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Anaxphone: Out of curiosity, can the Logitech be used with either hand, or is it righty only?
Which one? I'm sure there are ones made for left-handers
opticq: Oh definitely, we are like in the golden age of great TV. So many good scripted TV shows.
Indeed. Several series nowadays are better than the majority of movies.
MarkoH01: And each at least a 1000 pieces.
bugamn: If this happens this Insomnia sale will wander into Christmas 2016.
At least we'll beat the record for the longest thread.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Shendue
Anaxphone: Look here.
Shendue: That list hasn't been updated for a while.
The sale is going so slow now that the only change is that GK still is in the list.
Shendue: That list hasn't been updated for a while.
Other than Gabriel Knight, is there anything on there that's incorrect as of now? Things have been moving so painfully slow, that I think it's correct otherwise.
foxworks: Watch out for poo! :p
trentonlf: I came prepared, wearing a full hazmat suit!!
A husky in a hazmat. Pics or it didn't happen. ;-)
skeletonbow: snip
opticq: That's absurd. Another reason to not like Razer. This is exactly why I'm taking my sweet time to research about my PC build. Brand loyalty for hardware in my opinion is not such a good thing.
I agree completely. I would have to say however that I am brand loyal to Logitech, insofar as I give them the benefit of doubt when I weigh up on a potential hardware purchase, I assume it will work great and be high quality, but only because every single piece of Logitech hardware I've ever bought or been given I used to death and it still works to this day, even the mouse I got in 1993. I have another mouse later that had what I'd call a kung-fu grip on it for lack of a better explanation and a button on the side (don't recall the model), from about 1997 or 1998 or so. It was one of their first fancy pants ergonomic mice, and I used the hell out of that thing and eventually after several years the left button started to not work right simply from wear and tear over 16 hours a day of abuse for 4 years or so. Took it apart and found that the plastic on the button that contacts the microswitch gradually eroded as they would in any mouse really. I took some epoxy and put a blob on it and let it harden, then took a dremel to it to fine tune it a bit. That mouse still works now in 2015 on my server upstairs now about 13+ years since I did the repair job after it had a full life already.

I've never had any problems at all with any other Logitech gear, but I own probably about 15 or so of their mice, including 2 wireless ones, a wireless keyboard, the G600, a Quickcam webcam, a cordless rumblepad 2 game controller and a newer wired model, and my most recent purchase was the Logitech G27 racing wheel system which is friggen amazing. I probably have another half dozen or so Logitech peripherals I forgot about. Hard not to have some amount of brand loyalty with such a great track record so far. :) The only one qualm I have with Logitech is that I contacted them a long time ago to become a member of their developer program, to access hardware documentation and after several attempts they never returned my emails. Wasn't able to add cool features to the X11 mouse drivers that I had hoped to in order to make the best of their hardware, but that's a rather minor nitpick. :)
Sinistar will be back on Mon wondering why the sale isn't over haha.
opticq: Which one? I'm sure there are ones made for left-handers
The giant 20 button programmable one.

And actually, there are very few left-handed mice out there, with what ones I can normally find being, frankly, of poor quality. Usually I have to look for an undifferentiated one or, in emergencies, use a righthanded one, which is incredibly awkward.
Ominousrobot: it's so pretty... that's going on the list
opticq: What exactly are you looking for? I might be able to help
I have a logitech M905 which is both small and reliable as hell. I was looking at upgrading to the M950t because of the extra buttons but i wasn't too keen on that big thumbrest thing and the size. That G502 looks too big for me now i have watched the video. I primarily use my computer for design so i like a mouse with a small form factor so i don't get RSI, wireless is nice but not essential and i don't play much online so i don't need all the tomfoolery that accompanies the hardcore gaming mouseses.

On a related note, i have the Logitech K750r Keyboard and it is fantastic for typing and never needs batteries. works great for gaming too if you don't care about having the mechanical feels.
opticq: That's absurd. Another reason to not like Razer. This is exactly why I'm taking my sweet time to research about my PC build. Brand loyalty for hardware in my opinion is not such a good thing.
skeletonbow: snip
Yes I agree, Logitech and Steelseries have not failed me yet. But still I do my research and read reviews as to not have headaches later on. I've owned 3 Logitech mice, 2 Steelseries keyboards, 1 Steelseries mouse and 2 Steelseries mousepads. All of them were still in great condition when I donated them.

The amount of times I've dropped my current Logitech mouse yet it still works is incredible.
skeletonbow: snip
opticq: Yes I agree, Logitech and Steelseries have not failed me yet. But still I do my research and read reviews as to not have headaches later on. I've owned 3 Logitech mice, 2 Steelseries keyboards, 1 Steelseries mouse and 2 Steelseries mousepads. All of them were still in great condition when I donated them.

The amount of times I've dropped my current Logitech mouse yet it still works is incredible.
Yep, me too absolutely - reviews are a must. You can't trust them alone due to the combination of fanbois and astro-turfing etc. but you can get some ideas over enough of them from various websites. I'm hoping that Logitech makes feet-mice in the future, I have unused appendages that could be doing something in games. :)
apehater: its a quite interesting idea to play a dumb fps with voice control:


Crewdroog: omg i'm laughing so hard right now!
You don't need to imagine it, you can watch it: Bang, Bang, Bang, Pew, Pew!!!
opticq: What exactly are you looking for? I might be able to help
Ominousrobot: M950t
Oh hay that's my current mouse. I LOVE it. It is so comfortable and like I'm sure you know the infinity scroll is incredible. I would suggest you get it if you are looking for a bigger mouse. It's durable and feels great.
opticq: Which one? I'm sure there are ones made for left-handers
Anaxphone: The giant 20 button programmable one.

And actually, there are very few left-handed mice out there, with what ones I can normally find being, frankly, of poor quality. Usually I have to look for an undifferentiated one or, in emergencies, use a righthanded one, which is incredibly awkward.
Looks like there is a Naga for left handers

But yeah I can only imagine that having a smaller selection is frustrating.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by opticq
Anaxphone: And actually, there are very few left-handed mice out there, with what ones I can normally find being, frankly, of poor quality. Usually I have to look for an undifferentiated one or, in emergencies, use a righthanded one, which is incredibly awkward.
A good friend of mine, who is a gamer, is left-handed. He just uses the keyboard with the dominant hand and the mouse with the right. He taught himself to.
opticq: Looks like there is a Naga for left handers

But yeah I can only imagine that having a smaller selection is frustrating.
Not to sounds ungrateful, but isn't that literally the same model (except handedness) that skelentonbow just told a horror story over?