, had a look at the game at a friend, where he explained all the changes to me and well, I guess I start playing on a private server.
Malek: Just to make sure - I expect that by this point any chances to get Grimrock 2 have already passed by, yes?
If you were waiting for this particular one and missed the opportunity, I can gift it to you.
gildia: Finally got my first critical hit! It was on MouseCraft. I was just about to give up all hope of ever getting one too. My faith in the GOG gods has been restored.
Geralt_of_Rivia: Congrats. That's a fun puzzle game similar to Lemmings. I picked it up during a sale when GOG had bundle with several puzzle games.
The one with Qube, Blocks that Matter, Clarc, and Tetrobot & Co?
murcielago: Some pending games and movies will be keaning here till next sunday :-P
Only Keaning or acutally even MINDing?
Edit: Cannot believe that I was Ninja'd here...
Post edited March 08, 2015 by MarkoH01
Morning all! (or whatever it may be for you) thinking about that one....

Anyway, if someone could be so kind, what did I miss between when Gabriel Knight and Mind were up and now?
Just noticed your avatar... and while that game is on my wishlist there is just something about a knight fighting people with a shovel that smacks of so much silliness that it comes close to ruining the suspension of disbelief...

Still going to get it at some point X^D
The_Blog: 8th freebie time :D
Mousecraft AGAIN.
Anybody willing to trade it for Defender's Quest?
Otherwise I would be happy gifting it to someone for free too :)
I would be interested in Mousecraft but I don't have Defender's Quest to give.
ymerejsasnak: Morning all! (or whatever it may be for you) thinking about that one....

Anyway, if someone could be so kind, what did I miss between when Gabriel Knight and Mind were up and now?
Raven, Defender's Quest and Aarklash
ymerejsasnak: Morning all! (or whatever it may be for you) thinking about that one....

Anyway, if someone could be so kind, what did I miss between when Gabriel Knight and Mind were up and now?
Those are the last games that came up:
2015-03-08 13:22:10: Torchlight EUR 1.99 (EUR 13.39) [85%] (200 copies)
2015-03-08 13:15:08: MouseCraft EUR 3.99 (EUR 13.39) [70%] (150 copies)
2015-03-08 13:00:40: Aarklash: Legacy EUR 3.59 (EUR 17.79) [80%] (100 copies)
2015-03-08 10:50:09: Raven, The: Legacy of a Master Thief EUR 3.79 (EUR 24.99) [85%] (300 copies)
2015-03-08 10:23:17: Defender's Quest EUR 1.99 (EUR 13.39) [85%] (300 copies)
2015-03-08 03:36:19: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers – 20th Anniversary Edition EUR 8.09 (EUR 19.99) [60%] (600 copies)
2015-03-08 02:20:55: MIND: Path to Thalamus EUR 2.89 (EUR 11.59) [75%] (400 copies)
Post edited March 08, 2015 by final_option