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xenocidic: how the heck does your thumb know which of the 20 buttons it's pressing?
Shendue: According to reviews, you get used to it pretty quickly.
Indeed. It *looks* complicated but you'd be amazed at how super fast you start to intuitively use those buttons without realizing you're doing it. For example, I have configured the mouse for Firefox with:

Tab-left Home Page-up
Tab-right End Page-down
Undo-close Fullscreen Close-tab

And the scroll wheel's left/right side buttons to back/forward. I also have a mode button configured to switch to alternative configurations while I use it for certain tasks. Makes web browsing a breeze, most things are all one button on the mouse so I rarely ever need to touch the keyboard for that stuff. I set up all applications like this, and put the most frequently used features on buttons so I end up using them often enough to remember them all. Took only hours and my brain was retrained to think "this is how it is done" without conscious thought. :)
MarkoH01: You are right but you don't know it any other way. In Germany EVERYTHING is dubbed. I grew up with German voices of "A-Team" and "Fall Guy" (Here it is called "Ein Colt für alle Fälle") and did not even KNOW that this is not the original language. I remember when I first saw an original episode of Dallas on DVD how I was shocked that they all had a Texas dialect. Of course it is original but for me it was new. Still cannot force myself to watch "Columbo" in original version - that is what nostalgia can do to you.
zenwan: That's very true. I went to watch one of the Lord of the Rings movies here with a German friend. Most movies and US TV shows here, except children's ones, are subtitled, not dubbed, for various reasons, mostly cost, I think, so he got to hear the actor's real voices for the first time, and wasn't very impressed.
Even Ian Mckellen's voice didn't move him much, I was stunned.
But sometimes there are advantages. It took a loooong time until I noticed that Sean Connery lisps.
Big disadvantage of being used to dubbed versions. You favourite TV-Show can be ended not only because an actor dies but even if the voice actor dies. Imagine loving a show with a character and one voice. After three seasons or so tzhey have to change the voice actor - unwatchable!
While I fully expect both of these games to still be up when I wake up, in the event that Blocks That Matter comes up before I post again, can someone please grab a copy for me? Thanks very much in advance to whomever (potentially) does!
Insomnia standstill, looks like it is going to drag to monday also
xenocidic: how the heck does your thumb know which of the 20 buttons it's pressing?
MaGo72: I do not know that either, but when I was playing WoW back then, I knew of a bunch of people using it and they were quite fast as most people said after duels etc. " You're using macros".

That reminds me, I need to find a good Blizzlike WotlK server.
Indeed, it is insanely programmable and you can set up complex macros with set timing intervals between keystrokes, make/break, one-shot/continuous/repeat, and set repeat rate, as well as create scripts. Very powerful and useful however in a multiplayer context it may be considered an unfair advantage or even cheating, so any gamer such as myself with strong multiplayer ethics will either disable all that, or if I would prefer to use some functionality - I'll let other gamers know I have it and the features I'd prefer to use unless anyone objects. Often people just don't give a crap, but I care about the principle of the matter so I always ask. I wouldn't expect most people to be as courteous though.
jackster79: Just had a look at Carcassonne... and wept!

All those expansions!

Did you just only get the base game, or somehow get the lot? That is one part of today's table-top gaming that bugs me: late-comers have no chance to get a "complete" set up to the latest whatever is out without a small fortune.

As for the game itself it seems intriguing - going to look at it some more.
Shendue: It's basically considered one of the three pillars of modern european tabletop classics along with Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride.
All 3 of them have many expansions, but those are entirely optional, since the base games are just amazingly good. And i'm talking Monopoly or Risk! good. The kind of games that you can play with basically anyone because they are not complex at all but at the same time they can get pretty tactical as well when you become experienced at them.
I just bought the base Carcassonne. Maybe i'll buy some expansions later on, if i want to try something different. They say some of them are pretty good.
I would add [url=]Alhambra[/url] to the list.
opticq: My mouse & keyboard.

They are still unopened while I'm saving money for a computer I'm building in May.
Shendue: snip
Yeah I corrected myself later, I actually have the G502, I got the numbers mixed up. Yeah for typing I have trouble with my current Steelseries keyboard but it's nice for gaming. I have a marathon mouse I think from Logitech.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by opticq
CarrionCrow: Never got to see the movie version of it. Didn't even know one existed until you mentioned it just now.

Feeling a strong need to track it down, though. =)
osavethechildren: Loved that show. Had crush on main character.

If you're looking for the 'pilot', it's called Nick Knight:

I think there were 3 seasons, each a DVD set, also on Amazon.
Page bookmarked. Thank you for showing me.

Granted, it's going to be a while before I can buy it since GOG kinda sorta has all my frigging money right now...-laughs-
bugamn: If other games are like GK it will last until the end of the month.
gamefood: Cognition and FTL(because everyone owns it already xD) might be also good candidates for the throne of Keane.
I missed FTL, so if it comes again, that will be one less.

I could swear that nothing has moved since I came online, I might as well have slept late. Just like the last few days, the mornings (European mornings, that is) are a washout.
I think I'll go for a walk along the cliffs and enjoy the fresh sea breezes.

Enjoy your morning / evening / night.
Yeah I normally don't become a fan of hardware makers, I generally go with what looks good and what works well. And for this reason I don't touch Razer, that bright green looks horrible to me. Now if only Steelseries' mice had more buttons. I dig the simple black and white.
Shendue: There are others, like this one:

Also, laser is pretty much a thing of the past. Nowadays the best ones are considered those with the newest optical sensors.
zenwan: Thank you again. My mouse is pretty old, not surprising that it's now dated. I need to keep up with mouse technology, that's clear. Mine is definitely due for replacing soon, although I find it hard to buy a mouse I can't try out first - always keeping carpal tunnel in mind....
What's funny is that when I was in college in 1993, in AutoCAD class we had those CAD tablets with 16 button tablet pucks which if you've never seen one is a mouse-like device with a crapload of buttons on it. Show me buttons and I just about cream in my pants so I couldn't help but think how awesome a mouse with that many buttons would be. I remember bitching for years about why there were no 16 button mice and having people throw back dumb comments like "what could that possibly be useful for? Just use the keyboard it has 100+ buttons." Well evidentally someone finally clued in and made it happen, and having those buttons on the mouse is way better than not having them, and way better than having to use the keyboard for everything. Some portion of people have the "less is more" philosophy, but I've always thought that was ridiculous. How can "less" be "more"? MORE is more, less is _less_. If you have more and don't need it, don't use it. If you have less and need more well sucks to be you. So I was thrilled to find someone finally made my AutoCAD puck mouse finally and couldn't throw the money out of my wallet fast enough hehe. :)
osavethechildren: Loved that show. Had crush on main character.

If you're looking for the 'pilot', it's called Nick Knight:

I think there were 3 seasons, each a DVD set, also on Amazon.
CarrionCrow: Page bookmarked. Thank you for showing me.

Granted, it's going to be a while before I can buy it since GOG kinda sorta has all my frigging money right now...-laughs-
The pilot/movie thing is interesting, and a bit different from the series. Worth seeing. And thank, osavethechildren, for supplying that answer while I was rebooting my computer after cat-on-keyboard system froze things up.
So what games are still to come? I can't find any link on the last pages.
MarkoH01: Everything is dubbed here in Germany as well. That is not the problem. It's just that in THIS game the two languages (Gabe being American and speaking English and the Germans speaking German) were part of the game which totally does not work anymore if you dub everything. I can remember this problem in the Tarantino Movie "Inglorious Basterds" where there were German, Americans and French afair ... some things should not be dubbed (works fine with subtitles) and some lines shouldn't be crossed (somebody knows which movie the last one is from?).
I played GKII. In fact it's one of my favourite adventures, i know.
I'm telling you that THE VERY SAME THING happens with a lot of italian movies. Do you have any idea how many movies from the USA and tv serial depict americans going to Italy and acting THE EXACT SAME WAY the characters in GKII do with germans, only with italian people instead?

Yet i don't find it disturbing at all. I see, let's say, Mr. Jones, a US american, speaking in ITALIAN during the whole movie because it's dubbed, that goes to Italy and doesn't understand a single ITALIAN word and tries to express himself IN ITALIAN by speaking slowly and with very hardly spoken ITALIAN words while not understanding the ITALIAN words they tell him back.
Yet, i don't feel like it doesn't work. Since theres a ton of movies in which this happens, i got so used to it that when i see it my brain automatically translates it into "Mr. Jones is talking in ENGLISH, even if it seems italian, and the italian guy is speaking something unintellegible". That's what i see.
What exactly are you looking for? I might be able to help